The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 124 The smile will not disappear, it will only shift

After the news that Song Chen was going to hold a barbecue party spread, everyone in the base was so happy that they went crazy.

Eating barbecue at this time was something they could not even dream of.

And it was Song Chen who treated them, so they didn't have to spend points, they could just get it for free.

Is there anything more exciting than this in the end times?

Of course not!

Seeing everyone's excitement, Song Chen generously took out dozens of kilograms of meat from the space, and then took out some other side dishes, and gave them all to Ji Lu to let her lead other members to start preparing the ingredients.

It happened that today's work had been completed, so everyone gathered together excitedly and started to get busy.

Zhou Yufeng didn't expect that Song Chen would make such a big scene to welcome him.

Looking at the various ingredients placed in front of him, his eyes were straight.

Song Chen smiled and patted his shoulder, "Do a good job in the future, I have high hopes for you!"

Zhou Yufeng nodded quickly, "Brother Chen, don't worry, I will definitely work hard, you can just watch my performance in the future!"

He was just a newcomer who had just joined the base not long ago, and Song Chen was willing to receive him with such a welcome ceremony. He was determined to work hard and never let Song Chen down.

Song Chen smiled at Zhou Yufeng's serious expression and said nothing.

On the surface, he prepared a barbecue party to welcome Zhou Yufeng, but people who know him know that he is the kind of person who will suddenly be kind and become a male bodhisattva?

Of course not!

The purpose of holding a barbecue party is not simply to win over Zhou Yufeng, but more importantly to recruit new members.

You ask what the barbecue party has to do with recruiting new members?

That's a big deal.

The survivors who were chased to the vicinity by more and more zombies must be hungry and thirsty. They dare not sleep well at night. They can only hide in the dark room to guard against zombies that may suddenly appear from nowhere.

At this time, we saw fire and smoke in the distance, followed by the smell of barbecue.

No one can resist the smell of barbecue.

Not to mention the hungry survivors.

They will definitely come here following the fire, smoke and smell of barbecue, and then they will see the recruitment notices that Song Chen had posted in advance in every corner of the base.

Will we still have to worry about not being able to recruit people?

It is estimated that it will not take long for the registration office in the mission building to line up.

The members of the base were skewering meat happily, while Song Chen was communicating with the grape vines in the yard.

The simple rack that Song Chen built with a broom had long been replaced by Ji Lu with a two-meter-high and five-meter-long wooden rack. The leaves of the grape vines covered the entire wooden rack, and the sunset light shone through the emerald green leaves.

It has become a unique landscape in the yard.

There are already many bunches of grapes on the vines. Song Chen picked a few that looked good and prepared to use them as fruits to relieve greasiness at the barbecue party.

Since we decided to have a big meal, we might as well be extravagant.

On a slightly hot night, the breeze blew gently.

What can be better than ice beer and barbecue?

Song Chen was cruel to his enemies, but he was very caring towards his own people.

There were a total of more than 30 people in the Dawn Base. Several tables were placed in the open space in the villa area, and they were filled with various ingredients.

There were four barbecue stoves in front, and the charcoal fire was burning. It didn't take long for the aroma of barbecue to spread.

Song Chen didn't do anything special. He held a glass of ice beer and sat on a small bench with everyone else to talk nonsense.

It must be said that Ji Lu is really talented in cooking. Even a simple barbecue can make it taste very good.

Aunt Liu's cooking skills are not much inferior. Compared with the charcoal grilled by other members, the skewers grilled by the two are simply delicacies from the mountains and the sea.

However, although the grilled meat was not very professional, everyone stuffed it into their mouths.

Song Chen drank ice beer while looking towards the entrance of the base.

Although most survivors would probably wait until dawn to express their intention to join the base, there might be some brave and skilled people who would come in the dark.

As expected.

Song Chen didn't have to wait too long. When the barbecue party was halfway through, the voice of Cheng Siyuan, who was on duty at the gate of the base, came from the intercom.

"Brother Chen, a group of survivors came outside and want to join the base."

Song Chen's eyes lit up.

As long as the survivors met the conditions for joining the base, they would be accepted. Survivors who failed to collect enough crystal cores could continue to collect crystal cores and join after meeting the conditions.

In just one night, nearly twenty survivors joined the Dawn Base.

As new members, they were naturally not eligible to enjoy barbecue.

However, as a benefit for novices, Song Chen gave each person two buckets of instant noodles, a sausage and a braised egg for free.

All the survivors who joined the base did not show dissatisfaction with this. They smelled the barbecue smell coming from a close distance and ate the hot instant noodles in their hands with satisfaction.

Song Chen was also very satisfied with this scene.

It seems that the conditions of these new members are very good. At least they have enough knowledge about the end of the world and the environment.

Only those who truly understand how cruel the end of the world is will be grateful for every full meal, instead of comparing with other people who have a better life.

In the next few days, many survivors joined the base.

So far, the total number of members of the Dawn Base has reached 50.

The barbecue party hosted by Song Chen contributed greatly to the doubling of the number of people in just a few days.

After the number of members in the base increased, Song Chen immediately assigned some members to follow Ji Yumo to build the base wall, and the rest all went to participate in the cleaning task of the high-end residential area.

The progress of the two tasks was instantly accelerated.

It is estimated that it will not take long before the high-end residential area can be completely cleaned up.

So Song Chen asked Ji Yumo to temporarily vacate the wall on the high-end residential area, build the walls on other sides first and extend them to the high-end residential area, and then the entire high-end residential area can be directly included.

After a few days of getting along, Zhou Yuluo finally adapted to the days of living with Song Chen and others.

Now Zhou Yuluo has completely become Ji Lu's little follower. No matter where Ji Lu goes, she must follow him, and even sleep in the same bed at night.

Ji Lu also treats Zhou Yuluo as his own sister. He is reluctant to let Zhou Yuluo be alone, so he can only temporarily wrong Song Chen.

This made Song Chen very worried.

His original intention was to add a predictive auxiliary system, but the result was good, he directly killed his wife.

Seeing Song Chen being forced to stay alone in the empty room, sister-in-law Ji Yumo deliberately sent a mocking message.

"Why are you, a grown man, fighting with a little girl?"

If Ji Yumo hadn't been covering her mouth tightly to prevent herself from laughing, Song Chen would have really believed her lies.

"It seems that the work of building the wall during the day is still too idle." Song Chen narrowed his eyes and said with a sly smile, "How about this, in order to make everyone more urgent, I limit you to build the wall within half a month."

After these words came out, Ji Yumo stopped laughing.

Song Chen hummed a little tune and left.

Sure enough, the smile will not disappear, it will only move.

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