Except for the three zombies that had been eliminated, Song Chen did not find any other zombies around.

He even had time to dig out the crystal cores in the heads of these three zombies.

"These three zombies were not wearing doctors' or nurses' clothes. They were probably family members who were waiting outside the operating room. This means that on the day of the apocalypse, the operating room next door should be performing an operation, and there were probably many zombies inside."

Including doctors, assistants, nurses and other personnel, there were at least five zombies in the operating room next door.

If you rush in rashly, you may fall into a passive situation of being besieged.

After thinking for a while, Song Chen came to another operating room next door, raised his hand and touched the door of the operating room, and gradually had some considerations in his mind.

Then, he used the instant step to flash into the operating room, with his back close to the door of the operating room.

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Sure enough.

Just as Song Chen expected, there were seven zombies in the operating room. After sensing the sudden appearance of the living breath, they instantly rushed towards Song Chen instinctively.

Song Chen had expected this and had already started to act before the zombies rushed over.

He first kicked away the zombies that rushed over from the left, dodged the attack of the zombies in front, and at the same time, holding the long knife in his right hand, stabbed it hard into the eye socket of the zombie that rushed over from the right.

Taking advantage of the force of the knife stuck in the zombie's eye socket, Song Chen threw it hard towards the zombie that rushed over from the front, and when he drew the knife, he did not forget to stir it hard in its skull twice.

The zombie that was about to rush over was hit right on the spot, staggered back two steps and fell to the ground.

Song Chen took this opportunity to quickly rush towards the other two zombies and decisively chopped them with his knife.


The already scarred long knife finally broke with a sound.

Song Chen threw away the remaining half of the long knife in his hand without hesitation, and took out two more from the space, holding one in each hand.

At this moment, the remaining four zombies rushed towards Song Chen again.

Song Chen stabbed the left and right knives into the eye sockets of the zombie in front again, directly hitting the brain center, and stirred it fiercely twice. Before the other two rushed over, he decisively let go of the hand holding the long knife and quickly dodged and jumped to the side.

The two zombies had a long knife stuck in each of their left and right eye sockets, and fell straight backwards, looking quite funny.

Song Chen, who lost two long knives again, actually took out two more from the space.


That's just too many knives!


Play with it as you like!

A moment later, the remaining two zombies also died at the hands of Song Chen, and all the zombies in the operating room were eliminated.

Song Chen took a look and analyzed from their clothes that these seven zombies should be the mutations of six medical staff and one patient. Among them, the first zombie to die had an empty stomach, and the intestines and stomach had long been thrown away.

The empty stomach was wide open.

The picture was very shocking.

Song Chen suddenly regretted why he had to look through these dead zombies.

Compared with the empty operating room next door, the instruments in this operating room were more complete.

However, many of the instruments were stained with zombie blood. At this time without strict disinfection methods, the misuse of these instruments could easily cause infection and cause the wounded to mutate.

What's more, these instruments that have been with zombies for two months, even if they are disinfected, are still uncomfortable to use.

In the end, Song Chen only put the operating table into the space, and didn't even look at other things.

After the exploration of the operating room, Song Chen turned around and found a sterile room for storing surgical instruments.

Except for the preparation for surgery, this kind of place usually has no people in and out. Song Chen was not afraid of encountering zombies here, so he flashed in and started collecting.

All the visible things were put into the space, including but not limited to shelves and disinfection cabinets.

After collecting these things, Song Chen took out the map and took a look. After confirming that there was nothing else worth collecting on the fifth floor, he began to plan to go to the next floor.

Next is the third floor.

The third floor is where blood is collected and tested. Although it is not used for the time being under the current situation in the base, it will always be needed in the future.

Anyway, since we are here, we can take them all away to avoid another trip later.

Thinking of this, Song Chen used the instant step on the spot and flashed to the third floor.

He did not carefully choose the flashing location, because there was a super large blood collection room in the center of the third floor, and the laboratory was next to it.

I don’t know if it’s because there are so many people taking blood tests, but there are more zombies on the third floor than Song Chen imagined. As soon as he flashed down, he was face to face with five wandering zombies and made eye contact.


Song Chen couldn’t help but let out a cry of surprise, and instinctively raised his long knife and chopped it down.

The zombie closest to Song Chen didn’t even react to what happened, and his head was split in half.

The remaining four zombies came to their senses, and immediately let out a low roar and flew towards Song Chen.

Song Chen quickly dealt with them, but more zombies around heard the sound and were quickly gathering in Song Chen’s direction.

The roads on both sides were blocked by zombies. Song Chen roughly glanced at the zombies that were approaching. There were about thirty of them. It was not practical to just chop them one by one with a long knife.

But this is not a big deal.

Song Chen held a long sword in each hand, and the power of space spread down his palms, covering the blade with a thin layer of supernatural film.

Song Chen slashed the two zombies that rushed towards him in half.

The two long swords in his hands were no different from the previous ones, but they seemed to have become extremely sharp, and could easily split the zombies in half.

This was all thanks to the new skill that Song Chen had just developed two days ago - sharp blade.

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