The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 142 Urgent need for medical equipment

"Medical equipment?" Song Chen repeated.

Tang Yunke nodded, pulled Han Lun who was standing next to him, and said to Song Chen seriously: "Han Lun was a surgeon at the city hospital before, and he is also very famous in the industry. If he can get professional medical equipment, he can perform surgery on the wounded and provide more comprehensive and effective treatment."

Song Chen can understand Tang Yunke's idea.

With her current ability, the extent of treatment she can provide is limited, and if she relies on herself alone, once the number of wounded increases, she will fall into the embarrassing situation of insufficient treatment methods.

If she can get professional medical equipment, plus Han Lun, a professional doctor, can help her relieve a lot of treatment pressure.

However, the hospital is a severely affected area.

There are many more zombies active in the hospital than in other places, and due to the special environment of the hospital, it is also easy to have special zombies such as mutants.

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Because of this, Song Chen never considered going to the hospital to collect supplies.

It was too dangerous.

Even with his current level 4, he could not guarantee that he could walk out of the hospital 100% safe and sound.

Without Song Chen's explanation, Tang Yunke and Han Lun also understood how dangerous the hospital was.

But without professional medical equipment, almost all treatment methods in the base can only rely on Tang Yunke's healing ability. Even if Han Lun is a good doctor, he can't perform surgery on the injured with his hands alone.

These problems were not obvious when there were no casualties in the base before, but now that several seriously injured members are lying on the hospital beds, the areas that need to be improved urgently are exposed.

Han Lun also stood up.

"Captain Song, we really need professional medical equipment. If we have these things, I can perform surgery on the wounded and help them treat them."

Although professional medical equipment alone is not enough, and surgery usually requires various conditions such as a sterile environment, it is now the end of the world, and being able to perform surgery is already a blessing, and other conditions can be put aside.

Song Chen lowered his head and thought seriously for a moment, and finally nodded to the two.

"I understand. I will hurry up to deal with the professional medical equipment. I'm sorry for your hard work during this period."

Seeing that Song Chen agreed, Tang Yunke and Han Lun both showed surprise.

Han Lun bowed to Song Chen and said, "Thank you, Captain Song."

"Don't thank me." Song Chen waved his hand indifferently, "This is also for the safety and survival of the base members. I would like to trouble you to take more care when the members are injured."

Han Lun is very famous in the industry. There are countless patients who make appointments with him for surgery every day, and even Song Chen has heard of his name.

If professional medical equipment can be successfully obtained, coupled with Han Lun's superb medical technology, it will indeed be able to improve the healing rate of the wounded in the base.

Even if Tang Yunke did not bring up the issue of medical equipment, he would definitely have to implement it in the future.

In the future, there will be more and more members in the Chenxi base. It is not practical to rely solely on Tang Yunke's own healing ability to treat the wounded. Originally, Song Chen wanted to wait until the ability level was upgraded to level five before considering going to the hospital, but now it seems that the plan has to be advanced.

Leaving the infirmary, Song Chen returned to the villa.

At this time, Ji Lu was already in the cafeteria with Liu Fang preparing meals for the evening celebration party. Only Zhou Yuluo was sitting under the grape trellis to bask in the sun, and Lan Ya was quietly lying at her feet.

Song Chen did not disturb them and turned into the room.

Since it has been decided to collect professional medical equipment, then the hospital must be visited, but which hospital to go to needs to be carefully considered.

The city hospital where Han Lun originally worked was too close to the city center. As the largest public hospital in the north city, there were countless patients who went there for medical treatment every day. Song Chen couldn't imagine how many zombies were hidden there.

So the city hospital was ruled out first.

Among the remaining hospitals, Song Chen focused his attention on the Fourth Hospital.

The Fourth Hospital was originally a private hospital, and later became a public hospital. However, due to its remote location and other reasons, there were relatively few patients who went there for medical treatment. The hospital could not make much money, and there was no extra money to hire expert doctors to see patients, resulting in fewer and fewer people coming to the hospital.

And Song Chen was naturally interested in the medical equipment in the Fourth Hospital.

As a former private hospital, all the medical equipment used in the Fourth Hospital were high-quality goods. If it were not for the poor medical conditions, it would not have ended up with few people coming to seek medical treatment.

In addition, there was another reason why Song Chen chose the Fourth Hospital.

That is, the Fourth Hospital is also the closest hospital to the Dawn Base.

If they drive there, it will only take about an hour to arrive. If everything goes well, they can return to the base before dark.

After repeated consideration, Song Chen finally decided to go to the Fourth Hospital to find equipment.

After deciding on the hospital to go to, Song Chen took out the crystal core from the space and began to absorb it seriously.

As long as it is a hospital, there will be no shortage of people inside. Even the most depressed Fourth Hospital must have accommodated thousands of medical staff and patients. If all these people become zombies, it will not be a small number.

You know, the number of zombies that attacked the base yesterday was only a thousand.

The number of zombies in the Fourth Hospital will only be more than this, and it will definitely not be less.

Thinking of this, Song Chen's expression also became solemn.

It would be great if his ability level broke through to level five, but the speed of upgrading dual-system abilities is much slower than that of other psychics. He needs at least a week to break through again.

But the injured members in the base can't wait that long.

"We can't just rush in like before. We have to think of a more comprehensive solution."

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