After the three people upgraded, Chen Yu asked everyone to take a rest in Doomsday Manor.

During this period, Datou and the others arrived near Doomsday Manor.

Chen Yu did not let them enter the manor, but let them and the army of rats led by Xiao Hui continue to hunt zombies near the manor to obtain crystals.

Although he can't use those low-level crystals himself, he can use them for others.

This can be regarded as indirectly improving one's own strength.

After a brief rest in the manor, Chen Yu decided to go to Longyuan Base.

Before leaving, the girls gathered around Chen Yu with some reluctance.

After all, Chen Yu had just arrived and was about to leave.

This makes the girls feel more or less like they are alone in an empty room.

Chen Yu's eyes swept across the girls and finally landed on Jiang Xueer

"Xueer, from now on, I will leave the Doomsday Manor to you to take care of.

Jiang Xueer nodded vigorously and said with a serious face:"Don't worry, Brother Yu, our backyard will definitely not catch fire."……"

At this time, Yang Meiyi and other celebrities, as well as nearly a hundred other girls whom Chen Yu could not name, all expressed their opinions:

"Brother Yu, please rest assured, we are not those girls in Gongdou drama who spend all day thinking about competition and jealousy."

"That is, we have food and drink now, not to mention how happy we are, how can we still think about it?"

"Brother Yu, I just want to wait for you to come back, and then we can have a good discussion about life."


Chen Yu nodded slightly, then waved to Dr. Li, Dong Wushuang, and the three people in red in the crowd.

The three people understood and hurriedly walked out of the crowd.

Chen Yu said straight to the point:"You three are the strongest, come with me to Longyuan Base. Also, take An An with you."

Doctor Li glanced at An An and asked with some worry:"Brother Yu, An An She's so young, won't anything happen if you take her with you?"

"Aunt Li, don't look down on me."An An pouted and said somewhat dissatisfiedly,"Although I am one level lower than you now, I am better than you. If you don't believe me, ask Dad."

Doctor Li looked at Chen Yu in surprise, and saw a positive answer on the latter's face.

She picked up An An and shook her head helplessly,"I forgot that An An is much more mature than his peers, and has reached level two."

At this time, Jiang Xueer approached Chen Yu and said sadly,"Brother Yu, you have to take good care of An An. I'm still not used to being separated from An An suddenly."

"I'm not used to it either. Zhao Beibei said to Dr. Li with red eyes,"Doctor Li, An'an wakes up at night and sometimes looks for N to eat. Then I need to trouble you and Hong Yi." Dr. Li was stunned for a moment, then nodded with a blushing face:"Don't worry, I know what to do."

After An An heard this, she said speechlessly:"Mother Zhao, how embarrassing it is to say that kind of thing in front of so many people. I am no longer a three-year-old child.""

"You are indeed not a three-year-old child, not even one."Zhao Beibei covered her mouth and laughed.

"Oops, although I am not even one year old, my mental age is already six. Don’t treat me like a child anymore."

"Okay, okay... I will treat you like a little adult from now on, haha……"

After everyone heard the conversation between the two, they felt much more relaxed and no longer sad as before.

Chen Yu glanced at the time and whispered:"Okay, we should go."

Jiang Xueer and others waved to Chen Yu, their eyes full of worry and trust.

Because they have experienced so many things, the image of Chen Yu in their minds has long been that of an omnipotent god.

No matter how difficult the task is, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it is nothing in front of Chen Yu.

Chen Yu gave some brief instructions to the girls, and then walked towards the entrance of the manor with Dr. Li and others.

After verifying the multiple passwords, Chen Yu took all four Dr. Li into the space, and then flew into the air invisibly.

Although most people won't notice him after flying into the air.

But for safety reasons, Chen Yu remained invisible throughout the process.

It is about fourteen hours' journey from Doomsday Manor to Longyuan Base.

This is quite easy for Chen Yu now.

After most of the day, Chen Yu finally arrived at the sky above Longyuan Base.

At this time, it was already late at night.

He opened his analysis glasses and began to view the entire Longyuan base.

As Chang Kun said, Longyuan Base is an underground base.

It was built by a pre-apocalyptic super-rich man.

Its scale is no smaller than Doomsday Manor.

Moreover, the armed forces in Longyuan Base are obviously stronger than those in Doomsday Manor.

In addition, there was a beast trapped by several thigh-thick chains that caught Chen Yu's attention.

The beast seemed to be much more powerful than the animal zombies seen in the zoo some time ago.

Chen Yu looked carefully and found that the beast turned out to be a mutated nine-tailed fox!

"Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain……"Chen Yu was delighted, as if he had already bound the nine-tailed fox.

After observing the basic situation of Longyuan Base, Chen Yu began to look for a hiding place near Longyuan Base according to the plan made on the way.

After careful observation, he finally locked on a huge rock hundreds of meters away from the gate of Longyuan Base.

"Got it!"

Chen Yu flew behind the boulder, then took out a dummy from the space and placed it behind the boulder.

Immediately afterwards, he took out two grenades from the space and threw them at the base gate.


The two grenades sounded one after another, lighting up instantly. It was dark night.

Inside the base, a tall guard looked at the boulder in surprise and shouted:"Oh no, there is an explosion at the entrance of the base!"

Another guard wearing glasses looked at the monitor on the side, frowned and said,"I didn't see anyone outside the door. Who did it?" The tall man looked at the monitor and pondered for a moment, then pointed at the boulder and said,"The enemy should be hiding behind that boulder." Four eyes, hurry up and take a look with a drone"


The man with glasses hurriedly controlled the drone and flew in the direction of the boulder.

After seeing the drone, Chen Yu took out a pistol and put it in the hands of the dummy, and then raised the gun-holding hand of the dummy with his left hand and pointed to the sky.

The moment he saw the drone, Chen Yu shot it down with a single shot.

The man in glasses shouted angrily:"Damn it, I've been discovered!" The drone has also been scrapped!

The tall man hurriedly asked:"Have you photographed the person behind the stone?""

"Got it."The man with glasses placed a small monitor in front of the tall man and said with some regret,

"However, because it was dark and the drone was shot down as soon as it appeared, the photo is a bit blurry. All we can see is that the enemy is a woman."

"Oh, let me see."The tall man took the monitor, carefully identified it and said,"It's really a woman, and she looks like she has a pretty good figure. Humph, this little bitch is really looking for death!"

"So what do we do next?"

"You cover me, I will lead my men to rush over and capture her, and then we brothers will have a good talk with her"

"Hehe, just what I want."

While the two were talking, the tall man waved to several guards not far away.

After the guards came, the tall man briefly explained the situation to them, and then walked towards the door with three fully armed guards.

After verifying several pieces of information, Chen Yu finally opened the door. Seeing this, he ran to the entrance of Longyuan Base at a speed faster than the speed of sound.

The moment the tall man and others walked out of the base. Quickly ran towards the inside of the base.

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