"Brother Song!"

When Wang Jinlong saw Song Chen, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically. His attitude was obviously different from before, and even his title changed.

Song Chen was a little amused, "What's the matter with Boss Wang's visit this time?"

Although he asked this question, Song Chen actually had a rough guess about the purpose of Wang Jinlong's trip.

Wang Jinlong just came to report about Grace some time ago, and he came to visit him again in just a few days. He probably discovered that Grace's entire team was wiped out, and came to find out what happened.

In fact, Wang Jinlong's idea was very similar to Song Chen's guess.

Ever since he knew that Grace had come to trouble Song Chen, he had been paying close attention to the progress of the matter.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Bar

Compared to gringo Grace, Wang Jinlong hoped that Song Chen would win.

And things developed exactly as he thought. Song Chen solved Grace's problem in a crushing manner. Even Song Chen himself didn't take action and killed Grace with just a dog.

God knows how shocked he was when he heard the news.

No wonder Song Chen chose to build his own base and firmly chose not to leave after hearing about Grace. Now it seems that he doesn't take Grace seriously at all.

Fortunately, he had not chosen to become an enemy of Song Chen, otherwise he and his brothers would have died long ago.

After recognizing this fact, Wang Jinlong's mind began to become active.

Others may not know it, but he knows it.

Grace came to China to track down the thief because she lost a large amount of arms abroad. Judging from Grace's attitude and words towards Song Chen, the thief was probably Song Chen.

Song Chen already possessed absolute strength and had a large amount of arms in his hands.

The combination of these two items creates a thick thigh!

Wang Jinlong was used to being the boss, and from the bottom of his heart, he was unwilling to join Song Chen's team as a junior, so it would be better to find another way.

"Brother Song, I'm here to cooperate with you."

"Cooperation?" Song Chen raised his eyebrows.

"That's right." Wang Jinlong nodded, "I just hope that Brother Song will not forget us when he is doing good in the future, and can lend a hand to help us when we are in trouble. Of course, if Brother Song needs our help, we will also Feel free to speak.โ€

After speaking, Wang Jinlong waved to Zhang Chao and took out the things he had prepared in advance.

"I gave these to Brother Song. I also ask Brother Song to consider my proposal for the sake of our past friendship."

Cheng Siyuan took the box from Zhang Chao's hand, opened it and handed it to Song Chen.

There are actually crystal clear crystal nuclei inside.

The number is roughly estimated to be about a hundred or so, and judging from the size, 80% of these crystal nuclei are second-level crystal nuclei, and the rest are third-level crystal nuclei.

Although these crystal nuclei were nothing in Song Chen's eyes, considering the strength of Wang Jinlong's entire team, if they could take out these crystal nuclei in one go, they would probably have emptied half of their family fortune.

"I already know Boss Wang's sincerity." Song Chen said calmly.

"What does Brother Song mean..." Wang Jinlong asked carefully and tentatively.

"Of course it's no problem." Song Chen smiled and put the box containing the crystal core into the space.

Seeing Song Chen nodding and agreeing to cooperate, Wang Jinlong's face suddenly filled with a smile of surprise.

"Then please take care of me, Brother Song!"

"Easy to say."

After talking about cooperation, Wang Jinlong left with satisfaction.

Cheng Siyuan saw that Wang Jinlong couldn't control the joyful pace of his feet, and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Chen, do you really want to cooperate with this guy?"

It's not that he is suspicious by nature, but after experiencing these few battles with superpowers, he really can't trust other people anymore.

Song Chen didn't care much about this.

"Relax, this guy is very afraid of death and will not betray us easily."

In fact, Song Chen didn't hate Wang Jinlong, on the contrary, he even admired him.

He has a brain, is thoughtful, flexible and flexible, and most importantly, his intuition is sharp enough.

Apart from being overly conceited in some aspects, there are almost no major shortcomings.

Although the relationship between the two parties is only verbal cooperation, as long as Song Chen's strength is always in a state of crushing Wang Jinlong, there is no fear of this guy betraying him.

After all, this guy is more afraid of death than anyone else.

As long as you firmly grasp this point, isn't it easy to handle him?

"Brother Chen, I met two survivors and they said they wanted to join the base."

Chang Minghao's voice suddenly came from the intercom. When Song Chen heard that a survivor wanted to join the base, he immediately became energetic.

