The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 128 Is it possible that it just wants to go to the bathroom?


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Wang Jinlong ate and drank until his stomach was full. He sat on the chair and couldn't even straighten his waist.

Song Chen looked at the food in front of him, which was eaten up in a flash, and even the soup was drunk up, and fell into deep thought.

Is this guy a starving ghost?

He eats too much!

Wang Jinlong smiled awkwardly, "I'm so sorry, brother Song, you come to my place as a guest, but you eat your food."

Song Chen waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, it's just a few dishes."

Wang Jinlong's eyelids jumped when he heard this.

What do you mean it's just a few dishes?

How many survivors dare not even dream of these dishes!

But in Song Chen's mouth, they are just a few dishes?

Damn it!

Wang Jinlong waved to the people around him and pointed to the remaining food on the table, "Don't waste these things, and give the brothers a good meal tonight."

In addition to the eight dishes and one soup that were originally prepared, Wang Jinlong also separated half of the Buddha Jumps Over the Wall after obtaining Song Chen's consent, leaving it specifically for his brothers.

Upon hearing this, the others hurriedly thanked Song Chen and Wang Jinlong, and then happily carried the food away.

Their cheers could still be heard from a long distance away.

Wang Jinlong looked at Song Chen a little embarrassedly, "Brother Song, don't be offended, these guys haven't seen delicious food for too long."

Song Chen smiled and nodded to show his understanding.

It's the end of the world.

It's good to be able to eat, who dares to make any high demands?

After dinner, Song Chen and Wang Jinlong exchanged a few words, then returned to their room to absorb the crystal core, and then prepared to rest early.

Night gradually fell.

The dark clouds from afar obscured the moon, and the only source of light was lost. The whole world was completely plunged into the dark night.

The night wind blew, and the broken city seemed to be crying.

All members returned to their respective rooms to rest, and the entire Bay Villa was silent.

Wang Jinlong's snoring came intermittently from the bedroom next door. Song Chen also fell into a deep sleep on the soft bed. Lan Ya lay at the door with his eyes closed.


Lan Ya's ears moved, and then he suddenly opened his eyes, looked around, and kept making low roars.

Song Chen woke up immediately after hearing the subtle sound.

"What's wrong?"

As soon as Song Chen made a sound, Lan Ya seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly pushed open the half-closed door and rushed out.

Then he quickly rushed to the direction of the window sill and looked outside.

Song Chen followed closely behind Lan Ya, also looking in the direction of its sight, but saw nothing.

Not to mention human figures, not even a bird flew by, only the dead leaves rustled in the night wind.

Lan Ya was obviously very confused, staring blankly out the window.

Song Chen frowned slightly when he saw this.

Lan Ya's state just now was obviously that he had discovered something unusual. Song Chen had been surviving outside for many years in his previous life, and he had long been accustomed to waking up at the moment of hearing any slight sound, so he was sure that he woke up at the same time as Lan Ya's growl.

But despite this, there was no discovery.

Then there are only two real reasons for the matter.

One is that Lan Ya's feeling was wrong.

In fact, there was no abnormality, and it was all caused by Lan Ya's misjudgment.

The second is that something that cannot be detected by ordinary means sneaked in, and then quickly slipped away the moment it found itself discovered by Lan Ya.

Song Chen did not hesitate to rule out the possibility that Lan Ya's feeling was wrong.

Compared with humans, dogs have more sensitive facial features, especially after awakening their superpowers, the gap is more obvious.

There are many things that cannot be captured by the naked eye, but dogs can sense their existence with their keen hearing and sense of smell.

In other words, Lan Ya may have just smelled or heard something that others could not perceive.

Thinking of this, Song Chen secretly said in his heart that it was not good, and rushed into Wang Jinlong's room next door.

Fortunately, this guy did not notice anything unusual at all, and was still sleeping soundly. He seemed to have dreamed of something tempting, and smiled foolishly and smacked his lips.

Seeing that Wang Jinlong was fine, Song Chen was slightly relieved, and then slapped him in the face.

"Wang Jinlong, wake up!"

"Ah! What?!"

Wang Jinlong suddenly woke up from his sleep, and jumped up from the bed with a carp, and saw Song Chen standing in front of his bed.

"Brother Song, why are you standing by my bed in the middle of the night?"

Wang Jinlong frowned.

Could this guy be plotting against him?

But Song Chen has everything he has, and Song Chen also has things he doesn't have, so what else can he do to him?

Could it be that...

I don't know what he thought of, Wang Jinlong's eyes suddenly became alert when he looked at Song Chen.

Song Chen didn't want to guess what Wang Jinlong was thinking. He was now fully focused on guarding against the enemy who might come back at any time.

"Don't sleep, something is going on!"

Seeing Song Chen's serious expression, Wang Jinlong's expression also became heavy, and he woke up completely from his sleep.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know."

Song Chen shook his head, turned and walked out the door, leaving Wang Jinlong alone with a puzzled face.

What does I don't know mean?

When they came to the door, the team members Wang Jinlong arranged to guard the door were concentrating on their duty. When they saw Song Chen coming out, they thought he had something to do.

Song Chen waved to them, indicating that they should continue to watch the situation outside, and then returned to the room.

Wang Jinlong was already dressed and sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Brother Song, what did you find?"

"It wasn't me who found it, it was it that found it."

Song Chen pointed to Lan Ya who was still lying by the window, and described what had just happened to Wang Jinlong.

Wang Jinlong's expression was a little complicated after hearing it.

After hesitating for a moment, he still chose to speak and try: "Is it possible that it just wants to go to the toilet?"

Song Chen:?

"Lan Ya will go to the bathroom by herself, and she doesn't need me at all." Song Chen rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"That's right, you can't think of it by the standard of an ordinary dog." Wang Jinlong smiled awkwardly, but he still didn't believe what Song Chen said, "Is it possible that there are other situations?"

After all, there must be some differences between the ideas of dogs and people.

Song Chen shook his head.

"Lan Ya has never made any mistakes in this regard."

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