The leader held his chin and thought about this matter, then narrowed his eyes and said:"Have someone send all the notes and potions over!"

"yes! Captain Wang responded

"never mind. The leader stretched his muscles and narrowed his eyes and said,"I'll go with you.""

After that, the two of them walked towards the junction of Area A and Area B.

Not long after, Captain Zhang also came to the junction and put all the weapons on his body into the storage box next to him.

The storage box closed automatically and put The weapons were locked.

Chen Yu, who had been invisible all the time, couldn't help complaining:"These old foxes are so cautious about their own people."

Captain Wang confirmed through the detection system that the people outside were not carrying weapons, and then he opened the door.

The moment the door opened, Chen Yu quickly ran inside.

The leader noticed a gust of wind blowing, and subconsciously took something from his waist. Gun.

Chen Yu directly grabbed two bolts of lightning and struck them with lightning speed.

Before they could make any resistance, they were stunned. Lying on the ground,

Captain Zhang's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw Chen Yu appearing out of thin air.

"No, the leader is injured! Save the leader!"

However, Captain Zhang knew that he was unarmed now and was no match for Chen Yu.

So after saying a harsh word, he ran away

"Humph, where to run!"

Chen Yu came to Captain Zhang and the others with a single stride. He knocked them to the ground three times and tied them up.

Chen Yu stared at them and then asked in a deep voice. :"Where is your leader? Captain

Zhang glanced at Chen Yu and whispered:"Brother, the bearded man you just knocked down is our leader." I'm just a little person, I don't know anything, please let me go! Chen Yu looked at the bearded man lying on the ground, lowered his head and asked,"Tell me, where is your leader?" The bearded man raised his head and said in a trembling voice:"I...I am Long Dingtian, the leader of Longyuan Base.""

Chen Yu walked over and crushed the bearded sole with his foot.

"ah! Don't... little brother, if you have something to say, please say it.……"

Chen Yu said impatiently:"First of all, your name is not Long Dingtian. Secondly, you are only first level, how can you be the leader here. If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Bearded man Holding the soles of his feet, tears of pain flowed out.

However, at this moment, he no longer cared about the pain, gritted his teeth and said:"I am indeed not Long Dingtian. I am just a puppet trained by Long Dingtian. I don't know where Long Dingtian is specifically, I only know that he lives in Negative level three."

Chen Yu saw that he couldn't ask anything else, and if he continued to stay here, he would alert the enemy, so he put the bearded man and the others into the space together with the immunity potion.

Then he opened the analysis glasses and carefully observed the negative three floors of the base.

After more than ten minutes, Long Dingtian's position was finally locked.

Chen Yu couldn't help complaining:"Long Dingtian, you hide it deeply enough.……"

At this time, Long Dingtian already knew everything that happened here and was discussing countermeasures with several other strangers.

Chen Yu sneered and said to himself:"Since you are all gathered together, it will save me the trouble of looking for you one by one."

As he spoke, Chen Yu concealed his whereabouts, and then ran quickly towards Long Dingtian and others.

However, Chen Yu's floor cannot directly enter the negative three floors.

Still needs to go through multiple verifications.

Chen Yu came to an empty room above Long Dingtian and others, lowered his head and looked at his feet.

I saw Long Dingtian and three others sitting around a round table in the conference room for a meeting.

Several people in the conference room were unaware that a pair of eyes were staring at them, and they were still discussing how to deal with Chen Yu.

Long Dingtian, who was sitting in the first place, looked at the people around him and said in a deep voice:

"Now, someone has sneaked into the base and killed many people. It seems that that person is far stronger than us, and he can also become invisible."

An old man echoed with a solemn expression:

"Judging from the monitored video and audio, the boy already knew that he was killing the fake leader. Now, he should be trying his best to find us"

"snort!"A man with a scar on his face looked coldly and said firmly,"Even if he sneaked into the ground floor through invisibility, he will never be able to get in as long as we don't open the door."

"Then we can only sit here and be turtles?"The old man raised his eyelids and looked at a young man beside him, and said in a hoarse voice,

"Jiang Mobai, your eye skills should be able to see invisible people. How about you lead a team to capture him?"

The man named Jiang Mobai shook his head and said helplessly:"The range of my pupil technique is limited and I can only see things within five meters. It is really difficult to see an invisible person."

A trace of cruelty flashed across Long Dingtian's face, and he squinted his eyes and stared ahead.

"Maybe we can pretend to cooperate with him and then find an opportunity to kill him……"

…… the other side.

Chen Yu, who had been observing Long Dingtian and others, although he did not know what they said specifically, he could understand through the shape of their mouths that what they said must be related to him.

And judging from the body language of several people, they wanted to kill him.

Chen Yu knew that the few people would not open the door easily, so he thought to himself:"It seems that we have to use the ability of [Substitute]."……"

At this time, the ability of [Substitute] is much more powerful than before.

Paired with analysis glasses, you can freely choose a target within 1,000 meters as your stand-in.

Chen Yu kept screening the targets, and finally landed on the two guards at the door of the conference room.

However, he did not rush to activate [Substitute], but first released Dong Wushuang from the space

"host���, what are your orders?"

Chen Yu instructed:"I will activate [Substitute] in a while, and then exchange places with a guard. The moment he appears in front of you, you must get rid of him as quickly as possible"

"Don't worry, Master, I will never let him make a sound"


Then, Chen Yu activated his ability [Substitute].

In an instant,

Chen Yu suddenly exchanged positions with a guard and appeared at the door of the meeting room.

The other guard at the door seemed to have noticed something and turned his head subconsciously.

However, before he could see Chen Yu clearly, his neck was broken.

Then, Chen Yu kicked the door of the meeting room open.


The people in the room were already nervous, but they were startled by the sudden sound.

Chen Yu didn't talk nonsense to the other person at all, and directly raised a net woven by lightning.

"The"grid" got bigger and thicker, and finally surrounded the entire conference room.

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