The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 90 Isn’t this the best of both worlds solution?

Chang Minghao was stunned for a moment, then showed a slightly bitter smile.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about my family."

Song Chen fell into silence after hearing this.

Unlike me who was alone, most of the students at Beicheng University had their parents still alive. If it hadn't been for this sudden apocalypse, they would still be living in happy families.

Maybe it was the joyful and lively atmosphere at this moment that touched Chang Minghao. Before Song Chen could answer, he continued on his own: "I grew up in the countryside in Beicheng, and my parents both lived in the countryside. It was hard for me to read. I was sent to Beicheng University, but I didn’t expect to encounter this desperate apocalypse.”

"The countryside in Beicheng?" Song Chen asked in surprise.

"Yes." Chang Minghao nodded and suddenly requested, "Brother Chen, I am very grateful to you for saving me and willing to reuse me, but after thinking about it, I decided to go back to the countryside to look for my parents first. They worked so hard I can't leave them alone because they have pulled me into adulthood. After I rescue my parents, can I come to you again? "


Based on the conditions for joining thirty low-level crystal nuclei per person, the three of them need a total of ninety crystal nuclei.

Although the amount is quite large, he can quickly accumulate enough as long as he works hard to kill zombies.

There was really no way he could leave his parents behind. He was eating and drinking spicy food under Song Chen's hands all day long. Especially looking at the sumptuous food in front of him, he couldn't help but worry whether his parents were still starving in their hometown in the countryside. , waiting for him to save them.

Just thinking about this made him feel restless.

After listening to Chang Minghao's words, Song Chen frowned slightly.

Chang Minghao is a rare person with mental abilities. If he is allowed to leave, it will be difficult to find another person with qualifications like him, but he has no reason to stop him from saving his parents.

If Song Chen offered to help Chang Minghao save his parents, what would others think?

Which of the dozens of people in the base doesn’t have parents or relatives?

Does he want everyone to help save him?

Then they have nothing to do and just run around looking for people to play with every day!

Song Chen patted Chang Minghao on the shoulder, "I understand your thoughts, but please let me think about this matter and I will give you an answer tomorrow at the latest."

In any case, Chang Minghao and he had a lifelong friendship. If he couldn't find a solution that had the best of both worlds, he would have to help him prepare something to help him survive.

Chang Minghao nodded, "Thank you, Brother Chen, for your understanding."

The welcome meeting was finally over until almost midnight.

The happy time is always short-lived, and everyone returns to their rooms with unfinished business.

Song Chen also returned to his room and took out the fourth-level space system crystal core harvested in the teaching building of Beicheng University.

His power level had reached level three a few days ago, and he was still far away from breaking through to level four. He originally needed to absorb at least nearly 500 low-level crystals, but now with this crystal core, it is estimated that he only needs to absorb at most He can break through in a week.

The reason is not only that the fourth-level crystal nucleus contains more energy, but more importantly, it is a space-system crystal nucleus, which happens to be the same as his own superpower attributes.

When absorbing the energy in the crystal core, the same attribute is absorbed faster, and more different energy can be absorbed.

If it were replaced by a fourth-level crystal core with other attributes, Song Chen couldn't guarantee that he would be able to break through to the fourth level within a week.

While absorbing the crystal core, Song Chen thought about Chang Minghao.

According to Chang Minghao, his hometown is in the countryside east of Beicheng. There is a small town there. He usually makes a living by planting, not only farming but also fruit trees and other industries.

Farming, fruit trees...

Song Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

He remembered that there was an agricultural greenhouse over there.


Isn’t this the best of both worlds?

The agricultural greenhouse is quite large and has its own storage granary. Half of the food in the north city is transported from there. There is also a picking garden next door, and maybe some fruit trees and the like can be brought back.

In the name of going out to search for supplies, going to Chang Minghao's home to find his parents was treated as a matter of course. Doing so would not make other people dissatisfied.

Song Chen is an activist.

After thinking of this method, I immediately took out the map I downloaded in advance and started planning the route of action.

He was only familiar with the streets in Beicheng City, so he had to check the map carefully before going out.

Finally settle on a back road.

When the apocalypse breaks out, most people's thoughts must be to escape from Beicheng, so the main road is absolutely not allowed. And this small road is relatively remote. If Song Chen hadn't been sharp-eyed, it would be difficult to even find it on the map, and there would definitely be fewer people walking on it.

And there is no need to take any long detours, you can go back and forth in at most two days.

As for the car you need when going out.

Naturally, he still drives a heavy truck. There are many private cars that can be driven in the villa area. There is gasoline and diesel in the space, which is enough for them.

But before setting off, we must first put the construction of the base wall on the schedule.


Song Chen was lying on the bed thinking, and fell asleep without knowing it.

The next morning.

Song Chen, who was still sleeping, was woken up by the dazzling sunlight.

Last night, he fell asleep thinking about the future without even closing the curtains.

It was getting late, Song Chen washed up and went downstairs, and happened to meet Ji Lu who had just finished breakfast and was going to wake him up.

"Brother Chen, good morning!"

"Good morning."

Song Chen smiled and responded, then walked to the dining table and sat down.

"Brother Chen, please sit down for a while. I made the wontons I just wrapped this morning and will cook them for you now!"

Ji Lu went into the kitchen and started to work. Song Chen felt warm at the sight of her back.

I didn't expect that just last night when I muttered that I wanted to eat wontons, this girl arranged it for him this morning.

It didn't take long for Ji Lu to bring the hot wontons to the dining table.

"Try it and see if it tastes good?"

Song Chen smiled and nodded. After taking a bite, he looked up at Ji Lu's expectant and nervous expression.

"Why are you staring at me with that expression?" Song Chen couldn't help but chuckle, then gave her a thumbs up and praised her generously, "Don't worry, it's delicious!"

Hearing Song Chen's answer, Ji Lu breathed a sigh of relief and laughed happily.

Seeing her like this, Song Chen shook his head helplessly, looked around and talked about business.

"Siyuan and the others are out?"

Ji Lu replied: "Brother Siyuan and sister went out to clean up the zombies around them after dinner. I sent breakfast to others as you asked me to do last night. Everyone should have finished eating by now."

Song Chen nodded.

"Please help me call them back and tell them that I have something to say."

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