Zhou Yufeng held his sister Zhou Yuluo's hand and looked at Song Chen with some anxiety.

If Song Chen doesn't choose to accept them, then the best outcome for them is to continue to wander outside and struggle to survive, and the worst outcome...

Zhou Yufeng didn't dare to think about it.

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But what awaits them will definitely be either imprisoned or killed.

I heard that the young base commander's power level in front of me has reached level four. I don't know if he can take his sister away safely with the speed of his level three wind power.

Seeing Zhou Yufeng's fearful and expectant look, Song Chen smiled.

"Why are you looking at me with this expression? Don't worry, you have met the conditions for joining the base. I have no other reason to reject you."

Hearing this, Zhou Yufeng's eyes widened in disbelief. After hesitating for a moment, he couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you... worried that my sister's powers will bring trouble to the base?"

"What are you worried about?" Song Chen raised his eyebrows and asked, "It's just two new survivors. What trouble will it bring to Chenxi Base?"

Zhou Yufeng was confused and tried to explain: "Maybe my description of the precognitive power is not very clear, Luo Luo..."

Before Zhou Yufeng could finish speaking, Chang Minghao next to him interrupted him.

"What is the power of prediction? Isn't your sister just an ordinary girl?"

Chang Minghao said while blinking crazily at Zhou Yufeng.

They all hinted to this point, no matter how stupid Zhou Yufeng was, he would still be able to react.

Song Chen was planning to hide Zhou Yuluo's precognitive ability from the outside world!

After reacting, Zhou Yufeng suddenly thanked Song Chen with surprise on his face, "Thank you so much, Brother Chen, for being willing to accept us brothers and sisters! As long as I can protect the safety of my sister, my life will belong to Brother Chen from now on!"

Song Chen waved his hand, "Since you have joined my base, it is my duty to protect you."

After thinking for a moment, Song Chen decided to let Zhou Yuluo move into his villa.

Not only can they better protect Zhou Yuluo's safety and use her to contain Zhou Yufeng, but they also want to keep things about her precognition secret secret. The most important thing is to be able to know the content of Zhou Yuluo's precognition as soon as possible.

Precognition is not controllable.

Maybe the zombies have sneaked up behind them without activating their ability to predict, or maybe when they go to bed at night, they suddenly predict what they will have for breakfast the next day.

The extent to which the ability to predict can be used depends entirely on the owner.

Song Chen didn't know much about this aspect, but in short, there was nothing wrong with arranging Zhou Yuluo by his side.

After listening to Song Chen's proposal, Zhou Yufeng had a complicated expression.

It wasn't because of the reasons Song Chen had considered, but because he was worried that Zhou Yuluo might be afraid of noise and unable to adapt after leaving him.

Song Chen said he could understand this, but he didn't want Zhou Yufeng to stay in the villa.

The fear of incurring dissatisfaction from other members was only one aspect. The most important thing was that he did not fully trust Zhou Yufeng.

Living in the same villa will definitely help each other understand each other better. Zhou Yuluo, who has an intellectual disability, doesn't care, but Zhou Yufeng needs to be more careful.

Song Chen said bluntly: "Sorry, I can't let you live with Zhou Yuluo, but I will arrange for you to live in the villa next door with Chang Minghao and several other members."

Zhou Yufeng wanted to say something else, but Chang Minghao put his shoulder on his shoulder and smiled: "Don't worry, there are two girls in Brother Chen's villa, they will definitely take good care of your sister. Anyway, you live next door, so far away It’s not far away, I can see your sister anytime I want.”

"Oh well."

Zhou Yufeng finally nodded in agreement.

As Chang Minghao said, the distance between the two villas is not far. He can see his sister at any time when he wants to see her, and as long as her sister can be well taken care of, it is enough.

After thinking about it, Zhou Yufeng took Zhou Yuluo's hand and came to Song Chen.

"Luoluo, this is brother Song Chen. Can you live with him from now on?"

Zhou Yuluo raised her head and glanced at Song Chen, then timidly hid behind Zhou Yufeng.

Zhou Yufeng wanted to pull her out again, but Song Chen waved his hand to stop him. Then he bent down slightly, looked directly into Zhou Yuluo's eyes, and took out a lollipop with his backhand.

"Luoluo, do you want to eat a lollipop?"

Zhou Yuluo looked at the candy in front of her, her eyes full of longing.

"Want to eat."

"How about we play at home with my brother? There are a lot of delicious candies at my brother's house."

Song Chen thought he was smiling kindly, but in the eyes of Chang Minghao next to him, he seemed to be watching the crime scene of a bad uncle kidnapping and trafficking a little girl.

Zhou Yuluo, who had been taught not to go with strangers, took a cautious step back, and Song Chen's mouth twitched.

Why are things different from what he thought?

Is my charm not as good as before?

In the end, it was Zhou Yufeng who helped Song Chen convince Zhou Yuluo to be obedient and follow Song Chen back to the villa.

Of course, the main reason is that the temptation of candy cannot be ignored.

Song Chen left Zhou Yuluo to Ji Lu to take care of her.

Ji Lu was very happy after seeing Zhou Yuluo, and soon established a good relationship with Zhou Yuluo.

Zhou Yufeng was relieved when he saw this.

After seeing Zhou Yuluo adapting, Song Chen let the two of them play by themselves and turned around to ask about things in other places outside Zhou Yufeng's base.

Speaking of this, Zhou Yufeng really felt something was wrong.

"Since a few days ago, the situation around us has been a little strange."

"How strange?" Song Chen asked.

"The number of zombies has begun to increase, and no one knows where they came from." Zhou Yufeng explained and analyzed, "We were driven here by more and more zombies, and we met many other survivors with the same experience on the way, but I didn't choose to go with them because of Luo Luo's matter."

Hearing this, Song Chen's eyes lit up.

A large number of survivors were driven to this direction by zombies?

Isn't this a great opportunity to recruit new members?

In addition to good seedlings with good qualifications and talents, maybe we can also receive new members like Zhou Yu Luo who have awakened special abilities.

Thinking of this, Song Chen began to be eager to try, and he didn't even want to investigate why the number of zombies became more and more. Expanding the base's manpower is the top priority!

Now we urgently need hardworking new members, otherwise when will the base's walls be built?

Song Chen couldn't wait any longer, so he waved his hand directly.

"Go back and tell everyone that we're going to hold a barbecue tonight to celebrate the new members!"

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