Standing at the end of the corridor on the first floor, Song Chen could still hear the singing coming from afar.

Most of the zombies ran towards the source of the singing, which made this place seem a bit empty in comparison.

A few zombies that lagged behind noticed the breath of a living person on Song Chen, and immediately gave up chasing the singing, but turned around and pounced on Song Chen.

Song Chen didn't hesitate and solved it as quickly as possible.

Not wanting to attract more zombies, after solving the lagging ones, Song Chen used the instant step to flash into the CT room first.

The huge instrument stood in the center of the room. Before Song Chen could take a closer look, the low roar of the zombies came from beside him.

Shine the flashlight over, Song Chen saw a zombie on the right staggering towards him.

With a knife in his hand, Song Chen decisively killed it.

After killing this zombie, several more zombies ran out of the small house next to him, and all of them were solved by Song Chen.

After making sure there were no other zombies around, Song Chen carefully looked at the instruments in front of him and began to seriously think about how to put the huge thing in front of him into the space.

After thinking for a long time, he still couldn't analyze what was going on with the instruments in front of him, so he simply put them all into the space.

Professional things should be left to professionals.

He was only responsible for collecting the instruments. As for the assembly and identification, he would leave it to Han Lun when he returned to the base.

After collecting the instruments in the CT room, Song Chen went around in several other departments and collected many instruments that he couldn't even name.

There was no way.

Song Chen was in good health on weekdays, so how could he recognize the various testers in the hospital?

Anyway, as long as you can see something, put it all into the space, it's for sure!

With the last instrument also put into the space, the building in front of him has been thoroughly explored. Song Chen took out the map of the hospital and prepared to go to the other two inpatient departments to take a look.

In addition to the most needed instruments, equipment such as beds also need to be improved.

According to the signs on the map, Song Chen used the flash step to quickly pass the first and second floors where there were the most zombies, and went directly to the third floor of the inpatient department.

Unlike the outpatient department, there were many zombies wandering in the corridor on the third floor of the inpatient department.

These zombies were wearing hospital gowns, and their blue and white striped clothes were stained with black blood.

They were wandering aimlessly in the corridor, but they were attracted by Song Chen who suddenly appeared in the corridor, and they rushed towards him quickly according to their instinct.

Song Chen was prepared for this, and the sharp blade skill was attached to the blade, killing one zombie with one knife.

After quickly cleaning up the zombies in the corridor, Song Chen pushed open the doors of the wards one by one.

Most of the patients in the wards turned into zombies wandering outside, and they had already been solved by Song Chen, and several empty wards were opened in succession.

Song Chen selected some relatively clean beds and put them into the space.

There was no operating room on the third floor. After collecting the beds, Song Chen flashed upstairs.

The number of zombies on the fourth floor is much less than that on the third floor, mainly because there are two separate operating rooms here.

On the day of the apocalypse, these two operating rooms seemed to be unused. Song Chen did not find any zombies after he slipped in. The operating room was also clean, and even no blood stains were found.

This saved Song Chen a lot of trouble.

After collecting the things in the operating room, he went to the warehouse where surgical instruments were stored as usual. After searching all the usable things, Song Chen left with satisfaction.

In the same way, Song Chen swept the entire ward from bottom to top.

In line with the concept of "a thief never leaves empty-handed... no, stealing sheep when he has a chance", anything that he feels may be useful in the future is collected into the space.

When he came to the door of the last remaining operating room, Song Chen looked at the map.

After collecting this operating room, the mission of this trip was successfully completed without any danger.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Who are you?"

A young man in a doctor's white coat appeared at the corner in front.

He was wearing a clean white coat, with only a little blood stain on the corner of his coat. His hair was a little messy. The wide mask covered most of his face, revealing only a pair of eyes, which were staring at Song Chen closely. His sharp and inquiring eyes were full of vigilance, and he was faintly protecting the bag in his hand behind his back.

Song Chen was very surprised to see the man who suddenly appeared.

"Are you a survivor here?"

"Don't get close!" The man took a step back when he saw Song Chen coming forward. His nerves were tense and his whole body was full of aggression.

Song Chen stopped.

Seeing Song Chen standing there honestly, the man's tense mood eased a little, but he still stared at Song Chen with vigilance.

"Who are you? Why did you suddenly appear here?" The man asked again.

Song Chen answered truthfully: "I came here to collect supplies. There are things I need in this operating room."

Hearing this answer, the man looked a little strange.

He could understand the possibility that survivors needed medicine after the outbreak of the apocalypse, but would normal people risk their lives to come to the most dangerous hospital?

Ordinary pharmacies should have medicines to treat the wounded.

Moreover, this is an operating room.

In addition to the operating table, there are only some instruments needed for the operation, but these things are in the sterile storage room next door. Do we need to go to the operating room to find them?

The explanation of the man in front of him sounded reasonable, but it was full of weirdness.

Seeing that the man was silent, Song Chen thought he believed his explanation, so he asked tentatively: "Are you a survivor in this hospital building? Do you have other companions besides you?"

In fact, what he was most curious about was how the man in front of him survived in a hospital building full of zombies for nearly two months, but judging from the man's vigilance, he might not answer truthfully even if he asked, so Song Chen simply changed the question.

The man looked at Song Chen with a complicated expression.

He was not sure whether he should believe Song Chen.

The survivor who could break through the countless zombies outside and enter the hospital must not be an ordinary person, but from another perspective, such a person is also very dangerous. If the other party has bad intentions, he is not even sure whether he can escape successfully.

Seeing the man's hesitant expression, Song Chen understood, and then tried to make his expression look kinder, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I can save you from here. If you have companions, I can take you away."

Under normal circumstances, Song Chen would definitely not pay attention to the other party, let alone say that he would save the other party from the hospital.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs in the end times.

Song Chen, who has lived a new life, is even less likely to be a saint who saves the world.

But he can feel that the man in front of him is trying his best to hide something, and what he hides is likely related to his ability to survive in the ward. Maybe he has awakened a very rare special ability.

If this is true, this person is a rare talent, and he must find a way to win him over to his base.

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