Not long after, Chu Xia arrived at the Satellite Monitoring Center

"Commander, what do you want from me? Wang

Haijing said straight to the point:

"Take a quick look, is this person the same person you met at Longyuan Base?"

Chu Xia looked at the figure on the screen carefully, and finally said with some uncertainty:

"The image is too blurry, so if you just look at the figure, it should be him."

Wang Haijing said very firmly and somewhat excitedly:

"It must be him! Only he can fly and has space powers!

Unexpectedly, one day he is not bragging, but actually has the ability to destroy the Jiangnan region!

This kid actually destroyed the entire island country and brought so many weapons from the United States."

After hearing Wang Haijing's description, Chu Xia suddenly looked at the wind-like man on the screen with a different look.

"How strong is he really?"


Jiangnan Region.

The artillery fire continued for more than an hour and finally stopped.

The air is filled with a strong smell of gunpowder that won't dissipate for a long time.

��If you look closely, even the barrels of the guns have turned red.

It's enough to see what the Tianshui Base has just experienced.

Chen Yu, who had been observing the war with [God's Eye] in mid-air, slowly fell from the air to the ground.

Hong Yi walked forward, glanced in the direction of Tianshui Base and asked:

"Master, what do you think of this 'military exercise'?"

"I can only say that it’s unsatisfactory. The shooting accuracy of the zombie army needs to be improved. Two shots almost hit me in the head just now, don't let me find out who did it!"Chen Yu replied slightly dissatisfied.

Although these zombies are fighting for the first time, Chen Yu has high expectations for them.

After all, they have been training almost day and night for a year.

After hearing this, the little Loli echoed:

"Master, our firepower is so fierce, how can we be more accurate? I guess there's nothing on Blue Star that can withstand our full firepower. If so, do it a few more times"

"Hot weapons still need to be accurate in their strikes." Chen Yu turned his head and looked at the people around him, raised his eyebrows and said,

"Come on, follow me to see if there are any fish that have escaped the net"


A few seconds later, Chen Yu had arrived next to the Tianshui base.

At this time, the entire base had been blown upside down.

Even the large open space next to the base was left with several meters deep pits.

Those titanium alloy walls that seemed to be able to withstand thousands of troops had already been torn into pieces.

Wherever you look, there are flames that have not yet burned out and smoke from the explosions, as well as some human body fragments whose parts cannot be seen.

The little girl couldn't help but sigh:

"It seems that in the face of absolute firepower, all defenses are useless."

"Of course."Jirola hugged her plump breasts and said with some pride,"Master has almost emptied the weapons of the entire United States. It is not a problem to deal with a small Tianshui base."

Dong Wushuang also nodded repeatedly:

"Not to mention those ordinary humans and low-level aliens, even the Corpse Lord might not be able to withstand the attack just now."

While everyone was chatting heatedly, Chen Yu's sharp eyes slowly swept through the layers of ruins.

Suddenly, his eyes stopped at a corner of the ruins, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised as he said:

"There are actually some fish that have slipped through the net."

As he spoke, Chen Yu walked directly through the layers of obstacles and came to the main hall where Chu Gaoshan lived.

At this time, the main hall had completely collapsed, and the metals were intertwined, forming a sharp contrast with the past glory.

Then As Chen Yu walked slowly, the shattered metal around him automatically separated to two sides, and some even flew directly out.

At the end of the hall, there were several titanium alloy plates more than thirty centimeters thick, which seemed to be piled up. Protecting something.

Chen Yu just had a thought, and the several-ton alloy plates suddenly spread out in all directions, revealing a severely deformed cage.

In the cage, a man with a body and a dog's head covered in blood sat squatting.

It was Chu Gaoshan, the commander of Jiangnan Region.

Seeing that he had been discovered, Chu Gaoshan got out of the cage and said with red eyes:

"Boy, are you the one who destroyed my Tianshui base? Today I will let you see what a level six mutant is!"

Chen Yu snorted coldly and directly used his [God's Eye] control ability.

Chu Gaoshan, who originally wanted to crush Chen Yu, froze on the spot.

Because he found that he could not move at all!

"This...what's going on? Chu Gaoshan said in surprise.

Chen Yu shook his head slightly and said helplessly:

"I thought Chu Gaoshan, who led the Jiangnan region, was very powerful, but it turns out he is just a little Teddy who just reached level 6. What a disappointment!……"

Chen Yu sucked Chu Gaoshan in and crushed his neck with a"crack".

After absorbing all the supernatural power, he returned to Hongyi and the others.

Dong Wushuang saw Chen Yu and walked up to him and asked:

"Master, after today’s battle, your reputation will surely resound throughout Great Xia."

"Yes, the master's plan of killing two birds with one stone is really brilliant. Not only can he train the zombie army, but he can also kill the chicken to scare the monkey. I admire you!" The little girl flattered him.

However, the red-clothed man was not as excited as the others, but remained calm as always.

"Master, what are your plans next?"

Chen Yu stretched his body, turned his head and looked at the girls and said leisurely:

"Next, let's go back to Doomsday Manor and expand the manor. From now on, we will change Doomsday Manor to Happy Manor and live our own lives."

Little Loli nodded fiercely and said:

"Very good! From now on, we can stay away from everything in the outside world and just live our own lives. When the time comes, I will give birth to a son for the master. Hehe, I get excited just thinking about it.……"

Ji Ruola twisted her waist and walked forward, saying somewhat speechlessly:

"I said, sister Chunxia, if the master wants to have a son, he will definitely look for me! There is an old saying in Daxia,"big butts give birth to sons", which is what I am talking about. Moreover, the child born by the master and I is a mixed-race child, which is called"串儿" in your Daxia.’"

Chen Yu rolled his eyes at Ji Ruola speechlessly:"If you can't speak, just shut your mouth.""

"Okay master, I shut up."Jirola chuckled.

Chen Yu glanced at everyone and said:

"Let's go back to the manor first and consider other issues. But I can indeed consider what you said. After all, I have enough ability to protect my children now, so I can be confident.……"

"Master, you must keep your word. Don’t be like before again.……"The man in red smiled, with an intriguing meaning in his eyes.

"Hey, it looks like there will be a bunch more kids in the future."An An shook her head helplessly.

Chen Yu glanced at everyone and said seriously:

"You guys stay in the other world first, I'll go get the others and the heavy weapons, and then we'll go back to the manor."

"Yes, master."

Chen Yu brought everyone into the space and prepared to go to another location.

But at this moment, a very strange thing happened.

Chen Yu actually lost contact with Atu...

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