The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 138 You look down on dogs, don’t you?

This zombie is two meters tall and has a strong build. I don’t know if it looked like this before it became a zombie, or if it mutated after becoming a zombie.

Apart from its burly body, its appearance looks no different from other zombies. Part of its skin has rotted away, exposing its bones, but its eyes are shining with bloodthirsty light.

Song Chen's eyes were fixed on it.

found it!

"Attention! Concentrate your fire on the largest zombie, that's their leader!"

Almost instantly, Song Chen determined that this huge zombie was the leader of this zombie wave, and decisively ordered all members to concentrate their firepower to launch an attack.

At the same time as Song Chen gave the order, the leader zombie suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, the sound shaking the heaven and the earth.

Everyone present felt a sharp sting in their minds, but the zombies around them seemed to be summoned by some kind of summons and began to attack more violently.


"These zombies are crazy!"

Wang Jinlong couldn't help but let out a exclamation, and began to feel a little powerless under the fierce attack of the zombies.

The person standing in front of him now seemed to be a strength-type zombie. What shocked Wang Jinlong was that he couldn't compete with his strength. The opponent was at least a level three zombie, or even a level four zombie.

"What a joke!"

Wang Jinlong cursed angrily.

The level of these zombies was much higher than he imagined, but he really didn't expect to encounter level four zombies.

Guys of this level were mixed in with the corpse tide. No wonder Song Chen's face was always ugly. I'm afraid he had already thought of these situations.

Seeing that Wang Jinlong was at a disadvantage, other people around him immediately rushed to his side to help.

With the joint efforts of everyone, they managed to kill this level four power zombie.

Without giving them any time to breathe, more and more zombies swarmed forward. They didn't care about anything and pounced on them despite the attacks, without caring about gains and losses.

"I can't stand it anymore!"

The vanguard troops in the front retreated under the pressure of the zombie attack, and were about to retreat to the base wall.

The members on the wall adjusted their firepower, and dense bullets and artillery shells fell like raindrops on the zombies, helping the vanguard to relieve the pressure of the zombie attack.

The other members with higher levels of abilities, under the command of Song Chen, threw all their skills at the leader zombie.


The leader zombie's skin was tougher than they imagined. Even though all the attacks fell on it, it did not cause any damage. Instead, it was angered by the constant intrusive attacks and roared towards the base.

The leader zombie was so fast that before the members even had time to react, they were hit by its claws and flew backwards, hitting the wall heavily.

There were even several members whose bodies were cut open by the claws of the leader zombie and their lives were taken away directly.

Song Chen looked solemn, his fists clenched and hanging at his sides.


Still too far.

hold on!


Song Chen suddenly called out to Lanya, who was fighting among the corpses, and gestured towards it.

Lanya tilted his head and thought for a moment, then understood instantly, abandoned the zombie in front of him, turned around and ran towards the leader zombie.

"Woof woof!"

Lan Ya rushed to the leader zombie and yelled twice, trying to draw its target to him. To his surprise, the leader zombie didn't even look at it and went straight to attack the vanguard in front of him.


What's the meaning?

You look down on dogs, right?

You've turned into a mindless zombie and you still look down on dogs?

Lan Ya felt that he had been indescribably insulted, and he suddenly became furious. He stepped on the wind power and rushed towards the leader zombie.

The leader of the zombies really didn't take Lan Ya seriously, so when Lan Ya rushed up, it was completely unprepared and was directly slapped on the head by Lan Ya's claw, half of its scalp being lifted up.


The leader zombie, who suddenly felt the threat of death, roared and grabbed Lan Ya with his backhand.

Lan Ya reacted quickly and dodged instantly, causing it to miss.

After landing, he even had the leisure to wag his tail towards the leader zombie.

This time it was the leader zombie's turn to feel insulted.

Thinking of his status as the leader of thousands of zombies, he was actually scratched by a silly dog ​​with Erha bloodline, and was even humiliated in front of him. He simply left his body at home!

It decisively gave up on the vanguard team in front of it and turned around to chase after Lan Ya.

Seeing that the leader of the zombies had finally been fooled, Lan Ya ran away without confronting him head-on.

Want to run away after talking about sex?

How could such a good thing happen!

The leader of the zombies followed behind Lan Ya without thinking.

Lanya is blessed with wind power and is extremely fast, but surprisingly, the speed of the leader zombie is not far behind it.

Just judging from the speed, this leader zombie is at least level five!

All of Lanya's wind energy was concentrated on his four claws, and his running speed was barely faster than the leader zombie.

Taking the leader zombie all the way to the bottom of the base wall, seeing the thick wall in front of him, Lan Ya could only stop and suddenly fell into a desperate situation.

The leader zombie who was chasing after him saw that Lan Ya had stopped and rushed forward without thinking.

Just as it raised its claws and prepared to tear Lan Ya into pieces, a figure fell from the sky and appeared behind it out of thin air.

The leader zombie glanced at Song Chen behind him and showed no reaction.

It seemed that Song Chen could not break its defense.

But the next second, when it felt the fluctuation of the supernatural power in Song Chen's hand, it was alert and prepared to retreat.

After finally luring this guy to the range of instant step, how could Song Chen let it go easily?

"Time stop!"

Song Chen let out a low roar, and the supernatural energy in his body suddenly surged out.

The leader zombie was like someone suddenly pressed the pause button, standing stupidly in place, watching Song Chen's single hand across its neck, and then the world spun.

Broken blade!

Song Chen used a combination of skills and easily harvested the leader zombie's head.

Until the moment of complete death, the leader zombie still didn't understand what kind of attack he died under.

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