In the living room of the villa.

Three large dining tables were neatly arranged with more than a dozen delicacies, all of which were delicious and appetizing. Just smelling the aroma made people feel hungry.

Chang Minghao and Yang Qian took the students brought back from the North City School and spontaneously divided them into two tables by gender. They looked at the delicacies on the table in front of them with their mouths watering.

"Woo woo woo! I didn't expect that I could see hot meals in my lifetime."

"Boss Song is so awesome! I can't even dream of these things."

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"Hey hey! Hold your saliva, Brother Chen hasn't arrived yet!"


Everyone was talking at once, with excitement flashing in their eyes.

In the past half month of being trapped in the school, they have never eaten hot meals, and even instant noodles are chewed with seasoning. Now, looking at the delicious dishes on the table, some people even doubt that they are dreaming.

"Brother Chen!"

Seeing Song Chen coming down from upstairs, the chattering people immediately fell silent, stood up and greeted Song Chen with a smile.

Song Chen waved his hand, "We are all family, no need to make such a scene, sit down quickly."

Hearing this, everyone sat down, and Song Chen also walked to the dining table and sat down.

"Before the official start of the welcome party, I will announce something to everyone."

Hearing that Song Chen had something to announce, everyone immediately put away their playful expressions and pricked up their ears seriously.

"Due to the increase in the number of people in the team, I decided to formally establish our own base and name it the Dawn Base."

When this was said, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed.

"Morning Light Base?"

"What a great name!"

Song Chen raised his hand and pressed it, and after everyone quieted down, he continued: "For the development and management of the base, I have developed a separate management model."

In front of everyone, Song Chen officially announced the hierarchy system he had just thought of.

"In view of the current situation, Yang Qian and Chang Minghao will continue to lead the female and male students respectively according to the previous model, and temporarily serve as the temporary captains of the male and female teams respectively, and Cheng Siyuan will be your superior."

"As new members, you have a one-month newcomer assessment period. As long as you earn 50 points within this month, you can be promoted in advance. As captains, Chang Minghao and Yang Qian, you need to earn 100 points to officially become team captains."

"If someone earns 100 points before Chang Minghao and Yang Qian, they can also apply to replace them as the new captain."

"The captain level is defaulted to core members and enjoys the benefits of core members."

Since it has been decided to establish a base, it must strive to be the strongest base.

To this end, in addition to the reward and punishment system to mobilize enthusiasm, Song Chen also decided to adopt a competitive model.

To become a core member-level captain, not only must you be stronger than ordinary members, but you must also work harder.

There is no idler in the Dawn Base.

Even the strongest psychic in the department has to work to get rewards.

Want to slack off?

That's impossible.

Not only that, from today on, members who want to join the Dawn Base must first pay thirty low-level crystal cores or five second-level crystal cores, and after joining, each person must pay fifty points per month, calculated per person.

A low-level crystal core is five points, which means that each person must kill at least ten low-level zombies every month.

Originally, Song Chen thought of only recruiting psychics to join, but later decided to switch to a monthly payment method.

The biggest benefit of this calculation model is that it relaxes the conditions.

Some high-level psychics meet the requirements themselves, but their family or friends are just ordinary people. In this case, the method of calculating points comes in handy.

As long as you can afford the points every month, you can bring as many people as you want to join the base.

In addition, members of the base can exchange points with crystal cores or complete tasks, and points can be exchanged for supplies to meet daily life.

Of course.

Song Chen will also arrange some work in the base that is paid with points. Even ordinary people can use this method to earn points and find things they can do.

However, the number of points is definitely not as good as directly exchanging with crystal cores.

Points can also be used to upgrade member levels.

According to the member level, Song Chen will issue different benefits every month.

When the number of people in the base increases, Song Chen is also going to divide different management modules in the base and designate responsible persons to manage different tasks.

But at the current scale, it is enough to keep the status quo for the time being.

Let's implement this hierarchy system first and see how it works.

Unexpectedly, after Song Chen talked about this management system, it was unanimously affirmed by everyone.

Kill zombies to get crystal cores, exchange crystal cores for points, and then use points to exchange for supplies and even member status.

This method is very fair.

As long as they have strength and work hard enough, it is not a problem to become a core member.

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Song Chen announced that this management system would be officially implemented from now on.

As for this welcome party, of course, it was Song Chen who treated everyone to a lot of food.

Hearing this, the members who had been drooling with greed naturally did not want to be polite to Song Chen, and everyone stuffed food into their stomachs.

Song Chen rarely drinks alcohol on weekdays, but today is the day when the Dawn Base is officially established. He specially took out a lot of alcohol from the space, including beer, white wine, and red wine, so that everyone can drink freely.

Song Chen picked up food for Ji Lu beside him from time to time.

"Thank you for preparing the food for the welcome party. Eat more."

Ji Lu smiled and said, "It's okay. Everyone helped me a lot, especially with my sister helping me, which saved me a lot of trouble!"

Song Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Ji Yumo meaningfully.

He remembered that when Ji Yumo tried to cook for the first time, he almost blew up his precious kitchen.

Feeling Song Chen's teasing eyes, Ji Yumo blushed and coughed dryly.

"It's just a simple washing and cutting of vegetables. As long as you don't let me start the fire, it's a piece of cake."

Song Chen couldn't help but chuckle softly.

Ji Yumo's face became redder and redder. He lowered his head and ate the food in small bites, and refused to look at him again.

The atmosphere of the welcome party became more and more lively.

It was a rare opportunity for everyone to relax in the tense end of the world. Some of the community leaders had even started to perform.

Infected by such a joyful and lively atmosphere, Song Chen's mood could not help but improve.

In the hot weather, he was in the room with the air conditioner on, eating meat and drinking, and there were friends around him making noises and laughing.

Song Chen sighed, really hoping that such days could last forever.

In the corner of his eyes, Song Chen caught a glimpse of Chang Minghao sitting silently at the table. Although he had a faint smile on his face, he looked like he had a lot on his mind.

Song Chen thought about it, got up and sat next to him.

"Brother Chen?" Chang Minghao was surprised.

Song Chen didn't beat around the bush and asked directly: "What's wrong? Are you worried?"

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