The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 136: Overcoming difficulties together

The news that Chen Shengyang challenged Song Chen and was defeated soon spread throughout the base.

Song Chen's skills were also spread by everyone as if they were amazing.

In particular, Chen Shengyang had become a loyal fan of Song Chen.

He himself yearned for the strong.

In this end of the world where the strong prey on the weak, he even radically believed that strength was everything.

And the strength shown by Song Chen completely conquered him.

Now Chen Shengyang even regarded Song Chen as his idol, pestering Song Chen every day to learn combat skills, which made Song Chen very confused.

Song Chen couldn't help it, and patted Chen Shengyang on the shoulder, "Shengyang, it's a good thing to learn humbly, but with your current ability, you can't digest so many things at once. First learn the few moves I taught you thoroughly."

Chen Shengyang looked a little confused, tilted his head and thought for a long time, and finally showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"I understand, Instructor Song! I will continue to practice when I go back tonight, and practice the few moves you taught me a thousand times first!"


Song Chen was speechless for a moment.

As expected, if God opens a window for you, he will definitely close the door.

And obviously, Chen Shengyang's IQ and talent are all added to the combat aspect, and he has no emotional intelligence at all!

Song Chen nodded earnestly and encouraged him seriously: "Come on, young man!"

Chen Shengyang also nodded seriously, "Don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Looking at Chen Shengyang's solemn departure, Song Chen couldn't help but sigh.

In any case, he can finally be quiet for a while.

As soon as Song Chen left the training ground, he heard Chang Minghao's voice coming from the intercom.

"Brother Chen, Wang Jinlong is here with people."

"What's the matter?" Song Chen asked with some doubts.

"He said he came to help us get through the zombie tide."

Hearing this, Song Chen couldn't help but feel surprised. He asked Chang Minghao to take Wang Jinlong and others to the mission building first, and then hurried over.

The training ground is not far from the mission building. Chang Minghao and Wang Jinlong and others just arrived at the mission building, and Song Chen followed closely.

"Brother Song!"

Wang Jinlong saw Song Chen from a distance and hurriedly came up to him.

Song Chen also smiled and greeted him, "Boss Wang, what are you doing?"

Hearing this, Wang Jinlong pointed to the brothers behind him and said with a heroic smile: "After I received the news you sent, I held a meeting overnight, and finally everyone unanimously decided to come and tide over the difficulties with you."

Song Chen's face was full of surprise.

After learning that there would be a zombie attack on the base soon, Song Chen asked someone to convey this news to Wang Jinlong.

Firstly, due to the cooperative relationship, Wang Jinlong could prepare in advance, and secondly, he wanted to see what kind of reaction Wang Jinlong would make after learning the news.

But what he never expected was that Wang Jinlong actually brought people here the next day after learning the news.

Wang Jinlong didn't feel that he had done anything remarkable.

From his point of view, Song Chen helped him kill the Creation Team and saved their entire team before, and he always kept this favor in his heart.

Now that they finally got the chance to repay, they naturally couldn't let it go.

And if the Dawn Base was captured by the zombie tide, then they would most likely be the next to face the zombie tide.

After all, the Bay Villa is not far from the Dawn Base, and there are no other superpower teams around, so they are likely to become the next target of the zombie tide.

Helping Song Chen resist the zombie tide now is also helping themselves.

But no matter what, Wang Jinlong's bringing people to help was beyond Song Chen's expectations.

There are not many survivors who can do this in the end of the world.

Just looking at Wang Jinlong's affectionate performance, Song Chen also felt that it was not in vain to help this guy before.

Wang Jinlong came to help kindly, and Song Chen naturally would not refuse. It happened that the base was currently short of manpower, so he immediately assigned them to different jobs according to their superpowers.

Even Wang Jinlong could not avoid the fate of working.

After all, he was the leader of the team. After thinking about it, Song Chen decided to assign Wang Jinlong to Cheng Siyuan's reconnaissance team, and secretly told Cheng Siyuan not to let Wang Jinlong die, otherwise it would be difficult to report.

After the work was finished, Wang Jinlong and others did not return to the Bay Villa. Song Chen cleaned up several villas next door and gave them to Wang Jinlong and his team members to live in.

At the same time, according to the completion of each person's work, corresponding material rewards will be issued.

Most of them are instant foods such as instant noodles and sausages, but for Wang Jinlong and others, they are already rare delicacies.

Especially sausages, which are usually what Wang Jinlong uses to improve the meals for his brothers, but Song Chen can get them every day.

Not only that, Song Chen also opened a small kitchen for Wang Jinlong.

He took out the self-heating hot pot and self-heating rice that were almost covered with dust in the space, and sometimes even brought a few plates of hot meals just made by Ji Lu, which made Wang Jinlong's eyes stare straight.

As he chewed the hot food, Wang Jinlong was extremely glad that he had made the decision to help Song Chen.

The other members had the same idea.

Zhang Chao even suggested to Wang Jinlong directly, "Brother Long, why don't we join Song Chen's base? His living conditions here are so good. Not only do we have villas to live in, but we also have instant noodles and sausages to eat. Isn't it better than eating pickled mustard tubers every day?"

To be honest, Wang Jinlong was a little tempted.

At the current development speed, Song Chen's base will soon become the strongest in this area. If he brings people to join now, he can at least be an elite member. After that, if he works hard and performs well, it is not a dream to become a core member.

But before Wang Jinlong could speak, the other people around him were unhappy and decisively rejected Zhang Chao's proposal.

What a joke.

They can still be core management in Wang Jinlong's team, but they can only be the most basic ordinary members here in Song Chen. Can the treatment be the same?

Seeing that some brothers were unwilling, Wang Jinlong also gave up the idea of ​​joining Song Chen's base.

Just then, a voice came from outside.

"Boss Wang, Brother Chen asked you to go to his villa for a meeting. He received news about the zombie tide."

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