The little girl looked at the two giant snakes that were defeated and couldn't help but sigh:

"An An is too powerful. He is only at the late stage of level four, but he is actually much more powerful than me, the Corpse King! Next, leave these two big snakes to us! I will definitely chop off these two snake heads and give them to the owner to make soup!"

Little Eagle also said angrily:"If you dare to burn my feathers, I will peel off your snake skins!"

Big Tou, Atu and Dabai are also eager to attack the giant snake.


Chen Yu walked forward, looked at the two giant snakes and said seriously,

"It seems that together, you have the ability to fight at a higher level. However, don't break these two snakes, after all, they also have good fighting power."

Little Loli nodded and said:"Okay, then let's beat them both to death. After hearing this

, Hua She laughed loudly and said,"Who gave you the courage to speak arrogantly here?" We were just a little careless just now. You don't really think we can't beat you, do you?"

"that is!"Green Snake looked at the people he had just fought with, and snorted coldly,

"Their highest level is only level five, and they are no match for the two of us."

"wrong!"Hua She suddenly saw the two people in red behind Chen Yu and said with some surprise,"I didn't notice just now, but there are two Corpse Emperors in their team!"

The Green Snake followed the Flower Snake's gaze and indeed saw the two Corpse Kings.

It thought for a moment and said with a greedy expression on its face:

"Sister, let's work together to use our strongest killer move - [Death Coil]! If we devour these two corpse kings, our strength will definitely increase greatly!"

The flower snake hesitated a little.

But in the end, he couldn't resist the temptation in front of him.

"Well, you can't get a tiger cub without risking it. Let's work together to make the strongest attack!"

The flower snake and the green snake instantly jumped above Chen Yu and others.

Then they connected head to tail to form a circle. Then

, the two giant snakes fell to the ground and surrounded Chen Yu and others, and shrank the size of the circle at a very fast speed.

"Finally used your strongest killing move……"

Chen Yu brought everyone into the space, and then activated his [Invisibility] and [Space Shuttle].

The next second, the location where Chen Yu and others were was tightly entangled by two snakes.

Some large rocks surrounded by giant snakes turned into rubble in an instant

"Sister, have we succeeded?"Green Snake asked excitedly

"I don't know either."The flower snake turned to look at the position between the two snakes and said with some confusion,"Why do I feel like they have all run away?"

"All ran away?"

Green Snake also turned around and found that Chen Yu and others were indeed nowhere to be seen.

"Stop looking, I'm here."

Chen Yu suddenly appeared ten meters away from the two giant snakes and said calmly.

The flower snake looked at Chen Yu and said in surprise:"How come this guy is as slippery as a loach!"

The green snake said unwillingly:"Sister, let's try again!"

As they spoke, the two giant snakes used [Death Coil] again.

This time, Chen Yu did not dodge, but turned on his [Space Defense].

The two giant snakes found that the closer their bodies were to Chen Yu, the greater the resistance they encountered.

When their bodies were only 3 meters away from Chen Yu, they could no longer get close to Chen Yu.

The green snake said helplessly:"Sister, what is going on?"

"I do not know either."Hua She didn't expect that she would encounter a tough problem. After thinking for a moment, she finally made up her mind,"Sister, something seems to be wrong. This kid is deliberately training us! Let's retreat quickly!"

The two snakes hurriedly released the [death entanglement] and prepared to escape.

"Now that you are here, please stay and be my subordinate."

Chen Yu activated his [Time Stop] ability, and then directly bound two giant snakes.


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully binding two mutant giant snakes."

After being bound by Chen Yu, the two snakes lay respectfully on the ground and said in unison:"Master, Xiaohua (Xiaoqing) is at your disposal.……"

Chen Yu nodded and said:"Get up. I didn't expect that you guys even have the combined power [Death Coil]. It seems to be quite powerful.""

""Reporting to the master." Xiaohua raised her head and said,"We are twins. After mutation, we not only have our own superpowers, but also have combined superpowers."

"How did you find this place?"Chen Yu continued to ask.

Xiaohua explained:"Because Xiaoqing's sense of smell is very sensitive, he smelled that there seemed to be a fierce battle in this place, and there were relatively strong power fluctuations, so he came here."

"So, you can easily find the location of mutants and zombies?"

"Yes Master. The reason why the two of us reached level six so quickly is because in recent months, we have relied on our unique skills to kill two smaller mutant bases and three groups of zombies at the zombie king level."

After hearing this, Chen Yu understood why these two snakes upgraded so quickly.

Emotions robbed him of a lot of resources.

Chen Yu waved to the green snake and said,"Xiao Qing, can you identify the location of the mutants?"

"Yes Master."Xiao Qing replied respectfully,

"Although my sister and I can smell the smell of mutants and zombies, I am more sensitive to the smell of mutants and mutant animals. My sister is more sensitive to the smell of human zombies and animal zombies."

Chen Yu was a little excited after hearing this.

He didn't expect that he would pick up a treasure today.

These two snakes are not only powerful, but also have the function of"treasure hunting".

With them, it will be easier to find the traces of the aliens and zombies in the island country.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu asked:"Did you find any traces of mutants and zombies on your way here?"

Xiaohua shook her head and said:"Within a radius of 30 kilometers, we did not find large-scale mutants and zombies. Even zombie groups at the level of corpse generals are rare."

Chen Yu nodded slightly, thinking:"It seems that the Dark Night Organization of Qingfeng Base has almost cleaned up the surroundings."

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yu released all the people in the space.

Little Loli and other corpse kings saw the two giant snakes in front of them and were about to step forward to fight with them.

Seeing this, Xiaohua hurriedly explained:"Dear seniors, we two sisters are the same as you, and we have become the master's subordinates!"

Then several people stopped.

Chen Yu looked at the people in front of him, pondered carefully for a while, and then said seriously:

"Now, divide everyone into groups according to their strength.

Datou, Atu and your men are in a group with Xiaohua, Yui, Dabai and Xiaoying.

The rest, except Ahri, were all in the second group."

Of course, Dr. Li has been in the dimensional space, so he did not participate in the grouping.

Little Loli touched her head in confusion and asked weakly:"Master, why did you divide everyone into two groups? Xiaohua thought for a moment and explained thoughtfully:"The master separated Xiaoqing and me because he wanted to rely on our abilities to find zombies and mutants?""

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