The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 135 I thought we could play for a while longer

Listening to Chen Shengyang's brave speech, some old members took a breath.

It’s true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers!

This kid is not afraid that Song Chen will perform a craniotomy on him if he is unhappy.

But Song Chen didn't say anything, and even nodded in agreement.

"It might be a bit unconvincing to ask you to obey my training all of a sudden. Since you have raised questions, let's have a test."

Chen Shengyang was a little confused by Song Chen's words, "Competition?"

"That's right." Song Chen smiled, "Don't you think I'm not qualified to be your instructor? Let's have a direct competition. If you can beat me, you will be your instructor."

"Okay!" Chen Shengyang agreed without much thought, "What kind of competition method do you suggest?"

"None of us use powers, we just fight. No matter what method we use, whoever gets his lifeline pinched first will lose."

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Song Chen originally thought that whoever fell to the ground first would lose, but then he thought that this might be a bit too bullying, so he slightly relaxed the rules to give Chen Shengyang more opportunities to make mistakes and counterattack.

Sure enough, after listening to the rules mentioned by Song Chen, Chen Shengyang decisively agreed.

As long as you are careful not to be caught by Song Chen, won't it be easy to win this competition?

Song Chen turned to look at the other members and said with a smile: "The rest of you can also challenge me to compete. As long as you beat me, you can become an instructor."

Hearing this, the new members were all eager to try, but the old members all took a step back.

They finally understood why Chang Minghao didn't stand up and stop Chen Shengyang.

This is to establish his power!


It’s so insidious!

Chen Shengyang had no idea that he had been used as a negative teaching material. He was adjusting his breathing to ensure that he was in the best fighting condition.

With Song Chen's order, the competition officially began.

Chen Shengyang immediately put up a defensive posture, but to his surprise, Song Chen just stood there without making any movement.

"what do you mean?"

Song Chen stood still and waved to him, "Come!"

Chen Shengyang suddenly felt that he had been humiliated. He no longer looked east or west, and assumed a standard fighting posture, with his feet firmly rooted on the ground, his hands clenched into fists, and he launched a direct attack towards Song Chen.

Song Chen raised his eyebrows slightly.

Unexpectedly, Chen Shengyang is still a practicing master. No wonder he dares to stand up and challenge him.

However, no matter how standard the posture is, it is just an empty frame without the support of actual combat experience.

Chen Shengyang was seen rushing towards Song Chen like a cheetah, his right fist with the sound of whistling wind, going straight towards Song Chen's face.

But Song Chen's reaction was much faster than his. He turned to one side and easily avoided Chen Shengyang's fist. At the same time, he quickly stretched out his left hand and grabbed Chen Shengyang's arm.

What? !

Chen Shengyang was surprised.

He didn't expect Song Chen's reaction speed to be so fast, and it was completely different from the scene he imagined.

However, the situation in front of him didn't give him time to think carefully. He used all his strength to try to break free from Song Chen's restraints, but Song Chen's strength was surprisingly strong, and he couldn't break free at all.

Immediately afterwards, Song Chen suddenly raised his right foot and kicked Chen Shengyang in the stomach.

Chen Shengyang felt a huge force coming, and he flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

"What the hell?!"

Someone in the crowd screamed in surprise, and everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

They didn't expect Song Chen to be so strong. Not only did he easily neutralize Chen Shengyang's attack, he even knocked Chen Shengyang to the ground with a backhand blow.

Sensing the shocked emotions of the people around him, Chang Minghao raised the corners of his mouth.

Little cubs, feel the fear!

Chen Shengyang got up from the ground, with a painful expression on his face.

The force of Song Chen's blow just now was not light. He felt as if his internal organs had been displaced. If this was not a training competition, he might not be able to stand up now.

It was only at this time that Chen Shengyang realized Song Chen's power firsthand, and his attitude became correct.

He admitted that Song Chen was indeed qualified to be their instructor, but something in his heart told him not to admit defeat.

Chen Shengyang did not give up, patted the dust on his body, and assumed an attacking posture again.

Song Chen nodded secretly when he saw this.

It's a good thing to have tenacity and not admit defeat, and Chen Shengyang also has talent and ideas. In time, he will definitely become an indispensable figure in the base.

After posing, Song Chen waved to Chen Shengyang again.

Chen Shengyang no longer regarded this gesture as a humiliating move, and became more cautious. He gave up the fierce attack at the beginning, and instead tried to find Song Chen's flaws.


Song Chen's movement was extremely flexible. He kept weaving in and out of Chen Shengyang's attacks, leaving Chen Shengyang unable to find an opportunity.

As time went by, Chen Shengyang gradually felt powerless.

His movements became sluggish and his breathing became rapid.

On the other hand, Song Chen always remained calm and calm. He kept changing his attack methods, making Chen Shengyang tired of dealing with them.

In the eyes of other members, Song Chen seemed to be playing a cat-and-mouse game, and Chen Shengyang was the poor mouse.

But only Chen Shengyang, who was in the game, understood that Song Chen was not playing with him, but teaching him.

Song Chen's body movements gradually slowed down in his eyes, and Chen Shengyang inexplicably felt a sense of enlightenment. Although his physical condition was close to the limit, his mind became clearer and clearer.


Chen Shengyang's pupils shrank suddenly, and he burst out with amazing power in an instant. The whole person pounced on Song Chen like a tiger, unstoppable.

For Chen Shengyang's fierce attack, Song Chen was not panicked, but slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

Then he decisively turned around to avoid the attack, and kicked Chen Shengyang in the waist.

Chen Shengyang felt pain and staggered forward two steps.

Song Chen seized this opportunity and instantly bullied himself and pressed Chen Shengyang to the ground, clasping his hands on his throat. With a little force, he could easily break his neck.

Feeling the touch from his throat, Chen Shengyang's forehead broke out in cold sweat.

"You lost." Song Chen stood up from him and stretched out his hand to Chen Shengyang, who was still in a daze. "But you have good abilities. If you work hard, you can become stronger."

Chen Shengyang looked up at Song Chen's smile, which had never changed from beginning to end. He knew that he had lost completely and was convinced.

He bowed deeply to Song Chen, "Thank you, Instructor Song, for your guidance!"

Song Chen was slightly stunned and touched his chin with an ambiguous meaning.

Instructor Song?

This title sounds quite fresh.

Waving to Chen Shengyang, Song Chen smiled and said, "Go back to the team."


Chen Shengyang no longer refuted Song Chen's words and stood back in the team very obediently.

Song Chen turned his head and glanced at the other members, and said with temptation: "Does anyone else want to compete with me?"

Hearing this, all the members took a step back in unison.

Just kidding!

Even Chen Shengyang, who has a fighting background, was beaten without any chance to fight back. Wouldn't it be a death wish for these noobs to go up there?

After waiting for a long time, no member dared to step forward. Song Chen sighed with a little disappointment.

What a pity.

I thought we could play for a while longer.

The members were shocked when they saw the expression on Song Chen's face.

Big brother!

Stop playing!

Let's start training!

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