The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 140: Receptive ability still needs to be trained

The next day.

Song Chen walked out of the room refreshed.

As soon as he went downstairs, he saw Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, and they obviously looked like they had just woken up.

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"Good morning."

Song Chen greeted the two and sat down at the dining table as well.

After a whole night, he was indeed a little hungry.

For breakfast, Ji Lu had wrapped wontons in advance and put them in the refrigerator for emergency use. It happened to come in handy today.

Song Chen was eating the steaming wontons in the bowl, and he looked up inadvertently, just in time to meet Ji Yumo's slightly resentful eyes.


What kind of eyes is this?

Why is he like a resentful woman in the boudoir?

Song Chen thought for a moment and then his face showed understanding.

Could it be that the noise last night was too loud and disturbed Ji Yumo who was sleeping next door?


It seems that Ji Yumo's ability to accept still needs to be trained. It has been such a long time and he still hasn't adapted. Every time he looks sleep deprived, and looks at him with that kind of resentful eyes, those who don't know him would think he is a heartless scumbag!

After breakfast, Cheng Siyuan prepared to take the reconnaissance team to the outskirts of the base to confirm the situation after the zombie tide ended, and Ji Yumo also took the members to repair the base wall.

Song Chen stopped them before they went out.

"To celebrate the base's successful repulsion of the first wave of zombies, a celebration banquet will be held in the cafeteria tonight. Remember to finish work early and come back to participate, and help me pass on this news."

Hearing that there would be a celebration banquet in the evening, Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo also showed surprise on their faces. After nodding and agreeing, they went out to work.

After they went out, Song Chen began to count the gains from the zombie tide.

In order not to wake up Ji Lu who was still sleeping, he simply sat in the living room and used his consciousness to explore the space.

If we talk about the most things obtained in the zombie tide, it is naturally various types of crystal cores.

Whether it is the body strengthening system or the element system, all types and levels are available, piled up like a small mountain in the corner of the space.

Because there was no extra energy to deal with it at the time, there were still some blood stains on it that had not been cleaned. Song Chen picked out the largest basin, filled it with clean water, and put all the crystal cores in it.

It took three basins to clean all the crystal cores.

Song Chen counted them and found that there were a total of 873 crystal cores here.

Among them, there were 92 first-level, 698 second-level, 75 third-level, 7 fourth-level, and 1 fifth-level.

The fifth-level crystal core was naturally dug out from the head of the leader zombie.

Song Chen put it in his palm and examined it carefully. It was slightly larger than a quail egg. The translucent crystal core seemed to have a light blue fluorescence flowing inside. He didn't expect that it was a spiritual crystal core!

No wonder the leader zombie could affect the actions of so many zombies. When it roared, they felt an indescribable headache. It turned out that they were all affected by the spiritual power.

But this was an unexpected surprise.

A level 5 spiritual crystal core is a rare good thing at present.

According to the current situation of the members in the base, only Ji Lu and Zhou Yuluo are the most suitable to absorb this crystal core.

According to the previous experiment of absorbing crystal cores, Ji Lu's strengthening ability should be a kind of spiritual power. The spiritual crystal core is easier for her to absorb and has a significant effect on the level increase.

Not to mention Zhou Yuluo.

The prophecy ability belongs to the highest level of spiritual power, and absorbing the spiritual crystal core is naturally the most suitable.

Song Chen was in a dilemma as to who to give this crystal core to.

After thinking for a long time, Song Chen finally decided to give the crystal core to Zhou Yuluo for absorption.

Zhou Yuluo's current ability level is only level 2, and there are still too many limitations on the content and information that can be predicted. After the ability level is improved, it may be able to make up for this defect.

But Song Chen is a little unsure.

After all, Zhou Yuluo has intellectual disabilities, and it is difficult to guarantee whether she will grow up as Song Chen expects.

But as the saying goes, you can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child.

It's just a level 5 spiritual crystal core. If Zhou Yuluo's prediction ability can really be improved with the help of this crystal core, let alone a level 5 crystal core, even if it is eight or ten, Song Chen has to find a way to get it.

After all, the effect of the prediction ability is too buggy.

Song Chen is not a hesitant person. After confirming that this crystal core should be absorbed by Zhou Yuluo, he immediately called Zhou Yuluo, handed the crystal core to her, and taught her how to absorb it step by step.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Yuluo is very talented in this area.

Under Song Chen's instruction, she quickly absorbed one-fifth of the energy in the crystal core.

An ordinary second-level psychic can only absorb seven or eight second-level crystal cores at most every day, which is about one-tenth of the energy of a fifth-level crystal core. Zhou Yuluo can absorb twice as much as other psychics.

As expected, when God closes a door, he will open a window.

Zhou Yuluo's absorption of superpowers even made Song Chen a little envious.

After helping Zhou Yuluo absorb the crystal core, Ji Lu finally walked out of the room.

Song Chen told her about the celebration banquet to be held in the evening, asked her and Aunt Liu to prepare it well, and asked her what ingredients she needed, ready to send it directly to the cafeteria now.

After Ji Lu thought carefully for a moment, he reported some needed materials. After Song Chen took them into his mind, he turned around and walked out.

First, he went to the canteen to prepare all the ingredients Ji Lu needed, and then Song Chen planned to go to Wang Jinlong's place to have a look.

In any case, Wang Jinlong and others also made a lot of efforts to resist the zombie tide this time. Without their help, the vanguard force would probably be defeated by the zombie tide, so Song Chen was going to give some thanks.

Walking to the door of the villa where Wang Jinlong and others were staying temporarily, Song Chen accidentally discovered that the door of the villa was not closed tightly, and Zhang Chao's slightly excited voice came from inside.

"Brother Long, let's kill hundreds of zombies this time at least! I didn't expect that we could really resist the zombie tide. I even wrote a suicide note."

Zhang Chao's voice was a little emotional, and Wang Jinlong couldn't help but sigh: "Song Chen's strength is stronger than we imagined. Didn't you see that the leader of the zombies couldn't even withstand a single blow in front of him? His head and body were directly The family is separated."

"Not only Song Chen, the dog next to him and the members in the base are very powerful, and their movements are orderly. They have obviously been trained, otherwise they may not be able to survive this zombie wave."

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