The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 126 This guy is really afraid of death!

Song Chen took Lan Ya and followed Wang Jinlong to the Bay Villa.

Cheng Siyuan originally wanted to go with Song Chen, but the base also needed someone to stay, so Song Chen did not agree and insisted on keeping him.

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With the strength of him and Lan Ya, there should be no superpowers who can be their opponents at present.

Bay Villa is not far from the Dawn Base, but Wang Jinlong still drove the best car in his hand.

Not only to make the road safer, but also to let Song Chen walk less and sit more comfortably.

Zhang Chao, who came with Wang Jinlong, opened the door for Song Chen and put his hand on the roof to prevent Song Chen from accidentally hitting his forehead when getting in the car.

It should be said that the care is quite comprehensive.

If you don’t know, you might think this was before the end of the world, when he was still the president of the group.

After Song Chen and Wang Jinlong sat in the back seat, Zhang Chao turned around and sat in the driver's seat, while Lan Ya was assigned by Song Chen to the co-pilot seat in case of any trouble on the road.

Feeling the soft and delicate touch of the seat under him, Song Chen couldn't help but smile and joked: "Old Wang is still very good at enjoying it. It's hard to find a car that is comfortable to sit in now."

Wang Jinlong smiled without thinking and said: "Brother Song, that's not the case. If you like it, just drive away after the matter is over."

Song Chen smiled and shook his head, "Forget about driving away."

This kind of car is comfortable to sit in, but its practicality in the end times is too low. Once it is targeted by a slightly faster zombie, it can't even run away, which is far inferior to his favorite heavy truck.

Seeing Song Chen shaking his head, Wang Jinlong didn't persuade him any more, and said: "Brother Song, just tell me what you like and take whatever you want."

Song Chen smiled slightly.

As expected of someone who could do business well before the end of the world, Wang Jinlong has a firm grasp of the ways of the world.

"Let's not talk about this, let's talk about business first." Song Chen put one hand on the car door and turned to look at Wang Jinlong, "When will the people from the Creation Team come?"

Speaking of this, Wang Jinlong looked a little guilty.

"I don't know exactly when they will come to kill us, but I just received news that we have been targeted."

Recognizing Song Chen's gradually cold expression, Wang Jinlong quickly added: "But it shouldn't take long. The guys from the Creation Team are all impatient and will definitely take action in the next few days."

Song Chen sighed slightly in his heart.

He knew that Wang Jinlong was afraid of death, but he didn't expect him to be so afraid of death.

It's just that he just received the news that he was targeted, and he didn't hesitate to come to ask for help.

If it weren't for the batch of crystal cores he received when he agreed to cooperate before, he would definitely take Lan Ya out of the car and return to the base.

"Three days." Song Chen held up three fingers. "I will stay in your base for three days at most. If the people from the Creation Team don't show up during this period, I will leave."

Wang Jinlong nodded hurriedly, "No problem!"

Although three days seemed a bit short to him, Song Chen's patience to stay was already a face-saving thing for him.

Song Chen saw this and said no more.

Staying in the Bay Villa for these three days is like giving yourself a small vacation.

The distance between the Dawn Base and the Bay Villa is not far, and both Song Chen and Wang Jinlong send teams to clean up the zombies around every day, but they still encounter some zombies wandering around on the way.

Without Song Chen and Lan Ya taking action, Wang Jinlong's people consciously cleared all the zombies that blocked the road.

There was no situation where most zombies gathered together. After a short 20-minute drive, everyone returned to the Bay Villa.

Song Chen had been to the Bay Villa before when he was cleaning and collecting supplies around the villa area.

At that time, the official rescue team had just left, and most of the survivors in the Bay Villa left with the rescue team. Only the hideous zombies were left in the entire community. Song Chen was too lazy to search for supplies from house to house in the community. He just walked around and made sure that there were no survivors left before leaving.

Later, when Wang Jinlong said that his base was in the Bay Villa, he was still a little surprised. Now I think this guy might have changed his words temporarily to move here in order to get on his boat.

The Bay Villa covers a large area, which is about the same size as the villa area.

The gate of the community was closed, and there were special people guarding it.

Seeing that it was Wang Jinlong's car driving back, the gatekeeper immediately opened the door and let it go.

The vehicle drove smoothly into the Bay Villa. The surrounding environment was good and the ground was cleaned up. It can be seen that Wang Jinlong really treated the base and the entire team very carefully.

Because the team was small, for safety reasons, all members lived in the nine-story building closest to the corner of the road.

Zhang Chao drove the car directly downstairs, and Wang Jinlong enthusiastically took Song Chen upstairs.

The entrance of the building was surrounded by iron nets collected from somewhere, and two team members were guarding it to prevent zombies from sneaking into the building.

Seeing such a strict defense, Song Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

This guy is really afraid of death!

Wang Jinlong took Song Chen to the second floor.

It was less than ten meters away from the ground outside the building. Even if there was an emergency, the people inside could jump out through the window.

This height is not a big deal for a superpower, and they will not be injured even if they jump down.

"Brother Song, I'll have to ask you to live with me for the next three days." Wang Jinlong said with a little apology.

Song Chen nodded indifferently.

This house is a standard large flat with four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Not to mention that it is just him and Wang Jinlong, even if there are a few more people, it can accommodate them completely.

Seeing that it is getting close to evening, Wang Jinlong wants to invite Song Chen to dinner first, but Song Chen wants to take a walk in the Bay Villa while it is still light and get familiar with the terrain.

Wang Jinlong naturally would not refuse, and immediately took Song Chen out.

The layout of the Bay Villa is not much different from other communities. Song Chen just confirmed the various exits and the surrounding terrain, so that even if there is an unexpected situation that cannot be controlled, he can quickly make the most accurate judgment.

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