The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 143 The grape vines were all plucked bare

Night falls.


The ruined North City fell into endless silence. The survivors listened to the roars of zombies coming from all around them, shivered in the hiding places they had finally found, and prayed to God for a safe night.

However, the lights in the Dawn Base were bright, and all the members gathered in the cafeteria, drooling at the dazzling array of delicacies on the table.


Someone in the crowd sucked their saliva, suddenly breaking the strange silence.

"Oh my God! This is too rich!"

"Even before the outbreak of the apocalypse, I haven't eaten such good food!"

"Woo woo woo! Mom, am I dreaming?"

The members stared at the food intently, and the sound of swallowing saliva could be clearly heard in the huge cafeteria.

Seeing the members looking like greedy ghosts, Song Chen couldn't help but chuckle, and walked in front of everyone with a glass of wine.

"You all worked so hard yesterday!"

Song Chen's voice immediately attracted the attention of all the members, and then they heard Song Chen continue to speak.

"When facing nearly a thousand zombies, none of our members retreated. Everyone worked together to defend our homeland. This hard-won victory belongs to all of us!"

"To thank everyone for their dedication and hard work, there is no limit on the dishes tonight, and all drinks are free!"

As Song Chen's voice fell, the atmosphere in the cafeteria suddenly boiled.

Many members jumped up excitedly.

It turned out to be a free buffet!

And it was not an ordinary buffet. There were all kinds of meat and seafood, and the types of drinks and drinks were dazzling. Not only that, there were even the rarest fruits.

Especially the bunches of grapes placed in the most conspicuous position.

There was a tag on it: Mutated grapes, which can enhance superpowers and physique, and each person is limited to ten grapes.

Everyone stared at the words "mutated grapes" with wide eyes.

They had seen mutated humans and animals, but they had never seen mutated plants, let alone the fruits of mutated plants.

Can this thing really be eaten?

Will it mutate into zombies after eating it?

A few brave members were instigated to come to the mutated grapes. Looking at the brightly colored, plump and juicy grapes on the plate, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Since the outbreak of the apocalypse, they haven't eaten fresh fruits for a long time.

Although the base provides fresh fruits that can be exchanged for points, the points required are very high, even similar to meat. As carnivorous men, they certainly can't give up meat, but spend almost the same points to exchange for fruits that are small and can't fill their stomachs.

Now smelling the sweet smell of grapes, it feels very tempting.

Seeing several people surrounding the mutated grapes, wanting to eat but not daring to try, Ji Lu, who was standing not far away, walked over and picked out ten grapes directly over the crowd.

"What are you looking at here?"

As she spoke, she picked up a grape with her fingers and put it in her mouth.

"The effects of this mutant grape are written on the sign. After eating it, the superpowers can slightly increase their superpowers, and ordinary people can strengthen their bodies. Such a good thing is not common and the quantity is limited. If you dawdle any longer, you may not be able to eat it!"

After saying this to everyone, she turned around and left with the grapes.

When the members who were originally gathered in front of the mutant grapes saw that Ji Lu had eaten it, their worries instantly dissipated. Instead, they began to worry that they would not be able to grab such a good thing, and scrambled to grab it.

It didn't take long before the mutant grapes were all snatched away.

However, because each person was limited to taking ten grapes, all members in the base finally got their own grapes.

Immediately afterwards, the members who had eaten the grapes vaguely felt that their superpowers had increased a little. Although the increase was not obvious, it was indeed effective in improving superpowers, and the lower the superpower level, the better the effect.

As an ordinary person, Liu Fang has the most say.

Originally, she had many old injuries left over from farming in the fields in her early years. She would easily feel pain in her arms and legs if she was a little tired. But after eating ten grapes, she felt that the pain in her body was relieved a lot. It was much more effective than the painkillers she had taken before, and the effect was immediate.

Not only Liu Fang, but other ordinary people in the base also had this feeling.

If Liu Fang herself had such a feeling, it might be an illusion, but if ten or eight people said so, it should be true.

For a while, everyone was amazed at the effect of the mutant grapes.

It was a pity that the quantity was limited, and they couldn't eat more even if they wanted to.

Song Chen could only say that he could not help.

After all, there was only one mutant grape vine at home, and the yield was really limited.

In order to raise funds for tonight's celebration banquet, he not only completely plucked the grape vines, but also took out all the stocks in the space.

God knows when he plucked the grape vines, he could even feel the resentment coming from the grape vines.

It seemed like he was a heartless man who did it forcibly but didn't pay.

The atmosphere in the cafeteria is getting more and more lively.

Everyone is trying their best to enjoy the hard-earned happy moment, because they donโ€™t know how long they can live in the future.

In the dangerous apocalypse, no one can guarantee that they can survive to the end.

They can only live seriously.

Face the crisis seriously, take death seriously, and enjoy happiness seriously.

Take every minute and every second of the future with the most serious attitude.

After eating and drinking, everyone felt that they were still not satisfied. Song Chen simply asked everyone to dismantle the unused wood furniture and hold a bonfire party in the small square.

Everyone continued to drink, sing and dance in front of the bonfire.

It was not until the bonfire party was about to end that Song Chen stood up and walked to the bonfire, issuing a task to everyone to go to the hospital to collect professional medical equipment.

"This mission is different from the previous ones. The hospital is one of the most dangerous areas in the apocalypse, because there are the most people in the hospital before the apocalypse, and there are naturally countless zombies after the apocalypse."

"Although our target this time is the Fourth Hospital, where the number of people seeking medical treatment is relatively small, its degree of danger should not be underestimated."

"It is no exaggeration to say that we may even face more casualties than the zombie tide in this operation. We must be mentally prepared before deciding to participate."

"Finally, members who have decided to participate in this operation, find Cheng Siyuan to sign up after the party, pack up the things you need to bring, and we will set off immediately at dawn tomorrow!"

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