After entering Longyuan Base, Chen Yu did not immediately deal with the guards in the base, but quickly ran into the base.

Because he had already seen clearly that the interior of Longyuan Base was divided into two areas, A and B.

Area B is the periphery of the base, and Area A is the core area of the base.

To enter Area A from Area B, you have to pass multiple verifications.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Yu came to the junction of Area A and Area B.

Chen Yu looked at the seemingly unbreakable doors in front of him and began to think about how to enter.

According to the information Chen Yu learned, if the old tricks were used again, the people in Area A would not open the door easily.

You can only wait for the people inside to open the door and then take the opportunity to go in.

Thinking of this, Chen Yu waited patiently at the door.

On the other side.

The tall man and several younger brothers had rushed to the side of the boulder.

Everyone pointed their guns at the dummy behind the boulder and shouted sternly:"Don't move! Put your hands up!"

However, the dummy behind the boulder did not move.

One of the thin men walked up to the dummy and kicked it in the back.

"grass! Put your hands up, didn't you fucking hear me?"

However, the thin man kicked the dummy, as if the kick was in vain, and stumbled to the ground.

The dummy also flew several meters away.

The thin man covered his butt and shouted at the height in pain. A man said:"Captain Zhang, it seems to be an inflatable dummy! Captain Zhang heard this and quickly led his people to rush forward.

After everyone turned on the flashlights, they saw clearly that the person lying on the ground was a bulging silicone female star.

However, because the thin man’s kick just now was a little too hard, it caused the fake The air was leaking.

Captain Zhang panicked and shouted,"Fuck, we've been tricked. Someone may have used a dummy to lure us out. Go back quickly!""

"team leader!"The thin man pointed behind the boulder and said in a trembling voice,"There is something behind the boulder!"

Everyone looked in the direction pointed by the thin man and found a note and a bottle of zombie virus immunity potion.

Of course, these things were put away by Chen Yu.

Captain Zhang picked up the note on the ground and took a brief look. Then he pointed at the potion and said to the thin man:"Pick up this bottle of potion."

Although the thin man was very scared, he still picked up the potion obediently.

When he saw that the potion in his hand did not cause any harm to him, he felt relieved and read the instructions on the bottle.

"Captain, this seems to be a bottle of zombie virus immunity potion."

Captain Zhang took a look at the potion and grinned,"Take it. If it can really immunize against the zombie virus, we have done a great job! Let's go back to the base!"

The thin man took a look at the dummy and said in surprise,"Brother, how could there be a dummy behind the stone? We clearly filmed her shooting."

Captain Zhang said solemnly,"This matter is too strange, I don't know what's going on."

The thin man looked around and said tremblingly,"Could it be a mutant? Only mutants have this strength"

"Probably. Otherwise, he would not dare to come to our base to show his face."

As soon as everyone arrived at the door of the base, the door was opened by the people inside.

After a few people entered the base, they breathed a long sigh of relief.

Captain Zhang almost did not hesitate, took out his phone and called a number.

After a while, An impatient voice came from the other end of the phone

"Captain Zhang, what were you calling in the middle of the night?! Captain

Zhang smiled apologetically and said,"I'm sorry, Captain Wang, for disturbing your rest." Please inform the leader that I have something important to report."

Although they are both captains, their status is in the sky and on the ground.

Captain Zhang can only guard at the gate of the base, but Captain Wang is the leader's personal guard.

So Captain Zhang can only be polite to Captain Wang.

Wang The captain was woken up and was obviously a little angry.

"What's important? Let me listen first."

Captain Zhang told Captain Wang exactly what happened.

After Captain Wang heard this, he felt no sleepiness at all.

After hanging up the phone, he said to himself:

"Chang Kun had just disappeared when someone quietly approached the base and left a bottle of zombie virus immunity potion and a note. It seems that there should be some connection between these two things. Maybe Chang Kun has leaked information about the base."

After pondering for a moment, Captain Wang did not dare to be careless and hurriedly reported the incident to the sleeping leader.

A few minutes later, a tall and thick-bearded man came out of the room.

"Lao Wang, why are you looking for me in the middle of the night?"

Captain Wang said respectfully:"Chief, someone just attacked the base and left a note.

The leader asked:"What is written on the note?""

"The general content is that the attackers of the base are members of the"Survivor Alliance" who want to seek cooperation with us. The reason for attacking the base is to show their strength. In addition, they also left a bottle of zombie virus immunity potion to express their sincerity in cooperation."

"Zombie virus immunity potion? The leader was slightly excited after hearing this,"Are you sure that bottle of potion can really be immune to the zombie virus?""

"uncertain. I'll let Lao Zhang check it now."

"Well, take the time to report to me after the inspection."

Captain Wang hurriedly called Captain Zhang and asked him to test the effect of the potion as soon as possible.

After hearing this, Captain Zhang hurriedly led his men towards the prison of the base.

There were some prisoners and zombies detained here.

Captain Zhang pointed Pointing to a person in a cell, he said sternly:"Skinny man, drag him out.""

"" Yes, Captain!"

The thin man dragged a middle-aged man chained with iron chains out of the cell.

Then, he gave the middle-aged man a sip of potion according to the instructions on the bottle.

Captain Zhang looked at a cage filled with zombies and said,"Throw him into the zombie cage."


The thin man opened a zombie cage next to him and pushed the middle-aged man in.

In the cage, the zombie locked with iron chains roared and rushed towards the middle-aged man.

"Ah, no!"

The middle-aged man tried his best to push the zombie away, but to no avail.

The zombie bit him on the arm and tore off a large mouthful of flesh.

Upon seeing this, Captain Zhang said calmly:"Okay. Separate them. After hearing this

, the thin man pulled the chain with others and pulled the middle-aged man out.

More than half an hour later, the middle-aged man had not turned into a zombie.

Captain Zhang shouted excitedly:"This He's really immune to the zombie virus! Haha, now we are all promoted!"

He took out his mobile phone and called Captain Wang.

After listening to Captain Zhang's description, Captain Wang turned to look at the leader beside him and asked:"Chief, Lao Zhang has already tested it. Is that potion really effective? Immune to zombie virus"


It's finally out! I spent the whole day editing today, so I only wrote one chapter. I will resume 2-3 chapters tomorrow. In addition, I could have tamed the fox today, but I was afraid that the content would not pass the review and could not be released, so I delayed it. Sorry!

In addition, I hope everyone will continue to support me and strive to restore the data as soon as possible. Alas, the data has dropped by 90%, which is really uncomfortable, woo woo~

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