The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 144 Sneaking into the Fourth Hospital

After Song Chen announced the mission of the Fourth Hospital, the scene fell into silence.

The members looked at each other, not knowing how to react for a moment.

Song Chen did not urge them to make a decision, but turned and left after announcing the matter.

After all, the zombie tide had just ended, and many people probably had not yet recovered from the shock of the zombie tide attacking the city. Even if they did not want to participate in this operation, it was understandable, and he would not force the members to participate in this operation.

But to Song Chen's surprise, the statistical list brought back by Cheng Siyuan in the evening basically covered all the members of the base, and only a few ordinary survivors who had not awakened their superpowers chose to give up.

"Just after you left, Tang Yunke and Han Lun stood up and explained to everyone why you decided to go to the hospital. At this time, everyone was in high spirits because of repelling the zombie tide, and knowing that you decided to go to the hospital to treat the wounded, everyone was like chicken blood, clamoring to participate."

Song Chen looked at the list in his hand and nodded in sudden realization.

Perhaps because he had experienced the extinction of humans in his previous life, he subconsciously imagined humans as fragile creatures, and almost forgot that humans' vitality could even exceed their own imagination.

"That's superficial of me."

Although most members were willing to participate in this operation, Song Chen thought about it and decided to take only 20 people with him.

The plan he made did not require so many people, and too many people would easily become a burden.

In the end, Song Chen selected the 20 people with the strongest combat capabilities from the list.

"Let's take them." Song Chen returned the final list to Cheng Siyuan, "Notify them to participate in this operation and set off at dawn tomorrow morning."



The next day.

Song Chen organized all the members involved in the operation and prepared to set off.

Including Song Chen, there were 21 superpowers participating in the operation to search the hospital, plus the dog Lan Ya.

A total of five cars were driven.

This time, Song Chen did not choose to continue driving his beloved heavy truck, but found an off-road vehicle in the parking lot.

Mainly because he was not sure if he could drive back if he drove the heavy truck out.

After all, it was a carefully modified car, and Song Chen was reluctant to leave it outside.

Before leaving, Han Lun handed Song Chen the information he had prepared overnight, which stated which equipment needed to be taken back immediately and which were necessary.

Song Chen glanced at it briefly and returned the information.

"You remembered everything in such a short time? It doesn't matter if you carry this piece of paper with you." Han Lun was surprised.

"It doesn't matter, I remember it all." Song Chen answered without thinking.

He would not say that he could not understand what Han Lun wrote at all, wouldn't that be a disguised admission that he was an idiot?

Anyway, his storage space was large enough, so he just had to move everything he could see into the space.

But then again.

Ordinary people really couldn't understand the words written by the doctor, and even if he guessed, he couldn't guess the general meaning.

Seeing Song Chen's confident answer, Han Lun didn't say anything more.


According to the route set by Song Chen, the group successfully avoided the path where the zombies might appear and arrived at the Fourth Hospital smoothly.

The eye-catching red logo stands on the roof.

The bright red color seems to be drawn by blood. The word "four" always feels like "death" when it is repeated, giving people an extremely uncomfortable psychological suggestion.

The Fourth Hospital has a total of three buildings, located in the southern part of the city in a triangular shape.

With the hospital as the center, the surrounding streets are densely populated with zombies.

Song Chen asked the others to wait where they were, and he took Lan Ya out of the car and walked towards the Fourth Hospital.

Cheng Siyuan and other members were extremely worried about this, but Song Chen had his own plan.

"Lan Ya, you will lead all the zombies gathered over there later, okay?" Song Chen patted Lan Ya's dog head and said seriously.


After walking around the Fourth Hospital, Song Chen finally decided to break in from the south door where the number of zombies gathered was the least.

Cheng Siyuan felt that there were many zombies in the hospital and the environment was very dangerous. He wanted to take everyone out of the base, but in fact, it was precisely because the hospital environment was very dangerous that Song Chen never thought of bringing anyone in.

The purpose of coming to the hospital this time was just to collect professional medical equipment. There was no need to have a direct conflict with the zombies in the hospital.

In fact, it was enough for Song Chen to enter the hospital by himself.

When he saw the medical equipment, he put it into the space and left the hospital with a flash.

If the plan went well, Song Chen could even move all the medical equipment in the hospital without killing any zombies.

For this reason, Song Chen deliberately cleared out some of the supplies in the space before leaving, fearing that the space would not be able to accommodate them.

As for why he had to choose the 20 members with the strongest combat capabilities?

Of course, it was to prevent trouble before it happened.

Plans can never keep up with changes.

The above assumptions are all based on the premise that the plan goes well. Song Chen must be prepared for the second type of unexpected situation.

In case of an unexpected situation, the members guarding outside the hospital can also pick him up.

Even if a high-level superpowered zombie appeared, with their combat power, they could still fight and retreat and leave smoothly.


The closer they got to the Fourth Hospital, the more zombies there were on the street.

Song Chen walked out of the alley slowly with Lan Ya. The zombies on the street in front of him could sense his presence.

All of them ran towards Song Chen.

Song Chen grabbed Lan Ya beside him and decisively used his space ability. He used the instant step to quickly flash and run on the road full of zombies.

It didn't take long to reach the building of the Fourth Hospital.

Even though his ability level has reached the fourth level, the instant step can only teleport a maximum distance of 20 meters at a time. It has consumed about one-third of Song Chen's space power from the street to the building.

But Song Chen didn't care about it.

The hospital is a super disaster area.

Song Chen passed by the Fourth Hospital in the early stage of the apocalypse. Even though he had experienced the final ending of his previous life, he was still shocked by the zombies surging in and out of the hospital.

However, even if a large number of zombies fled outside, the zombies inside the hospital were still one after another.

Other survivors also knew the situation of the hospital. No one would risk their lives to come to the vicinity of the hospital to join in the fun.

Therefore, the number of zombies around here is only increasing.

Song Chen asked Lan Ya to lead the zombies gathered at the entrance of the building away first, and then he used the instant step skill to decisively jump to the top floor of the hospital building.

Just as Song Chen expected, most zombies gathered on the first and second floors, and on the tenth floor where Song Chen was at this time, there were not even a few zombies in the corridor.

"Let's explore from the top floor gradually downwards."

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