After seeing that the little girl was completely dead, Song Chen stabbed the long knife into its head.

After stirring for a while, a crystal core stained with blood was picked out.

After washing it with clean water, Song Chen put the crystal core in the palm of his hand and looked at it.

This crystal core is a circle larger than a quail egg. There is a faint glow flowing inside. It looks shiny and eye-catching like some rare gem.

"I didn't expect that this little girl is actually a level 5 zombie, and she is really a dual-system power of strength and speed."

Zombies with dual-system abilities are much stronger than zombies with single-system abilities.

And judging from the size of the crystal core, the little girl's level has already reached level 5. If Song Chen hadn't awakened dual-system abilities, and the time and space systems with the most BUG abilities, otherwise the level difference between the two would be enough to make him drink a pot.

After throwing the crystal core into the space and putting it away, Song Chen could hear more and more zombies gathering on the third floor and rushing out of the stairwell.

A large number of zombies came, but Song Chen was not in a hurry. He found the position perpendicular to the pharmacy according to the markings on the map.

Until countless zombies rushed in front of him and their claws were about to grab his arm, he decisively used the instant step to disappear on the spot.

The surging zombies pounced on nothing, collided with each other, and made extremely angry roars.

But all this had nothing to do with Song Chen.

At this moment, he had flashed into the Chinese medicine store on the first floor.

Thanks to the little girl's howling voice before, most of the zombies on the first floor were attracted to run upstairs.

The scene of zombies everywhere that Song Chen expected did not appear, but countless zombies were still wandering in the hall on the first floor.

Not daring to make too much noise, Song Chen stood in place and looked at the Chinese medicine store in front of him.

The shelves that were originally neatly placed in the pharmacy were pushed to the ground, and various medicines were scattered everywhere. The bloodstains on the ground formed a picture. It can be imagined what terrible things had happened here.

The zombies in the Chinese medicine pharmacy sensed the sudden appearance of the living breath and immediately rushed towards Song Chen with a roar.

Song Chen was afraid of making too much noise, so he solved all the zombies in the Chinese medicine pharmacy as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, the doors and windows of the Chinese medicine pharmacy were intact.

Maybe it was because the apocalypse broke out too suddenly, and everyone was busy with their own affairs. They didn't think that the Chinese medicine pharmacy with only a glass window was safer.

After cleaning up the zombies in the Chinese medicine pharmacy, Song Chen stuffed all the medicines and equipment he could see into the space.

Most of the medicines in the Chinese medicine pharmacy are Chinese herbal medicines and various granules. They are slow to take effect, but they have fewer side effects.

As a native Chinese, Song Chen has a natural liking for Chinese medicine.

After taking over the Chinese medicine pharmacy, the medicines in the Western medicine pharmacy naturally cannot be let go.

The Western medicine pharmacy and the Chinese medicine pharmacy are only separated by a wall. Song Chen carefully searched the blood-stained wall and found a door connecting the two pharmacies in the corner.

Through the thin door, Song Chen could hear the faint growls of zombies coming from the western pharmacy next door.

After roughly calculating the number of zombies, Song Chen pushed open the door quietly and took advantage of the zombies in the western pharmacy not reacting yet to quietly kill them.

There were also many medicines in the western pharmacy.

Especially various antibiotics, antiviral drugs and other drugs, which are the most needed in the end of the world.

I don’t know how many superpowers die every day, but die with wound infection and other reasons.

These drugs will become one of the most commonly used essential drugs in the future.

Just like the Chinese pharmacy, all the medicines and equipment that can be seen, no matter what kind, are put into the space, even the shelves are not spared.

It happened that the medical room of the base looked empty, and these shelves were just taken back to continue to be used as medicine cabinets.

However, in just a few minutes, the Chinese and Western pharmacies were completely emptied as if they had been robbed.

After collecting the medicines, Song Chen looked at the hall on the first floor where the zombies were not particularly dense, and his mind was somewhat active.

The main reason was that the process of collecting medicines was too smooth. He wondered whether he should move the instruments such as color ultrasound, which happened to be on the first floor.

However, those departments were at the end of the opposite corridor, next to the passage leading to the inpatient department. If he wanted to go there, he would need to cross the entire hospital hall full of zombies, which would be somewhat risky.

Song Chen felt the remaining energy in his body.

When he fought with the little girl zombie just now, he had to use the Broken Blade, which consumed the most energy, and he used instant steps all the way, so now he only had half of the energy left in his body.

There were still two inpatient buildings that he had not explored.

According to the markings on the map, there were a total of six operating rooms in the two buildings. In addition, Song Chen was going to install a few more beds in the wards.

The beds in the base medical room were replaced by single beds, which were always less convenient than hospital beds.

Although there were still many places to go, Song Chen finally decided to go to the color ultrasound room.

Taking out a mobile phone from the space, after turning up the volume to the maximum, Song Chen casually selected a playlist to play, and then placed it at the highest position of the window in the western pharmacy.

The pleasant singing sounded, which was particularly abrupt in the hospital lobby full of zombies.

In an instant.

All the zombies were attracted by the singing from the mobile phone, roaring and running towards the western pharmacy.

Song Chen retreated to the shadow closest to the exit, took a light breath and waited quietly.

Until a large number of zombies gathered and broke through the glass window of the pharmacy, Song Chen saw the opportunity and used the flash step to flash away. He was not panicked when he ran into the zombies rushing towards the pharmacy. He dodged the zombies' bloody mouths and used the flash step again to distance himself.

He didn't kill zombies along the way, but just hurried on.

It didn't take long to successfully reach the end of the corridor.

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