Hearing Song Chen's offer to save him, the man's eyes suddenly lit up.

But then he stared at Song Chen with vigilance.

"Why should I believe you?"

Song Chen was not annoyed, but replied with a smile: "If I had hostility towards you, I would not waste time talking to you so much here. I would have killed you directly when we just met. I think this alone is enough to prove that I have no ill will towards you."

After hearing Song Chen's words, the man suddenly fell silent.


๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ

Song Chen was able to rush into the hospital building full of zombies alone and successfully come here, which is enough to show that his strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. If he really had any ill will towards him, it would be impossible to talk so much nonsense with him here.

Especially now that it is the end of the world, there is no restriction even if he kills people, and there is no reason to talk nonsense with him.

After thinking about it, the man finally let go of his hostility and walked up to Song Chen and stretched out a hand to him.

"Hello, I'm Cheng Guang, an intern at the Fourth Hospital."

Seeing this, Song Chen didn't act pretentiously and stretched out a hand to shake it, "My name is Song Chen."

The two held hands gently, and Song Chen looked at Cheng Guang with a smile.

He could feel that although Cheng Guang had let go of his hostility and took the initiative to show goodwill, he actually did not let down his guard against him.

If his actions made Cheng Guang feel threatened, this guy would definitely run away or attack him without hesitation.

Song Chen didn't care about it. In other words, if Cheng Guang let down his guard just because of his two words, he would have no interest in him.

After all, in the end times, if you relax your vigilance a little, you will end up with nothing left.

You can't have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others.

This proverb has been truly confirmed in the end times.

After the two sides introduced themselves to each other, Song Chen asked Cheng Guang, "How did you survive here for two months? Are you the only one left here? Do you have any other companions?"

"I have awakened a special ability, relying on this ability to survive until now, and there are other survivors here besides me."

"Are there really other survivors?" Song Chen looked surprised, "But where are they?"

Cheng Guang took a deep look at Song Chen, and then said, "Come in with me."

After that, Cheng Guang slowly opened the door of the operating room in Song Chen's shocked eyes.

? !

"Can the door of the operating room be opened even if the power is off?" Song Chen was shocked.

"Of course." Cheng Guang nodded as a matter of course, "The door of the operating room usually adopts an automatic control system, equipped with a variety of opening methods to adapt to different usage scenarios. These systems are designed with power outages in mind and equipped with corresponding backup plans, so even if the power is off, it can be opened as long as you know the operation method."

After listening to Cheng Guang's explanation, Song Chen suddenly realized, but was followed by a full of depression.


If I had known that there were other ways to open the operating room door, why would I have to go back and forth with the instant step?

What a waste!

Cheng Guang didn't know why Song Chen was a little frustrated after listening to his explanation, and subconsciously explained: "Ordinary people don't know these operating methods, so it's understandable that you don't know."

Hearing Cheng Guang's comfort, Song Chen also reacted.


I have only been to the hospital a few times, let alone knowing how to operate the operating room door.

Thinking of this, Song Chen felt a lot more relaxed, and even the look in his eyes when he looked at Cheng Guang became much more cheerful.

Cheng Guang didn't know what Song Chen was thinking, but his mood seemed to have improved, and the inexplicable pressure around him also dissipated, making him breathe a sigh of relief.

As the door of the operating room slowly opened, an indescribable smell came to his face.

It smelled like a strong smell of disinfectant mixed with sweat and moldy smells. In short, it smelled very pungent and unpleasant.

A battery-powered table lamp was placed on the open space in the operating room. Eight men and women sat around the table lamp. When they heard the door of the operating room open, they looked over immediately.

"It's Cheng Guang who's back!"

One of the girls' eyes lit up when she saw Cheng Guang, and she quickly stood up to greet him.

"I'm back." Cheng Guang smiled at everyone, and then handed the bag in his hand to the girl.

The girl took the bag and couldn't wait to open it. Song Chen then saw that it was filled with daily necessities, which were all things that would be used in daily life.

Not finding the food and water she wanted, the girl looked a little disappointed.

"Why didn't you find anything to eat and drink this time?"

Cheng Guang also felt a little guilty when he heard this. Just as he was about to explain, he was interrupted by other voices beside him.

"Who is this person?"

Compared to the girl who focused all her attention on the bag in her hand, the others saw Song Chen standing behind Cheng Guang and immediately showed vigilance.

Before Cheng Guang spoke, Song Chen took the lead in introducing himself.

But to his surprise, everyone did not relax their vigilance, and still looked at him with caution.

Cheng Guang was not surprised by this, and did not want to explain to Song Chen. He just said to everyone: "When I came back just now, I found him standing outside the operating room door, wanting to come in to collect some supplies. I asked him a few questions to confirm that he was from outside and brought him here with no ill intentions towards me."

Everyone looked at each other in bewilderment after hearing this.

Cheng Guang's short speech contained multiple pieces of information, which made them a little difficult to digest for a while.

"From outside the hospital?"

The oldest old man among the few people grasped the key point, frowned and looked at Song Chen with a questioning look in his eyes.

After the old man's reminder, the others also noticed this blind spot.

They knew how many zombies there were outside. The young man in front of them must be very powerful to be able to break through countless zombie groups.

Could it be that he has awakened special abilities like Cheng Guang?

Song Chen smiled and nodded, answering the old man's question. Then, in the eyes of everyone, it was like a magic trick, and several bags of bread and milk appeared out of thin air in his hands.

For a moment, everyone's attention was attracted by the things in Song Chen's hands. Even Cheng Guang stared at Song Chen's hands with a shocked expression on his face.

Song Chen smiled at everyone with food in his hands.

"Do you want to eat?"

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