Because Little Loli and others have never entered the dimensional space, they do not know that the time flow rate in the dimensional space is different from that outside.

It was hard for them to believe that Hong Yi and Yui Watanabe, who were about the same level as them a few days ago, had now become Corpse Emperors.

Little Loli looked at the two corpse kings in front of her, walked to Chen Yu and said with a pout:

"Master, you are too partial. The two sisters are already corpse kings, and we are still just corpse kings.

Chen Yu explained calmly:"After Dr. Li successfully develops the transformation potion, I can take you into the dimensional space." By then, it will be more convenient for you to upgrade"


Little Loli nodded vigorously, her face full of expectation.

Just when Chen Yu was about to ask Dr. Li about the progress of his work, the little eagle that had been flying in the sky suddenly swooped down to Chen Yu

"Master, this is bad! There are two giant snakes crawling towards us in the distance!"

"Giant snake?"

Chen Yu flew into the air, opened his analysis glasses and looked into the distance.

The facts were just as Xiaoying said.

There were two giant snakes more than 2 meters long a few kilometers away, crawling towards the Qingfeng base at high speed.

After a moment of analysis, Chen Yu landed on the ground and said slightly surprised:"It turned out to be two giant snakes that have reached the sixth level.……"

After hearing this, the little Loli widened her eyes and said,"What, two level six snakes? The two sisters have already reached level six. How come two random snakes are level six?"

Atu clenched his fists and said:" No matter what level it is, are there so many of us still afraid of them? What's more, the master is here."

After hearing this, Chen Yu shook his head and said,"I think those two snakes have just reached level six, so there is no need for me. Take action."

Ah Tu was stunned, then looked at Hong Yi and Watanabe Yui and said,"That's right, we have two corpse kings standing guard, so there is no need to be afraid of them."

"No, Hongyi and the others won’t take action either.……"Chen Yu said calmly

"This... Does the master want us to deal with those two level six giant snakes?"

At this time, the little Loli came forward and snorted coldly and said,"Xiao A Tu, are you afraid? There are so many of us, I don't believe we can't beat them!"

"that is!"The little eagle also flapped its wings and said confidently,"Let them taste the power of my feathers later!"

Everyone knew that Chen Yu wanted to train them, so they stopped talking and immediately entered a fighting state.

After a while, two giant snakes came in front of everyone.

One of the green snakes looked at the people in front of them and spat out a message. Zi said:"Sister, let me just say there are a lot of zombies and mutants here, right?

Another flower snake monster laughed and said:"Sister Xiaoqing is really amazing, now we are rich!" It seems that these people are much stronger than the groups of people we devoured!"

"Of course! Let my sister go meet them first!"

As she spoke, the green snake suddenly raised its head and sprayed a mouthful of venomous water at Chen Yu and others.

Hoshino Sakurako took a step forward and said sternly:"Watch me!"

As she spoke, she turned the venom into ice knives and turned the direction of the ice knives to fly towards the green snake.


The ice knives hit the scales of the green snake, as if hitting metal, making bursts of harsh sounds.

At the same time, faint marks were left on the scales of the green snake.

The blocked ice knives were shaken away and fell on the large rocks next to them.

However, these venoms are extremely corrosive.

Even in a frozen state, they corroded deep pits on the stones.

The green snake said with a little surprise:"Oh, I didn't expect this loli corpse king to have two brushes? Unfortunately, your brush has no hair!"

On the other side.

The little loli saw that her sister Sakurako blocked the attack of the green snake, and said without giving in:"Humph, little earthworm, let you taste the power of your sister again!"

While speaking, the two arms that turned into double swords stretched out several meters, and then rotated on the spot.

Seeing this, Ahri whispered:"I'm here to help you!"

After that, he attached himself to the little Loli to enhance her supernatural powers.

Bang, bang, bang!

The double swords chopped on the huge body of the green snake one after another, and even cut off a piece of snake scales.

Seeing this, the flower snake said solemnly:"Sister Xiaoqing, although this guy is small, his strength is far superior to that of ordinary corpse kings. You have to be careful!"

At this time, Ah Tu suddenly drilled out from the ground, stabbed the flower snake with a long knife and said:"Take care of yourself first!"

The flower snake felt a pain in his stomach and straightened up suddenly.

"The kid can't afford it, right? How dare you sneak up on me from underground!"

After saying that, Hua She lowered her head and spit out a ball of flame.

Seeing this, Ah Tu hurriedly retracted underground.

"Ah Tu, how many times have I told you that when you hit a snake, you have to hit it seven inches!"

The little eagle also flew into the air, facing the flower snake's"seven inches""——The tip of the tail attacked.

The people on the side looked at Xiaoying helplessly.

"Damn it, today I will turn you into a roasted chicken!"

The flower snake became a little angry, and directly opened its bloody mouth and spit out a ball of flame.

The flame was so powerful that it even lit up the feathers on the little eagle's butt.

Then, the flower snake stretched out its head at a very fast speed. Xiaoying was about to swallow the latter in one gulp.

Dabai, who had been watching, saw that Xiaoying was in danger and hurriedly activated his charm technique.

Huashe suddenly froze on the spot and his eyes became blurred.

"Hehe, it’s time for me to show off!"

The big head suddenly jumped on the snake's head, raised his fist as big as a sandbag, and kept hitting the flower snake's eyes.

The little eagle took the opportunity to escape to Chen Yu and slapped his butt.

"Master, it's so hot! It's so hot that my ass is smoking……"

Chen Yu shook his head helplessly, took out some water from the space, and then extinguished the fire.

Hua Snake, who recovered on the other side, suddenly threw his big head to the ground, looked at Chen Yu and others angrily and said:"Damn it, I didn't expect you to be so difficult to deal with!"

"Sister, let's go together!"

The green snake didn't dare to be careless, leaning against the flower snake, staring at Chen Yu and others fiercely.

At this time, An An, who had not taken action, stepped forward and prepared to attack the snake.

""An'an, I'm here to help you!"

Ahri left the little girl and attached herself to An'an again.

An'an looked at the two giant snakes and launched [Spiritual Piercing] on them at the same time.

The two giant snakes, which had reached level six, suddenly rolled on the ground.


"It hurts so much!"

The two giant snakes looked as if they were parasitized by sparganosis.

However, they had reached level six after all, so they recovered quickly.

The green snake looked at An An not far away, spitting out its tongue and said,"Damn little guy, you actually have such a powerful mental attack ability!"

"What kind of combination are these?"Green Snake said with a sad face, somewhat speechless,

"How did they get together?"

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