The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 137 Before setting off, at least people should eat something better

Inside the villa.

As soon as Wang Jinlong walked into the house, he saw Song Chen and the core members of the base sitting around the table, all with a solemn look on their faces.

He did not dare to say anything, and honestly walked to his seat and sat down.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Song Chen began to talk about business.

"The front reconnaissance team just sent back news that a large number of zombies were found in the northwest direction. They are heading towards the base and are expected to arrive before tomorrow evening at the latest."

Hearing this news, everyone present was stunned.

Although they knew in advance that a zombie tide would attack the base, they did not expect it to come so quickly.

Song Chen looked normal, his expression did not change much, and began to arrange various tasks in an orderly manner.

It is still the early stage of the apocalypse, and the level and strength of the zombies are completely inferior to those in the later stage. In front of the battle-hardened Song Chen, this scale of zombie tide is nothing at all.

At present, the walls of the base have been built and the initial construction has been completed. As long as they can defend the walls, the zombie tide will not pose too much of a threat.

The only thing to note is that Song Chen's current ability level is only level four, and he will be in danger if he is surrounded by a large number of zombies.

After arranging various tasks, Song Chen gave everyone a long-awaited holiday, except for the members who were still investigating outside, and distributed a lot of supplies for free.

Although he was 80% sure of resisting the zombie tide, who knew if there would be any accidents?

At least people had to eat better before going on the road.


Dusk was heavy.

The last ray of afterglow in the sky was swallowed by heavy dark clouds.

Song Chen stood on the wall of the base, staring at the approaching zombie tide in the distance.

The dense zombies were like black waves, which looked even more hideous and terrifying in the dark sunset. The red color in sight was not sure whether it was the sunset or blood.

All members in the base looked at the scene in front of them, which was more terrifying than a horror movie, and they couldn't help but feel an instinctive fear in their hearts.

They had never been so deeply aware that they were now in the world of doomsday.

Without giving the members much time to relax, the zombies were getting closer and closer to the base.

"Everyone get ready!"

Song Chen's firm and powerful voice echoed in everyone's ears, and everyone's eyes became firm in an instant, and they all picked up the weapons prepared in advance.

As the zombies got closer and closer, the air was filled with a suffocating tension.

Then, Song Chen gave an order.


In an instant.

The walls of the Dawn Base were full of flames and the sound of gunfire was deafening.

This was the first line of defense prepared by Song Chen.

The hot weapons stored in the space finally came in handy.

The machine guns fired at the zombies indiscriminately as if the bullets were free, and the throwing weapons such as bombs and incendiary bombs were thrown into the zombies with their eyes closed like throwing cabbages.

It was not necessary to rely on these hot weapons to repel the zombies, but just to reduce the number of zombies.

In the endless flames, the zombies were knocked down one by one, but the zombies were not sensitive to pain and only acted under instinct. Even if they were blown to the point that only the upper body was left, they still rushed forward one after another.

Waiting in front of them was the explosives that Song Chen had sent people to bury in advance.

A zombie was seen staggering towards the base, but the next second, an explosion sounded, and the other zombies around were blown into pieces.

Faced with such a bloody scene, the members continued to fire with their weapons expressionlessly.

Who has survived until now and has not killed zombies?

Not to mention being blown into pieces, even if they were minced into meat, they would not blink an eye.

Fear? Afraid?

These emotions are useless in front of zombies. Only by staying calm and decisive can you survive.

The zombie tide's offensive is fierce, but the defense of the Dawn Base is also extremely solid.

"Increase firepower! Don't let them get close!"

Song Chen took out a batch of hot weapons from the space and distributed them to other members around him. The denser firepower network even showed signs of repelling the zombies.

Wang Jinlong was terrified watching from the side.

He never thought that Song Chen's space was filled with so many weapons. Even if he searched the arsenal of the nearby police station, he couldn't get so many things, right?

There were also various types of bullets and explosives, with an endless supply.

Now even if Song Chen took out a missile from his trouser pocket, he seemed to think it was reasonable.

"Use incendiary bombs!"

Song Chen ordered loudly, with determination and madness flashing in his eyes.

As the order was issued, incendiary bombs exploded in the zombie group, and the flames spread rapidly, drowning the zombie group in the sea of ​​fire.

The aroma of barbecue wafted in the air, and Wang Jinlong could even clearly hear the sound of people around him swallowing their saliva.

Good guy!

You kid are really hungry!

The tense nerves of the crowd gradually relaxed.

The area around the Dawn Base had become a sea of ​​fire. Even if the zombies were not afraid of getting hurt, they would not be able to continue attacking them if they were burned to ashes, right?

But Song Chen stared at the flames with his eyes, and his expression did not relax, but became more solemn.

"Everyone, prepare for close combat!"

Song Chen suddenly shouted.

Then, the zombies that everyone thought had turned to ashes in the flames came back again. More and more zombies struggled to crawl out of the sea of ​​fire and continued to charge towards the base.

Not only that, their speed did not slow down, but it was even faster than before.

Everyone was nervous when they saw this.

Song Chen also had a gloomy face.

He knew that the real zombie tide attacking the city had just begun.

Most of the zombies that could be killed by hot weapons before were zombies with relatively low superpower levels, and now the zombies rushing out of the sea of ​​fire are at least level 2 or above, mostly level 3, and there may even be many level 4 or even level 5 zombies.

There are less than a hundred superpowers in the base. If they fight head-on with strength, the hope of winning is almost slim, and the casualties will inevitably be tragic.

If you want to get through smoothly at the lowest cost, you must find the leader of this group of zombies.

While Song Chen was thinking, the second line of defense arranged outside the base had been breached.

The traps such as the ground spike fences prepared in advance were like nothing in front of the high-level zombies and could not stop them at all.

Cheng Siyuan saw that the zombie tide was getting closer and closer to the base, and immediately led the vanguard troops to jump off the wall and prepare to face the zombies directly.

The psychics with long-range attack methods stayed on the city wall and began to use their powers to attack the zombies.

Cheng Siyuan, Li Haichuan and Wang Jinlong each led the vanguard troops to block the base and the zombie tide, and defended from three different directions.

Yang Qian stood on the city wall to command the long-range troops, and long-range powers such as ice and fire smashed the zombies crazily.

Chang Minghao, who had awakened the spiritual power, was not suitable for these two combat methods. Song Chen simply let him observe the battlefield from a global perspective and try to use his power to control the zombies to rebel.

The battle situation is still under control.

But Song Chen understood that this was only a temporary illusion. Once the members' powers were exhausted, the situation would be reversed instantly.

We must think of a way to break the situation as soon as possible.

At this moment.

A huge zombie suddenly rushed out of the zombie group.

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