Wang Jinlong and Zhang Chao both showed emotion.

In addition to the fact that Song Chen's strength shocked them, Lan Ya's figure also left an indelible impression on them.

In the past, they walked their dogs every day. Where have they seen dogs walking zombies?

And it was a leader zombie with a super high level of superpowers.

They didn't even dare to look at it, for fear of being killed in one move, but they were pulled to death by a dog.

Wang Jinlong suddenly remembered the scene when Qin Sen and others came to the Chenxi base to provoke. At that time, they were also pulled numb by Lan Ya's dog. Now it seems that they died worthy of death.

No matter who they offend in the future, they must not offend Song Chen and his dog.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱

"Is Boss Wang here?"

Wang Jinlong was muttering in his heart when he heard Song Chen's voice coming from outside the villa door, and he was immediately startled.

Speak of the devil, the devil is here.

He was thinking about Song Chen, and Song Chen came to him.

"Brother Song, come in!"

Wang Jinlong gave Zhang Chao a look, and the latter immediately understood and quickly opened the door to welcome Song Chen into the villa.

"How was your rest, Boss Wang?"

Song Chen expressed his concern and exchanged a few words with Wang Jinlong, then took out a small bag from the space and placed it in front of Wang Jinlong.

"Boss Wang, thank you for staying to help resist the zombies. These are my gifts to you."

Wang Jinlong took the bag and opened it. He was immediately dazzled by the crystal cores inside.

Oh my goodness!

There are at least a hundred crystal cores in it, all of which are gifts to him?

It's too generous!

You have to know that they spent more than half a month cleaning the entire Bay Villa, and only got less than three hundred crystal cores, and they only helped Song Chen resist the zombies once, and they can get a hundred crystal cores. This is really a great reward!

Thinking of this, Wang Jinlong's hand holding the bag couldn't help but tremble slightly.

Song Chen didn't think these crystal cores were a lot.

In any case, Wang Jinlong also brought nearly a hundred people to support, more than the original members of the Dawn Base. Although their combat capabilities were slightly inferior, as the saying goes, there is strength in numbers, and they also played a significant role in resisting the zombie tide.

It was just a hundred crystal cores, which was nothing in comparison.

After sending the crystal cores, Song Chen didn't stay with Wang Jinlong for long. Finally, he invited them to the cafeteria to attend the celebration banquet in the evening, and then got up and left.

Song Chen walked around the base.

The zombie tide had a great impact on the base.

The northwest wall on the front battlefield had many cracks under the impact of the zombie tide. Ji Yumo was leading the civil engineering team to repair and reinforce it.

The scene of the zombie tide attack this time provided Ji Yumo with a new design plan. She planned to strengthen the walls of the entire base again in her spare time to deal with the zombie attacks that might be faced in the future.

Song Chen was of course a hundred percent supportive of this, and generously told her that she could ask for any materials she needed.

However, Ji Yumo said that further design was needed, and the materials needed in the end would naturally be asked from Song Chen.

On the other side.

Cheng Siyuan led the reconnaissance team to check the situation outside the base.

Many zombies were not killed in the zombie tide, but fled to other places. He was worried that these zombies would form a small-scale zombie group and pose a threat to the Dawn Base.

But it seems that he was worrying too much.

After the leader zombie was killed by Song Chen, these zombies completely became a mess, only relying on instinct to act, and there was no sign of forming a zombie group for the time being.

Despite this, he still led the team members to deal with as many of them as possible.

In addition to the ongoing repair and reconnaissance work, the mentality of the members was the biggest impact of the zombie tide.

The successful resistance to the zombie tide greatly increased their confidence in fighting the end of the world and zombies, and at the same time they were full of hope for future life. Everyone was doing things and living positively.

Just looking at the interior of the Dawn Base, there is even an illusion that the end of the world has not yet broken out.

This is also a good thing for the base.

Only if the members maintain a positive and optimistic attitude can the base develop better and faster.

After walking around the base, Song Chen finally went to the infirmary.

Many members in the base were injured in the process of resisting the zombie tide. Those with minor injuries were fine after bandaging, but several members with serious injuries were still receiving treatment in the infirmary.

It is called an infirmary, but it is actually an ordinary villa.

The lobby on the first floor was converted into a reception hall to deal with some minor injuries and illnesses, while upstairs, several single beds were placed in each room to be used as beds to deal with some more serious injuries and diseases.

As soon as Song Chen walked into the house, he smelled a strong smell of disinfectant.

After scanning the lobby, he did not see Tang Yunke, so Song Chen guessed that she might be helping the seriously injured members upstairs to treat their injuries, so he went upstairs directly to the ward.

Sure enough.

When he opened the door of the ward, he saw Tang Yunke using her supernatural powers to heal the most seriously injured member. There was a man standing next to her.

Song Chen knew this person.

His name was Han Lun. Before the outbreak of the apocalypse, he was a surgeon at the city hospital and was considered a well-known medical talent.

When Han Lun took the initiative to join the base, Song Chen was very happy.

After all, Tang Yunke's healing ability can only play a limited role, and she is not a professional doctor, and she does not know much about medical knowledge. If there is one more professional doctor in the base, it can help a lot.

Han Lun did not react much when he saw Song Chen push the door in, but just nodded slightly to say hello.

After resisting the zombie tide, everyone now knows that the man in front of him is the base leader who created the Dawn Base, but he has no intention of getting close to Song Chen. In his heart, saving the dying and healing the wounded is the most important thing.

Song Chen also nodded slightly to Han Lun, and then stood quietly by the side, waiting for Tang Yunke to finish the treatment.

After about five minutes, Tang Yunke finally retracted his ability and wiped the sweat from his head with a weak look.

After seeing Tang Yunke finish the treatment, Song Chen asked with concern: "How is the situation of this member now?"

Tang Yunke pursed her lips tightly and shook her head gently.

The injuries of the members in front of her were too serious. Although she consumed all the superpowers in her body, she could not heal them. She could only barely slow down the deterioration of the injuries and keep them alive.

It was not just the member in front of her, but the other members who were seriously injured were also in this situation.

With the healing strength she could exert now, there was no way to completely heal them. She could only use the healing ability on them in turn every day to save their lives and reduce the pain caused by the wounds.

But their injuries were too serious. If they could not get better treatment as soon as possible, the wounds would gradually worsen due to infection and other problems. At that time, she could not guarantee that she could save their lives.

Thinking of this, Tang Yunke felt a little guilty.

In the final analysis, it was because her ability level was too low.

Obviously, Song Chen would give her crystal cores to absorb every day, and even gave her a level 4 healing crystal core, but her level still remained at level 3, and there was no sign of any breakthrough so far.

Song Chen could not bear Tang Yunke to fall into an overly self-blaming mood, and comforted her: "You have tried your best, there is no need to take all the responsibility on yourself, and the upgrade speed of the healing ability is slower than other abilities. You can now upgrade to level 3, which is relatively fast. Don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Tang Yunke nodded slightly.

She understood the reason, but the fact that she was powerless still made her feel a little sad.

But she quickly cheered up.

"Brother Chen, I have a request."

"You say."

"Can you help collect some medical equipment?"

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