After hearing this, the little Loli said with a proud look on her face:"Of course. Now the two of you combined, you may not be my opponent.""

"I feel that Sister Junxia and Sister Sakurako have reached the level of the late Corpse King."Big Tou looked at the little Loli sisters carefully and said with some envy,

"I only regret that I am not a girl, otherwise I would be able to follow my master like a loli sister.

Of course, if the master doesn’t mind that I am a man, I can actually stay with the master all the time.……"

Chen Yu heard Da Tou's outrageous words and threw a bolt of lightning to knock him to the ground.

"Datou, I think you are tough, right? How dare you make fun of me? Datou lay on the ground and jumped around for a while, begging for mercy:"Master, I don't dare to talk nonsense anymore."……"

After Chen Yu finished teaching Datou, he looked at the others and said seriously:

"Everyone has made great progress recently. After a while, everyone will show off their special skills and let me see if there is anything you need to improve."

"I come first��"

Ah Tu took the lead, dived into the ground with a sudden force, and disappeared in an instant.

After a while, he suddenly appeared at the feet of the little Loli, preparing to launch a sneak attack on the little Loli.

"Huh, little Atu, I think you are so brave that you dare to take advantage of me!"

While speaking, the little Loli took a step back, stood upside down and activated her [Double Blade Whirlwind Slash]. Her two long arms were close to the ground, spinning like an electric fan.

As soon as Ah Tu showed his head, he would be The arm was cut to the neck.

Of course, the little Loli restrained herself, otherwise she could have cut off A Tu's head by switching her arms to two swords.

"Hehe, you can't hit me, you can't hit me!"

A Tu saw that he could not make a sneak attack, so he burrowed into the ground again.

At this time, Ah Tu was drilling much faster than before, just like a fish swimming in the water.

"Little Ah Tu, do you think I can't do anything to you?"

As the little girl spoke, one of her hands turned into a knife shape and continued to extend into the pit dug by Ah Tu.

""Ah, my butt!" Ah Tu covered his butt and jumped up from the pit.

Chen Yu looked at the little Lolita and praised:"Little Lolita, it seems that you have used the ability of extending your arms very skillfully."

The long-armed old man in the upper echelons of the Dark Night Organization has been devoured by the little Lolita, so she can extend her arms by more than ten meters.

"Hehe, thank you for the compliment, Master." The little girl retracted her arm and continued with some pride,

"My strongest killing move [Double Blade Whirlwind Slash] combined with extended arms can sweep a large area of enemies."

A Tu came to Chen Yu holding his buttocks, with a look of grievance on his face.

Chen Yu patted A Tu's head and comforted:"Don't worry, I left you a few zombies and mutants with earth powers. You can go to my space and slowly absorb it for a while.

Atu bared his big teeth and said with a smile:"Thank you, master!" Ah Tu is so grateful!"

At this time, Hoshino Sakurako also stepped forward and said:"Master, let me and Datou perform for you next."

While speaking, Hoshino Sakurako gathered the water molecules in the surrounding air together to form hundreds of ice skates.

"【water blade slash】!"

Following Sakurako Hoshino's low shout, hundreds of ice skates flew towards the big head.

If you look closely, you will find that the power of the skate is no longer what it used to be.

And the temperature around the skates is extremely low.

The big head, covered with a layer of titanium alloy armor, withstood the continuous attacks of the ice blade.

However, there were several cracks in the armor.

Finally, hundreds of ice knives surrounded Da Tou, freezing him.

"stop."Chen Yu saw that the winner had been decided and hurriedly stopped the competition between the two.


As Sakurako Hoshino retracted her skates, Da Tou, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, recovered.

Chen Yu said to Da Tou:"Da Tou, I will arrange a few defense zombies and mutants for you later. Then your defense will The strength can be greatly improved."

"Thank you master!" Datou excitedly raised his hands.

Chen Yu looked at Dabai and Xiaoying again.

These two guys have swallowed a lot of crystals recently, and they are already close to level five now!

Dabai saw Chen Yu's eyes and laughed. :"Master, is it my turn to perform? Then just watch it……"

While talking, Dabai activated the charm technique on several people around him in turn.

Except for Ah Li and An An, everyone else fell into Dabai's trap accidentally.

After several people were stunned for a few seconds, they slowly recovered.

Don’t underestimate these few seconds!

Sometimes when masters compete, victory or defeat can be decided in just a few seconds.

Especially when two masters, a man and a woman, were fighting... When the little eagle saw that it was his turn, he said happily:"Master, it's the little eagle's turn to perform!"

As he spoke, the little eagle flew into the air.

It aimed at a few rocks on the road, and then launched its own [Arrow Feathers in the Sky].

Whoosh whoosh!

The hard feathers were like arrows, inserted deeply into the stone.

If this were inserted into the head of a level three zombie, it would definitely be able to hit its head.

Chen Yu nodded and said:"Yes. But the power is still a bit small. It is still difficult to deal with the fifth-level corpse king."

Xiaoying hovered in the air and said:"Master, please don't worry, I will become stronger as soon as possible."

At this time. , the little Loli looked around and asked with some confusion:"Master, why don't you see Sister Hongyi and Sister Yui?"

Chen Yu smiled and said:"They are in my space. I will see them soon, but Don't be surprised."

At this time, more than an hour had passed outside.

As for the time in space, more than half a month has passed!

Hongyi and Yui Watanabe have both become corpse kings not long ago.

Chen Yu waved his hand, and the two corpse emperors appeared in front of everyone.

When Little Loli and the Corpse King saw Hong Yi and Yui Watanabe, their eyes widened in surprise.

If it weren't for the fact that they had been bound by Chen Yu, they would have been kneeling on the ground by now.

But Xiao Loli and others' men were not so lucky.

Because they are not directly controlled by Chen Yu, they are not as affected by Chen Yu as Xiao Loli and others.

At this moment, many low-level zombies, under the pressure of the two corpse kings, were almost free from the restraints of Little Loli and others and knelt on the ground.

This was still under the condition that the two men in red did not fully release their pressure.

The little Loli swallowed her saliva and said with a look of disbelief:"Zombie...Emperor, sister in red has become the Corpse Emperor so quickly!"

Hoshino Sakurako also echoed:

"Even Sister Yui, who was seriously injured a few days ago, has become the Corpse King! How on earth did they do it?"

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