With the leader zombie being killed, the zombies that had been attacking the Dawn Base in unison suddenly became scattered.

The vanguard troops that were about to be forced into a desperate situation had already prepared for a desperate battle, but they did not expect that the zombies that had surrounded them and launched an attack would suddenly become weaker.

How to say it?

It was as if the temporary brain had reached its use time and was taken back.

Almost all the zombies returned to their previous state of relying only on instinct to attack, and no longer wanted to attack the base as much as before.

This book was first published on πŸ”πŸ— Book Bar β†’ πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

Before they could figure out what was going on, Lan Ya suddenly rushed over from a distance, and tore open the zombie that was about to pounce on the person in front of him with one claw, and then several wind blades shot out, knocking down the zombies on the other two sides.

"Set up the formation!"

Song Chen's voice sounded behind them. Seeing other members in the base jumping off the wall, the members of the vanguard team also reacted quickly and set up a defensive formation according to the previous training.

Members with speed blessing wandered around the battlefield and appropriately led away some zombies.

Members with strong frontal combat capabilities directly confronted the zombies, while members with long-range attack means released skills to attack and cover behind.

This formation is the most effective defense and attack formation they have trained in advance.

Wang Jinlong and his men had not been trained in this area, but they reacted very quickly and soon joined the formation according to their respective superpowers and strengths.

The sun completely sank into the horizon, and night gradually fell.

There were flames all around the Dawn Base, as if it were daytime.

All members were trying their best to kill the zombies in front of them, but there were too many zombies. Even when their superpowers were exhausted, there were still hundreds of zombies staring at them.

"Don't give up!" Song Chen shouted at the right time, "All members who have exhausted their superpowers should return to the wall and continue to attack with thermal weapons. At the same time, don't forget to absorb crystal cores to help restore superpowers. Members who can still hold on should continue to follow me to kill!"

According to Song Chen's order, all members whose superpowers had been exhausted returned to the base wall, picked up weapons on the ground and began to attack the zombie group indiscriminately.

Even if thermal weapons have less effect on zombies above level three, it is better than doing nothing.

While attacking, they did not forget to absorb crystal cores to restore superpowers.

In the end, if you want to quickly clean up these zombies, superpowers are more effective.

The members took turns according to Song Chen's orders.

When the superpowers were exhausted, they would attack with hot weapons on the wall. When the superpowers were restored, they would immediately jump off the wall and attack with superpowers.


When the first ray of sunlight at dawn penetrated the clouds and illuminated the bloody battlefield, everyone ushered in the final victory.

The members looked at the zombie corpses covering the ground, and their tense nerves finally relaxed.

"We defended it!"

I don't know who in the crowd said a word, and the rest of the people came back to their senses, with incredible surprise on their faces.

"Ahhh! We actually won!"

"Oh my God!"

"We killed the zombie tide and defended the base, it's really hot!"

Everyone cheered and hugged each other excitedly, and some emotional tears and snot flowed down together.

Song Chen couldn't help but laugh.

But suddenly, he felt a trance in his head, and a sense of powerlessness swept over him, and his body swayed and was about to fall backwards.

At this moment, Cheng Siyuan came over calmly and lifted Song Chen up with his back.

"Brother Chen, I'm running out of energy and can't stand anymore. Please hold me up."

Song Chen felt the power coming from his back, and his heart was slightly warm. He couldn't help but smile and said, "We are really in the same boat."

"It's good." Cheng Siyuan also laughed, "Anyway, we survived."

"Yes, we survived."

Song Chen stood back to back with Cheng Siyuan, listening to the laughter and cheers coming from all around.

They finally survived this zombie tide.

Song Chen organized members to recycle the corpses of the zombies to the designated location, first dig out the crystal core inside, and then pile the corpses together for cremation.

A lot of blood was spilled at the gate of the base.

Some were from zombies, and some were from members of the base.

In order to avoid the smell of blood attracting more zombies, Song Chen asked the water-based superpowers to use their superpowers to wash away all the blood stains on the ground.

The newly built wall was also damaged to varying degrees in this zombie tide. Song Chen directly threw this small matter to Ji Yumo and asked her to be responsible for the subsequent repair work.

Then Song Chen counted the number of members who died in this zombie tide siege.

Including the members of Wang Jinlong's side, a total of five members died in this zombie tide, two members were seriously injured, and the rest of the members were more or less injured, but the problem was not serious.

The seriously injured members were sent to Tang Yunke for treatment, and the dead members needed to deal with the aftermath.

They all sacrificed themselves to protect the base. No matter what, Song Chen could not leave their bodies outside and let them lie in the wilderness.

After dealing with various follow-up matters, it was almost noon.

All members fought with tense nerves and worked hard for a day and a night. They were exhausted physically and mentally. Song Chen was considerate and did not arrange other work. He let everyone go back to the base to sleep and eat.

The whole base was given a whole day off.

Anyway, the zombie tide had just ended, and there should be no other zombies nearby in a short time. It didn't matter if they didn't go out for patrol.


Slept until the evening.

Song Chen was awakened by hunger.

After the battle, he returned to the room and fell asleep on the bed. He didn't even have a meal. Now he felt very hungry.

After washing his face and going downstairs, he saw Ji Lu busy in the kitchen.

"What to eat tonight?"

Ji Lu was startled when he heard a voice behind him. He turned around and saw that it was Song Chen who woke up. He couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Brother Chen, wake up! I'm making your favorite Maoxuewang. You can eat it in a little while!"

Song Chen nodded and asked, "Where are the others? Where did Luoluo go?"

"Luluo went to the next door to accompany her brother. Sister and Brother Siyuan haven't woken up yet." Ji Lu answered truthfully.

Song Chen understood.

The more superpowers are consumed, the longer it takes to rest and recover.

Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo both used all their strength in the battle. In the end, they couldn't even stand steadily. It is estimated that they will sleep until tomorrow morning.

But he didn't feel anything.

I don't know if it's because of the awakening of two superpowers that the recovery speed is faster than he imagined.

After eating and drinking, it is natural to do some exercise to help digestion.

It just so happens that all the factors that hinder the problem are gone. When else can we do it?

Song Chen said nothing, hugged Ji Lu and went back to the room, locked the door, and started a hearty double exercise.

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