The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 125 Wang Jinlong is here again!

Since you can't find an opportunity at night, take action during the day.

Song Chen took advantage of Zhou Yuluo's nap in the room and carried Ji Lu directly back to the room.

The curtains were drawn, and just as he was about to start doing some serious business, the walkie-talkie placed next to him suddenly rang.

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, that guy Wang Jinlong is here again!"

Song Chen:?

That guy Wang Jinlong regards this place as his natal home, and he comes back to visit whenever he has nothing to do, right?

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

"No time!" Song Chen replied angrily, "I have something serious to do now, so no matter what, let him wait a moment!"

But after a while, the voice came from the intercom again.

"Brother Chen, Wang Jinlong said that human life is at stake, and I really want to ask your help for something."

Hearing the words "human life is at stake", Song Chen could only stand up and say into the intercom: "Let him come directly to the villa to find me."

Song Chen reluctantly put on his clothes while grinding his back molars viciously.

If the matter was not as serious as Wang Jinlong said, he would have to peel off this kid's skin today!

Wang Jinlong, who was following the members to the villa, suddenly felt a chill on his back, and goosebumps appeared on his body.


It was quite hot today, how could he feel a chill?


Just when Wang Jinlong was confused, they had already arrived in front of Song Chen's villa.

The member who led Wang Jinlong came forward and rang the doorbell of the villa. Then the door of the villa opened and the member led Wang Jinlong into the villa.

When he walked into the yard, Wang Jinlong saw Song Chen sitting under the grape trellis, playing with tea, with shock on his face.

This scene must have been normal before, but what time is it now? It’s the end of the world, brother!

While others are still struggling to survive and can't even afford to eat, you sit under the grape trellis and make tea, looking like you've spent your time peacefully and leisurely?

Even though Wang Jinlong expected that Song Chen's life would be good, he never expected that it would reach this point!

"Here? Sit down."

Song Chen raised his head and glanced at Wang Jinlong, then pointed to the chair opposite with his chin.

Wang Jinlong sat down honestly.

"Brother Song is so enthusiastic. He even made tea. He is so enviable to others."

Wang Jinlong's original intention was to flatter Song Chen, but he didn't expect Song Chen to give him an angry look after hearing this.

"There is nothing I can do. A good thing has been ruined. I can only drink some tea and relax."

Wang Jinlong was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "It's really a life-threatening matter to come to Brother Song this time."

Song Chen handed him a cup of tea and said, "Let's talk about it."

Wang Jinlong was flattered and took a sip of the tea, and immediately tasted that it was his favorite Yuqian Longjing drink. He couldn't help but take two more sips, and then he talked about the reason for his trip with satisfaction.

"Recently, the number of zombies in the surrounding areas has suddenly increased for unknown reasons, and many survivors have been killed. As far as I know, several teams in the surrounding areas have died in the siege of zombies."

Song Chen had known about this for a long time.

Since he discovered that the number of zombies around the base suddenly increased, he sent an extra patrol team to collect information around the base.

Later, brother and sister Zhou Yufeng also brought this news when they joined the base, and also told Song Chen that a large number of survivors were fleeing in this direction.

But what does this have to do with Wang Jinlong?

Faced with Song Chen's questions, Wang Jinlong sighed heavily.

"This matter really should have nothing to do with me, but I didn't expect that one team had other thoughts."

"They did not dare to face the man-eating zombies. Instead, they focused on other survivors and began to snatch supplies from other survivors. Now the scattered teams around them who have received the news are hiding and dare not show up. "

"Perhaps because there are fewer and fewer supplies to grab, a team of survivors calling themselves the Creation Team is eyeing us."

Song Chen raised his eyebrows, "Is that Creation Team very strong?"

Although the configuration of Wang Jinlong's team has not been carefully confirmed, the strength of a team that can produce nearly a hundred second- and third-level crystal cores in one go is definitely not too bad.

In addition, Wang Jinlong's team has a large number of people, and many new members must have been added during this period, and the overall strength will also increase.

But the other party still dared to take Wang Jinlong's idea, obviously his strength was not weak.

Wang Jinlong also nodded and confirmed Song Chen's idea, "Yes, the captain of the Creation Team is named Li Lin. He has awakened the metal power, and it is said that the level has reached level four, and his body is invulnerable with the blessing of the power. "

"But I'm not sure about this statement. After all, no one has been able to get close to Li Lin so far. He basically killed him as soon as he got close."

"In short, he is an extremely difficult guy."

"Coupled with the fact that the other members of the Creation Team are also pretty good, it is no exaggeration to say that they may be the strongest survivor team around here right now."

"Except of course you pervert who has established a base."

When Song Chen heard this, he said jokingly: "I'll just think that you are complimenting me."

Wang Jinlong shrugged, "Of course I'm just praising you. Most of the survivors are still forming gangs and thinking about how to survive. Only you, who seems to have used a cheat, has built a base."

Song Chen smiled and couldn't deny it.

His rebirth has given him an advantage in many places. Compared with others, he can be considered a cheat.

"So you came to me this time to ask me to help you deal with this Creation Team?"

"Yes." Wang Jinlong nodded, "To be honest, my power ability has just reached level three not long ago. If I fight against Li Lin, it can be said that I am in danger of death. I am afraid that I can't even penetrate his gold armor."

The power ability is indeed very strong in the early stage before the elemental ability rises, but when the level of the elemental ability users gradually increases, the power system will gradually show weakness.

The attack power is not as good as the fire and thunder abilities, the defense power is not as good as the earth ability, and the speed is not as fast as the wind ability. There is no means of long-range attack, and it can only rely on the ability user's own fist.

To exaggerate, it can be said that it is the strongest ability in the early stage and the weakest ability in the later stage.

At present, most of the ability users have reached the level of two or more, or even the third and fourth levels, and the weakness of the power ability has gradually begun to manifest.

And Li Lin's gold ability is a perfect restraint of Wang Jinlong's power ability.

Not to mention that there is still a full level difference in level.

Wang Jinlong's judgment of the situation was very accurate.

If he really fought with Li Lin, he would definitely be the one to die.

Once Wang Jinlong, the leader of the team, died, the others would naturally not be Li Lin's opponents. At that time, the only outcome waiting for them was to be completely wiped out or absorbed.

"I understand your idea." Song Chen put down the teacup in his hand, "Then what do you want me to do?"

Wang Jinlong said in a slightly pleading tone: "I don't ask for anything else, as long as I and my brothers can be protected by the Creation Team."

He didn't dare to ask Song Chen to kill the entire Creation Team directly.

Li Lin's strength was said to be magical. Even if Song Chen was very strong, he might not be Li Lin's opponent.

So as long as the Creation Team could be driven away and they didn't dare to come to trouble themselves again, it would be fine.

"Okay." Song Chen nodded happily, "Then I'll go with you in person."

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