The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 145 Give Lan Ya a chicken drumstick

Before coming to the Fourth Hospital, Song Chen referred to many hospital models.

In these model data, if there is no accident, the top floor should be the place with the least zombies.

The fact is just as he expected.

The zombies wandering in the corridor smelled the breath of living people and immediately rushed towards Song Chen with a roar.

Song Chen didn't take these zombies seriously at all, and didn't even use the broken blade. He just threw two air cannons and easily solved them.

After dealing with the zombies around him, Song Chen stood in front of the window and looked down.

The zombies at the entrance had been led away by Lan Ya, and other nearby zombies also heard the sound and chased after them. A large number of zombies could be seen from a distance. In contrast, Lan Ya's little dot was almost invisible.

"It seems that I have to give Lan Ya a chicken leg when I go back."

Retracting his gaze, Song Chen turned his head and looked at the tenth floor where he was.

This floor didn't look like a place to receive patients. Song Chen looked around and only found places dedicated to office work such as the conference center and the publicity center.

However, Song Chen found a map of the hospital in the conference center.

From the map, the building where Song Chen was located had a total of thirteen floors, ten above ground and three underground.

The top floor was used for meetings and offices, the underground floor was a parking lot, and the rest were various departments.

Song Chen had no interest in the clinic, his goal was the medical equipment in each department, especially those related to the operating room.

Song Chen walked calmly inside the dusty hospital building, where he could hardly hear any sound.

There was no light in the building, and it could only be illuminated by the sunlight outside.

After walking around the top floor and finding nothing interesting, Song Chen came to the stairs and prepared to go down.

As soon as he approached the stairwell, he heard the faint roar of zombies coming from inside.

Song Chen frowned.

He could use the instant step to go downstairs directly, but his supernatural power was limited after all, so he had to save it if he could. Otherwise, if an unexpected situation occurred, he would not be able to use the instant step, and the situation would be embarrassing.

After a brief thought, Song Chen held a long knife and pushed open the fire door of the stairwell.

As expected.

Two zombies were standing blankly at the corner of the stairwell. When they heard the sound of the fire door being pushed open, they immediately looked over.

Song Chen's reaction speed was extremely fast. When the two zombies sensed his breath and were about to pounce, he had already chopped off the heads of the two zombies with a knife.

After cleaning up the zombies in the stairwell, Song Chen went up the stairs to the ninth floor.

The number of zombies on this floor was even less than that on the top floor. With the sunlight projected in, Song Chen saw the closed doctor's consultation rooms one after another.

Oncology, dermatology, general medicine, etc.

Song Chen took out the map in his hand again and took a look, and finally locked his eyes on several floors.

First, the seventh floor, there are ophthalmology, stomatology and other departments, as well as examination instruments for these diseases, just near the corner of the stairwell.

Song Chen found the room corresponding to the ophthalmology department, and then used the instant step to go down and accurately appeared in the department where various examination instruments were placed.

Just as he came to his senses, a zombie rushed towards him.

Song Chen raised his long knife to defend himself, kicked the zombie away, and then took advantage of the victory to split its skull directly.

"This should be the doctor who is responsible for the examination."

After scanning the room, Song Chen confirmed that there were no other zombies and began to collect various examination instruments.

At this time, the sound of zombies roaring came from outside the door.

It seemed that the zombies nearby sensed the breath of humans and began to approach this side.

Song Chen turned a deaf ear to this and concentrated on collecting the instruments in front of him.

After a while, the room that was originally full of instruments became empty, and even the eye chart hanging on the wall was collected by Song Chen in the space.

"Only here on the seventh floor is worth a visit. The next place to go is the fifth floor."

Song Chen took out the map again and determined the next location to go.

The fifth floor is home to the Department of Gastroenterology and the Department of Radiotherapy. In addition, there are two outpatient operating rooms, which are Song Chen's main target.

However, the operating room is located on the far left of the floor, and the room Song Chen is currently in is in the lower right corner of the floor.

Even if you can use the instant step to flash over, you need to run to the far left room first.

Song Chen walked to the door of the room and listened to the sound coming from outside through the door.

The number of zombies seems to have increased a few more than before, but judging from the sound alone, it should still be within the range of the number that can be dealt with.

It can't be delayed any longer.

Other zombies are attracted by the movement here and are slowly approaching this side. When the number of zombies increases later, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Thinking of this, Song Chen decisively raised his foot and kicked the door open.

The huge force kicked the zombies outside the door away, and a small gap appeared at the door in an instant.

Almost without any hesitation, Song Chen saw the opportunity and quickly rushed out of the room and ran to the left side of the floor.

The zombies that had gathered at the door followed closely behind him, roaring and running wildly.

Song Chen didn't even look back, running at full speed in the corridor.

He had just memorized the floor plan of this floor, and ran straight to the left side of the floor in the shortest route.

Fortunately, there were not many zombies on this floor. Except for the few zombies chasing behind him, no other zombies appeared to block Song Chen's way while he was running.

After making sure he was standing right above the operating room, Song Chen decisively used the flash step to flash directly to the fifth floor.

The eyes were instantly plunged into darkness.

Song Chen stood there without moving, and even his breathing subconsciously became much lighter.

He pricked up his ears and listened carefully. There was no roar of zombies nearby. The surroundings were quiet, as if Song Chen was the only one left in the world.

He took out a flashlight from the space, and with the light of the flashlight, Song Chen carefully looked around.

The most eye-catching thing was the operating table in the center of the room.

It seemed that he had accurately arrived in the operating room.

No surgery was performed in this operating room on the day of the apocalypse, otherwise he would have been surrounded by several zombies when he teleported in.

The empty operating room only had the operating table and various tools that might be used in the operation, but most of the instruments were stored in the sterile storage room, not directly in the operating room.

Song Chen waved his hand and put all the items in the operating room into the space.

Although he couldn't tell the difference between the various medical equipment, this operating table was undoubtedly the most needed thing in the Dawn Base at the moment. No matter what, he had to take all of them away.

This was just one operating room, and there was another one next to it.

After collecting the things here, Song Chen used the flash step to leave the operating room.

There was no other way.

The door of the operating room was usually closed, but now the whole hospital was out of power, and there was no way to open and close it normally, so he could only use the flash step.

Flashing outside the operating room, Song Chen saw three zombies wandering outside the door at a glance.

Facing the living people who suddenly appeared in front of them, the three zombies were obviously stunned.

It seemed that they couldn't figure out how a living person could appear out of thin air?

But this did not prevent them from following their instincts and immediately pounced on Song Chen.

Song Chen easily dodged their attacks and turned his hand to the back of their heads, one corpse and one knife.

However, the battle was resolved in just a dozen seconds.

Even though these are only level two zombies, they are no match for Song Chen, whose superpowers have reached level four. Moreover, Song Chen had killed countless zombies in his previous life. Even without the superpower level advantage, he could easily kill these guys.

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