The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 127 Don’t forget to save some for your brothers!

While confirming the terrain, Song Chen met many team members patrolling the community.

Because his team was being targeted, Wang Jinlong stopped sending people out, and stopped collecting supplies. All members stayed in the community to maintain safety, and were always on guard against people from the Creation Team coming to kill them.

Song Chen made a rough calculation and found that there were nearly a hundred people in total.

It was actually more people than the Chenxi Base, which had just recruited a group of new members.

But this is also because Wang Jinlong's conditions for accepting people are not as strict as Song Chen's. As long as he dares to kill zombies with his team, or his character and strength seem to be good, Wang Jinlong will accept everyone no matter who he is.

Although the demand for supplies will increase, correspondingly, more people will be able to go out and collect supplies.

I can barely maintain a balance of income and meet daily expenses.



It's definitely not as lavish as Song Chen's.

But compared to other survivors, it can be considered a good life.

Wang Jinlong's new member had never witnessed the destruction of Qin Sen's team, and looked at Song Chen with a bit of inquiry and contempt.

Didn't he say that he would go to other bases to move reinforcements?

Is this the result?

A young man who looks like he's not yet thirty?

If such a small body were to meet the members of the Chuangshi team, I'm afraid they would be immediately frightened and become deserters!

The old members had seen the scene of Song Chen's men performing craniotomy on everyone in Qin Sen's team, and Lan Ya in particular left an indelible impression on them.

They originally wanted to persuade the new members to be more respectful towards Song Chen, but when faced with the new members' doubts about Song Chen's strength, they were speechless. After all, they had never really seen Song Chen take action from beginning to end.

Of all the people present, probably only the old fox Wang Jinlong could guess a bit of Song Chen's true strength.

In a blink of an eye it's time for dinner.

Wang Jinlong asked his men to bring out the best ingredients, make eight dishes and one soup, and then grab a bottle of red wine, ready to receive Song Chen.

"Brother Song, don't dislike it." Wang Jinlong took the lead in pouring a glass of red wine for Song Chen and said with a smile, "Before the apocalypse broke out, I wouldn't have even looked at this kind of red wine worth several hundred yuan, but now even These are all good things that I only got if I was lucky.”

Song Chen looked at the bottle with a smile.

Not to mention before the apocalypse, even now he doesn't look down on this grade of red wine. He still has thousands of bottles of better and more expensive red wine than this.

But as the saying goes, when in town, do as the Romans do.

Now that he came to Wang Jinlong's territory, of course he was a guest as he pleased.

"Come on, let's try this plate of steak."

Wang Jinlong greeted Song Chen with a smile.

This thing was a good thing that he got by chance in a market a few days ago. He always kept it in the refrigerator. If it weren't for the banquet for Song Chen, he would not be willing to eat it.

Song Chen nodded and glanced at the eight dishes and one soup on the table.

Although most meats are easier to freeze and preserve, there are still some meat and vegetables.

Being able to put together such a table of dishes in today's environment is enough to show that the overall strength of Wang Jinlong's team is not bad.

Looking at Song Chen with a calm expression, the other team members standing guard felt a little unhappy.

What is this guy pretending to be?

Nowadays, ordinary people don't even have enough to eat, but Boss Wang is willing to take out these good things to entertain him. It doesn't matter if he doesn't feel grateful, he should at least express his gratitude, right?

I really don’t know what Boss Wang is thinking!

Why does this kind of guy need to compliment him?

But they didn't know that these things were really not enough in Song Chen's eyes.

Song Chen usually had eight dishes and one soup for every meal, which was the minimum standard. Sometimes when he was greedy, he would ask Ji Lu to help with an extra meal.

The things in front of them were rare delicacies to Wang Jinlong and others, but to Song Chen they were not as good as ordinary meals.

Lan Ya sat next to Song Chen, looking down at the bland pieces of boiled meat in the bowl with a look of disgust on his face.

Just give this thing to Mr. Dog for me to eat?

It’s too shabby!

No matter how bad it is, it will have to be a few small tender steaks with a bowl of braised pork!

"Woof woof!"

Lan Ya raised his head and shouted twice at Song Chen to show his dissatisfaction with the food.

Wang Jinlong didn't know what Lan Ya meant, and even thought that Lan Ya was very satisfied with the food he prepared and was barking happily to express his happiness.

After all, even Song Chen wouldn't necessarily feed a dog meat, right?

Seeing Wang Jinlong's proud smile, Lan Ya became even more angry.

What's going on with this guy?

If you don't change the dishes quickly, why are you still sitting there and giggling?

Are you looking down on Mr. Dog?

Lanya bared his teeth and growled in his throat.

Now even a fool could tell that Lan Ya was angry, and Wang Jinlong suddenly showed a panicked expression on his face.

"What's going on here?"

He looked helplessly at Song Chen, trying to get the answer from Song Chen.

Song Chen patted Lan Ya's dog's head, smiled apologetically at Wang Jinlong and said, "I'm sorry, this guy is spoiled by me."

"It's okay, it's okay." Wang Jinlong waved his hands repeatedly.

He knew that Lan Ya had no ill intentions towards him, otherwise he would have just pretended to growl, and would have pounced on him and bit his neck.

With Lan Ya's strength, he may not even react when he is bitten to death.

But he didn't understand why Lan Ya was angry.

Wang Jinlong didn't understand, but Song Chen did.

This dog is usually very greedy, and now he must be showing dissatisfaction because the food in the bowl is not to his liking.

What else can you do with your own dog?

Of course I dote on you!

Sighing helplessly, Song Chen took out a bowl of tender steaks and a large plate of braised pork from the space and placed them in front of Lan Ya.

Seeing Song Chen take out his favorite food, Lan Ya immediately wagged his tail happily.

Wang Jinlong, who was sitting opposite, was dumbfounded.

What's that in the dog bowl?

Tender steak?

Braised pork?

Moreover, the meat looks fresh and tender, and the dishes are full of color, flavor and flavor.

Look at the eight dishes and one soup on the dining table. In comparison, they are simply glutinous vegetables.

Anyway, the dishes were already taken out, so Song Chen simply stopped hiding them and took out several plates of dishes from the space one after another.

There are braised pork ribs, crispy duck, sauced pig's trotters, fried pork intestines, garlic vermicelli shrimps, boiled cabbage hearts, stir-fried lotus root slices, vinegar cabbage, and finally I even took out a portion of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall.

"This this……"

Wang Jinlong looked at the dishes that completely filled the table and was so surprised that he couldn't even speak.

The other members who were dissatisfied with Song Chen in the past even stared at the delicious food on the table.

Song Chen smiled and said, "Don't just look at it, use your chopsticks to eat."

Hearing this, Wang Jinlong suddenly came back to his senses.

I'll be a good boy!

Where did Song Chen conjure up so many things?

Wang Jinlong couldn't help but wonder, but he was smart enough not to ask.

Everyone has their own secrets and trump cards. Since Song Chen didn't explain, he naturally wouldn't ask any more questions.

And now most of his attention is focused on the food in front of him. How can he have the time to think about other messy things?

"Now that Brother Song has spoken, I won't be polite!"

Wang Jinlong picked up the food with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth. He just ate without even thinking about saying a word.

The other members standing nearby had tears streaming down their faces when they saw this.

elder brother!

Dear brother!

Eat slowly!

Don’t forget to leave some for your brothers!

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