As the name suggests.

A sharp blade is to attach a small amount of space power to a weapon to increase the sharpness of the weapon, so that it can easily split the defense of the zombies.

Although the killing effect is not obvious, the advantage is that it consumes very little energy, and it can basically be ignored.

With the blessing of the sharp blade, Song Chen easily solved the zombies that gathered.

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Based on the principle of not wasting, he first dug out the crystal core in the zombie's skull, and then began to look for the necessary equipment.

The first target is the blood collection room.

The blood collection room is located on the main passage on the third floor. There are more than a dozen blood collection windows in a row of transparent glass windows. During peak hours, all windows can be opened for blood collection. Outside the windows are rows of waiting seats, and two call number displays that have been powered off for a long time are quietly hung above the waiting seats.

The waiting seats that were originally arranged neatly were now crooked, with a lot of blood stains on the ground and chairs, and the blood stains extended from the blood collection window to Song Chen's feet.

Song Chen looked down at the blood, turned his head to look at the direction where it turned, which happened to lead to the stairwell.


A blue-gray face appeared.


A zombie was slapping the fire door of the stairwell in front of him, with his whole face pressed tightly against the door, and kept making low roars in his mouth, as if he wanted to squeeze through this narrow door gap.

"Bang bang bang!"

The knocking sound was particularly loud in the quiet medical building, and there was a rustling sound around, as if something was awakened.

Song Chen frowned, walked over, and decisively stabbed the long knife into his head.

"Shut up!"

The sudden situation made Song Chen subconsciously speed up his actions.

The sound of the zombie knocking on the door was too loud. If there were other zombies around, they might be approaching this side following the sound. He had to put the things into the space as soon as possible and leave quickly.

Because he was in a hurry, Song Chen stopped picking and choosing. Anyway, all the equipment that looked clean was put into the space.

No matter whether it was useful or not, he would hand it over to Tang Yunke and Han Lun after returning to the base and let them judge for themselves.

After collecting all the equipment as quickly as possible, Song Chen began to think about where to go next.

To be honest, he really wanted to go to the Chinese and Western pharmacies on the first floor. There must be many medicines that could not be bought in pharmacies outside. If there were such medicines, it would reduce the possibility of worrying about medicines in the future.

But the first floor was also the place with the largest number of zombies, which was a super disaster area.

When the apocalypse broke out, all the survivors must have subconsciously wanted to escape from the hospital. Even if he had not seen the situation on the first floor with his own eyes, Song Chen could guess that it must be densely packed with zombies.

Should he take the risk to get the medicine or focus on the purpose of the action.

Song Chen was in a dilemma between the two choices.

After weighing the pros and cons, Song Chen decided to go to the pharmacy.

Mainly because pharmacies are semi-enclosed areas, even if the apocalypse breaks out and the entire hospital is in chaos, there are only a few staff members in the pharmacy. As long as the doors and windows are not damaged, there must be not many zombies inside.

Even if he finds that there are too many zombies after going there and it is beyond his response range, Song Chen can use the instant step to evacuate again.

In short, the benefits outweigh the risks and it is worth a try.

Just as Song Chen found the right position and was about to flash directly to the pharmacy on the first floor, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from the empty hall not far away.

When he looked up, he saw a child's figure flashing past in the corridor in front.

"What is that? A person or a zombie?"

Song Chen frowned and his expression suddenly became serious.

Although he didn't see clearly what the figure was, his intuition told him that it was the most dangerous thing he had seen in this hospital so far.

Facing a dangerous guy, you can't just leave him alone. Song Chen ran to the place where the figure was just now. There were indeed two children's footprints on the accumulated dust on the ground.

If there are footprints...

Song Chen looked in the direction where the footprints left, and he saw the face of the child lying against the wall at the corner in front.

A child's gray face appeared at the corner of the dim hospital corridor.

Even though Song Chen had experienced many battles and had a hard heart, he couldn't help but shiver with fear.

When he came to his senses and looked over again, the creature that he didn't know whether it should be called a child had disappeared, and Song Chen's heart was immediately alarmed.

The next second.

Song Chen felt a gust of fishy wind coming from behind his head, and subconsciously rolled to the side.

There was a loud bang, and the floor tile where Song Chen was standing was instantly smashed into pieces by the huge force.


Song Chen took a breath of cold air when he saw this.

The child seemed to be a little angry because of the failed sneak attack, and stared at Song Chen with a pair of pale eyes through the messy hair.

Being stared at by a child with such a scary look, Song Chen felt the hair on his back, and he was also observing the child in front of him.

The other party looked about four or five years old, with messy hair draped over her shoulders, wearing a cute princess dress. If you ignore the black bloodstains on the dress, Song Chen might praise her for being cute.

Just from the attack power, this little girl must be at least a level 3 power type, but the power type doesn't have such a fast speed. Could it be a dual-type zombie?

Without giving Song Chen too much time to think, the little girl who failed in the sneak attack chose to rush directly towards Song Chen.

It was extremely fast. When it ran, both hands and feet landed at the same time, like an extremely agile cheetah.

When it pounced in front of Song Chen, the messy hair on its face was lifted up, revealing its bloodless face and the bloody mouth that was about to stretch to the back of its head. It looked like the terrifying child in the curse.

The gray eyes stared at Song Chen, and the eyes that should have been full of innocence and tenderness were only filled with boundless cruelty.


The long knife in Song Chen's hand made a buzzing sound, and the sharp blade attached to the blade, and quickly chopped towards the little girl's neck.

Unlike the scene he imagined of being killed with one blow, when the long sword chopped the little girl, it was like chopping a hard stone. This blow not only did not kill the little girl directly, but also made his arm numb.

"This guy must be very high-level!"

Song Chen came to the conclusion instantly, and before he could respond, the little girl let out a sharp roar.


The roar resounded throughout the building, and echoes came from the empty corridor.

The zombies on other floors obviously heard the sound and were immediately attracted.

Song Chen could even hear the footsteps of a large number of zombies running.

"Are you afraid that you can't win and start calling for reinforcements? You little brat only knows how to cheat!"

I don't know if Song Chen's words touched the little girl's sore spot, it opened its bloody mouth and pounced on it suddenly, seemingly wanting to bite off Song Chen's head in one bite.

The distance between Song Chen and the little girl was not far to begin with, and with it suddenly rushing over, the distance between them was instantly shortened again. Song Chen could even see its throat and smell the strong stench coming from its mouth.

"Little friend, remember to brush your teeth!"

Song Chen's face was not panicked at all. After smiling and persuading the little girl, he disappeared from the spot, and appeared behind the little girl the next second, with his right hand quickly swiping across her slender neck.

Instantly, a child's screaming and crying suddenly sounded.


The little girl only had time to make this scream before she fell to the ground and was completely motionless.

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