"Let them see the conditions for joining the base first. Once they are satisfied, they can go directly to the mission building to register for reporting."

There was silence for a moment in the intercom, and then Chang Minghao's slightly hesitant voice sounded.

"The situation of these two people is somewhat special. I want to bring them to you to meet them."

Hearing this, Song Chen was slightly surprised.


What kind of special method can Chang Minghao bring to see him in person?

"Okay, then you take them directly to the mission building. I'll wait for you here."

Without letting Song Chen wait too long, Chang Minghao led the two survivors into the mission building.

"Brother Chen, these are the two survivors I told you about."

The two survivors were a man and a woman.

The man among them nodded slightly to Song Chen, "Hello, my name is Zhou Yufeng, and I am a third-level wind power user."

Song Chen raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this.

The man in front of him looked unremarkable and had an ordinary temperament. The only thing that was special was the faint smell of blood emanating from his body. Song Chen could tell at a glance that he had killed many zombies.

But I didn't expect that he turned out to be a level three superpower.

It seems that this guy has good talents and qualifications.

But if it was just because the power level was relatively high, Chang Minghao probably wouldn't bring him to see him specially.

As soon as this idea came into Song Chen's mind, he saw Zhou Yufeng holding the girl hiding beside him.

"This is my sister, Zhou Yuluo."

Song Chen turned his attention to Zhou Yuluo.

Zhou Yuluo looks about the same age as Ji Lu. She looks more like the girl next door. Her deer-like eyes are gleaming with water, and her expression is a bit ignorant. When Song Chen looks at her, she timidly hides behind Zhou Yufeng. behind.

Zhou Yufeng patted her shoulder lightly and said hesitantly: "My sister's situation is quite special. When she was just born, the doctor said that her intellectual development was retarded due to genetic factors. She is already eighteen years old this year. But his IQ and other aspects are similar to those of an eight-year-old child.โ€

Intellectual developmental disabilities?

Song Chen frowned.

No wonder Zhou Yuluo looked like an innocent child. It turned out to be an intellectual problem.

What a shame.

If it is an ordinary trauma, Tang Yunke can help treat it. Even problems caused by disease may have a chance to be alleviated or treated. But if it is caused by genetic factors, even an S-level healing power user can't do anything. .

In Zhou Yuluo's situation, even her life is a problem, let alone protecting herself in the apocalypse.

The pressure on Zhou Yufeng can be imagined.

But if he was using this to gain sympathy and want Song Chen to make an exception for him and lower the standards for joining the base, then he was really wrong.

The conditions are there and no one can make an exception.

Otherwise, why would Song Chen set these rules at the risk of losing his hair?

An exception was made because of Zhou Yuluo, but what about the others?

Don't forget that even Chang Minghao, who was favored by Song Chen, only left Liu Fang in the base after handing over the crystal core.

Song Chen didn't even relax the conditions for Chang Minghao, let alone make an exception for the strange brother and sister in front of him.

What's more, the conditions for his release are not difficult, and it can even be said that the standards are very low.

Even ordinary people can accomplish it with hard work, but it should be even easier for Zhou Yufeng, a third-level superpower user.

Chang Minghao understood that Song Chen might have misunderstood, so he raised his hand and patted Zhou Yufeng, giving him a look.

Zhou Yufeng reacted immediately and quickly took out ten secondary crystal nuclei of different colors from his pocket.

"The crystal cores that my sister and I have joined in the base are ready, but my sister is in a special situation..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yufeng looked a little hesitant, unsure whether he should say it or not.

Upon seeing this, Chang Minghao said: "What are you afraid of? With your sister's condition, there is no way she can survive alone, not to mention that she has awakened such a special power, so she is more likely to be in danger. Tell Chen the truth now." Brother, itโ€™s most appropriate to let him help you arrange it.โ€

Seeing the two people hesitating to speak, Song Chen looked confused.

Special powers?

Zhou Yuluo actually awakened her superpower?

Zhou Yuluo noticed Song Chen's direct gaze and couldn't help but hide behind Zhou Yufeng.

Song Chen was still guessing what kind of power Zhou Yuluo had awakened, while Zhou Yufeng next to him finally made up his mind under Chang Minghao's persuasion.

"Luoluo has awakened her power of prediction."

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