Chang Minghao and Yang Qian were leading their respective team members to search and patrol around the villa, and together with Zhao Yu and others, they completed the task assigned by Song Chen before.

After hearing Ji Lu say that Song Chen was looking for them, they immediately put down their work and returned to the villa.

After everyone was summoned back, Song Chen announced to them the action of going to the agricultural greenhouse to collect supplies.

"Those who have awakened the earth and water abilities will stay, and the others will participate in this action. You will collect the crystal cores of the zombies killed on the way, and come to me to exchange points after the action is over."

Unexpectedly, as soon as they came back, Song Chen proposed to go to the agricultural greenhouse to collect supplies, and everyone was a little surprised.

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Only Chang Minghao guessed that Song Chen's claim that this action was most likely for himself, and he was deeply moved.

In fact, Song Chen did decide to go to the agricultural greenhouse because of Chang Minghao. After all, the supplies stored in his space were enough to feed everyone, and there was no need to go so far to collect food.

But in addition to this, Song Chen also wanted to take this opportunity to train the new team members.

When he led them to conquer the cafeteria at school, he found that these students had awakened their special powers, but they didn't know how to use them at all.

Either they couldn't hit the target at all, or they had several skills stacked on the same target.

In short, it can only be described as disorganized.

This time, they went out to the agricultural greenhouse to collect supplies, which was a good opportunity for them to learn how to fight and to get along with each other.

After talking about the outing, Song Chen gave everyone a piece of paper and a pen.

"Write down all your names, abilities, number of family members and places of residence."

Everyone present was stunned when they heard this.

They could understand registering their names and abilities, but why did they have to write the number of family members and places of residence?

However, since Song Chen asked them to do so, they filled it out truthfully.

But when it came to the family column, many people hesitated.

Like Chang Minghao, they often thought of their relatives and friends who were not around, but unlike Chang Minghao's luck, most of their relatives and friends were not in Beicheng, but all in other places.

They couldn't contact them, and their lives and deaths were uncertain.

It didn't take long for everyone to finish writing the information and hand it back to Song Chen.

Song Chen lowered his head and scanned it roughly.

It turned out that only Chang Minghao's family was in Beicheng, and the others who were closest were all in the next city.

He had wanted to plan a few more outings and meet the needs of the team members to find their families nearby, but now it seems that he can only wait for a chance in the future.

After finishing these, Song Chen asked everyone to continue to complete their work at hand, and asked Cheng Siyuan to go to the parking lot to confirm the vehicle situation, and then let the people who awakened the earth and water abilities stay alone.

Including Zheng Ran and Zhang Xing who joined earlier, there are a total of eleven earth and water ability users.

Song Chen handed them over to Ji Yumo, "You don't have to participate in this outing. Stay with Ji Lu to guard the house and start the work of building the base wall."

The design of the base wall had been planned by Ji Yumo a long time ago, but due to lack of manpower, construction had never started.

But now that this group of new team members have joined, construction work can be put on the agenda.

First, it was to tell other passing teams that this place had been occupied and not to get involved; second, it was also to consider dealing with the zombie tide in the future.

In short, this wall had to be built no matter what.

Ji Yumo obeyed Song Chen's arrangement and immediately started to prepare with manpower and design drawings.

Although the hot weather is still continuing, they can avoid the hot time and only work in the early morning and evening.

After arranging the work that needed to be done quickly, Song Chen was about to divide the use area of ​​the villa area in detail, but Chang Minghao came over at this time.

"Brother Chen."

Chang Minghao looked at Song Chen with a complicated face. He had a lot of things to say, but in the end he just bowed deeply to Song Chen.

Seeing this, Song Chen did not dodge and stood in place to accept his bow.

"Thank you!"

Chang Minghao thanked him sincerely, and Song Chen smiled and waved his hand when he heard it.

"You're welcome. Since you have chosen to join my team, I will naturally try my best to meet your wishes. I just hope you don't let me down."

"Of course."

Chang Minghao responded affirmatively without thinking.

Others may not understand why Song Chen asked to bring his family when registering his information, but Chang Minghao knew it very well.

Although most of them had no hope of rescue, it was rare enough for Song Chen to do this for them. Just based on this intention, he must work hard to become stronger and must not let Song Chen down.

Song Chen patted Chang Minghao's shoulder with relief.

"Come on, young man!"


In order to give the new members who had just left North City University a buffer time, Song Chen decided to go to the agricultural greenhouse two days later.

During this period, he discussed with Ji Yumo about the construction of the base wall.

A lot of materials are needed to build the wall. Fortunately, Song Chen had planned and prepared before the outbreak of the apocalypse, and he could provide everything Ji Yumo asked for.

After the materials were complete, Ji Yumo started to officially engage in infrastructure construction with his staff.

Song Chen was worried that the members would get overheated and get heatstroke while working, so he asked Ji Lu to cook some summer drinks such as mung bean soup and send them out from time to time, which invisibly won a wave of people's hearts again.

Twenty days have passed since the day of the apocalypse.

The original maximum temperature of 50 degrees is gradually decreasing. The temperature has been dropping every day recently. According to Song Chen's memory of his previous life, the temperature should suddenly return to normal from more than 30 degrees tomorrow.

Most survivors are excited about the end of the hot weather, but they don't know that the zombies will be reborn after this. In addition to the mutation of the newly infected survivors, the original zombies will all be promoted to level 2, and the proportion of awakened superpowers will also increase sharply.

At this time, people finally realized that the hot weather is just an appetizer, and the cruel doomsday has just officially begun.

In order to ensure the personal safety of the team members, Song Chen also expedited a wave of training. In addition to ensuring that everyone absorbs enough crystal cores every day, he also took time to teach them fighting skills.

It can be regarded as a limited-time benefit given when the base was first established, limited to one batch.

The 21st day of the apocalypse.

Everyone noticed the abnormal temperature when they got up.

As Song Chen said, the continuous high temperature weather is completely over at this moment.

Everyone is very happy about this.

God knows how torturous the hot weather during this period is for them. They want to take off their clothes to cool down every day. If it weren't for Song Chen's cooling drinks, some of them might even be killed by the heat.

And now that the high temperature has ended, it also means that they can work and have more time for activities.

But compared to the optimism of everyone, Song Chen was particularly calm. After breakfast, he called Chang Minghao and Yang Qian to lead their team members to prepare for departure.

Today is the day they go out to the agricultural greenhouse.

The end of the high temperature also means that the zombies have completed the first batch of evolution. It is unknown what effect the performance of these new members can achieve in the face of the second-level zombies.

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