Precognitive ability.

As the name suggests, it is the ability to predict the future.

Song Chen had only heard of it before, but had never seen a survivor with the ability to predict.

Precognitive ability is a kind of psychic ability.

Psychic abilities are rare, and the ability to predict, which is extremely rare among all psychic abilities, is one in a billion.


Any survivor who has awakened the ability to predict is the key protected object in the base. In his previous life, Song Chen also overheard the conversation between the bosses of other bases by chance, and then he knew that there were survivors who could awaken the ability to predict.

However, according to his understanding, the survivor with the ability to predict had a miserable end.

As the saying goes, a man is innocent but guilty of possessing a treasure.

A survivor who has awakened the ability to predict can predict the future. Such a powerful ability will naturally bring side effects to its owner that are unimaginable to ordinary people.

Moreover, the ability of foresight is not like other superpowers. As long as the owner wants, he can mobilize energy and use superpowers to predict. Instead, it is a random and uncertain fragmentary foresight.

For example, the house is on fire.

The foresight person may occasionally flash the picture of the fire scene in his mind, and infer that the house is on fire, but the specific cause of the fire, time, outcome of the fire and other things are completely unknown.

In other words, the ability of foresight actually has very large limitations.

But most people are not clear about this.

In the eyes of the public, predicting the future is an ability that is completely beyond imagination, so as long as it appears, it will inevitably attract competition from all parties.

It just so happens that the combat ability of psychic superpowers is not strong, and the foresight person is no different from ordinary people in other aspects.

In the previous life, the foresight person originally lived in a small base and lived well. At least he could guarantee his survival. But after he was discovered to have the ability of foresight, he was almost put on the experimental table by the base.

After escaping from the base with great difficulty, he not only had to beware of zombies every day, but also had to be alert to other survivors who might chase him out and kidnap him at any time.

Later, in order to survive, he chose a larger base to join, wanting to hide his identity and be a caged bird, but he didn't expect that the base of 10,000 people was almost destroyed in the encirclement and suppression by multiple parties.

In the end, the predictive ability user was assassinated in the scramble for it.

If I can't get it, no one else can get it.

These are what Song Chen heard from other people in his previous life. He was not sure about the specific facts, but the only thing he was sure of was that the predictive ability user must have a miserable end.

Even if he was physically and mentally healthy, he ended up with such a miserable end. If it happened to Zhou Yuluo, who had intellectual developmental disabilities, his end would only be worse than that of the predictive ability user in his previous life.

No wonder Zhou Yufeng hesitated at the beginning whether he should tell this matter.

If it was Song Chen, he would never tell others.

Zhou Yufeng also understood this truth, but he knew even more that he could not protect Zhou Yuluo by himself.

Zhou Yuluo's mind is like that of an eight-year-old child, so it is easy to be deceived. Even if Zhou Yufeng tried his best to conceal it, it would definitely be exposed.

And even if the predictive ability was not exposed, he had no confidence in protecting Zhou Yuluo in this doomsday, because they could not join other teams due to Zhou Yuluo's ability, which made him feel a little overwhelmed just dealing with zombies and collecting supplies.

If it continues, it will probably not take long for them to be exposed in the wilderness.

This point was almost confirmed just now.

Zhou Yufeng could not take care of Zhou Yuluo completely when searching for supplies, so he could only place her in a relatively safe place first, but where is absolutely safe in the doomsday?

When Zhou Yufeng heard the sound and looked back, he saw that the zombie had opened its bloody mouth and was about to bite Zhou Yuluo's neck.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Chang Minghao, who was patrolling and cleaning up zombies around, appeared and saved Zhou Yuluo in time.

Zhou Yufeng was very grateful to Chang Minghao for this, but he did not think about following Chang Minghao back to the base.

However, Zhou Yuluo suddenly showed her ability to predict the future, predicting that a large number of zombies would surround the place where they were at that time. Zhou Yufeng had to tell Chang Minghao about Zhou Yuluo's ability not only to repay Chang Minghao for saving his life, but also to protect himself.

The ability to predict was completely exposed, and Zhou Yufeng followed Chang Minghao back to the Dawn Base.

If Song Chen did not choose to accept and protect them, the fate of the two brothers and sisters could be imagined.

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