The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 120 Wang Jinlong brings people to look for you again

Recently, people with special powers came to provoke them one after another. Song Chen was annoyed and asked Ji Yumo to speed up the construction of the base.

After previous efforts, the base gate has now been completely completed, and the next step is the most important base wall.

Ji Yumo's preliminary design is to build a wall two meters high and 1.5 meters thick.

In order to have a certain defensive effect, the middle of the fence is supported by steel, and the outside is reinforced with concrete and other materials. After special treatment by superpowers, it is guaranteed to be able to withstand even artillery shells.

Not only can it resist zombies, but it can also block external survivors.

Once a battle breaks out with other survivors, members can also use the wall as a stronghold to occupy high altitudes to defend and counterattack.

Ensure that the enemy will never come back.

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However, if you want to build the ideal wall, you need a large number of earth-type superpowers. With the current number of earth-type superpowers in Chenxi Base, even if you work around the clock 24 hours a day, it will take at least nearly a month to complete it. Built.

Although Song Chen didn't want to waste time building a fence, for the sake of base security, he had no choice but to accept it.

It would be great if we could recruit a new batch of members.

But Song Chen thought for a long time and couldn't think of a place where he could recruit new members, so he could only give up temporarily.

Just let it happen.

Song Chen handed Grace's third-level thunder crystal core to Cheng Siyuan.

With this crystal core, Cheng Siyuan's power level is expected to be raised to level four soon.

The other two third-level crystal nuclei are gold system and water system.

The core members did not have these two types of abilities, so Song Chen simply kept them in the space and prepared to use them as rewards when the outstanding members were evaluated at the end of the month.

In the following time, two people in the base broke through to level three at the same time.

One of them is Li Haichuan. This kid rarely accepts the tasks issued by Song Chen. He is always looking for zombies to kill outside, and his strength has increased by leaps and bounds.

And not only has his strength increased, Li Haichuan's whole person has also undergone great changes. When Song Chen saw him some time ago, he almost didn't recognize him.

Mainly because of the aura he exudes.

If Li Haichuan used to look like a young boy, now his temperament is more reserved, and just standing there can give people an invisible pressure.

This is all tempered by fighting again and again.

Song Chen was pleasantly surprised by this.

Unexpectedly, among the members recruited by Beicheng University, Li Haichuan was the one with the greatest potential.

In addition to Li Haichuan, the other person who broke through to the third level was Tang Yunke.

The fourth-level healing crystal core that Wang Jinlong had used to honor Song Chen was thrown to Tang Yunke by Song Chen.

As the only nanny currently in the base, Song Chen attaches great importance to Tang Yunke.

Not only to ensure the safety and medical treatment of the members in the base, but more importantly, Song Chen had heard in his previous life that there was a chance that a healing nanny with an S-level power could awaken and learn the legendary resurrection technique.

Although it was just a rumor, Song Chen had high expectations for it.

Even death and rebirth have happened. What can't a small resurrection spell achieve?

Regarding the next development direction of Chenxi Base, Song Chen convened a small meeting with members above the core level.

Song Chen currently serves as the base director of Chenxi Base, Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo are deputy base directors, and Ji Lu, Tang Yunke, Chang Minghao and Yang Qian are core members.

Points can be exchanged for the status of elite members, but the core member level needs to be personally appointed by Song Chen. Cheng Siyuan, Ji Yumo and other core members can be recommended. In the end, it is Song Chen who makes the final decision.

The content of the meeting was simple.

The main ones are the construction of base walls, cleaning of high-end residential areas, and the recruitment of new members.

At present, the shortage of manpower is the most important problem that needs to be solved first.

Since returning from Beicheng University, no other new members have been recruited into the base. Whether it is base construction or cleaning tasks, the current number of members, which is less than thirty, is obviously insufficient.

In this regard, Ji Lu made a suggestion.

Post a GG recruiting new members at the entrance of the base. As long as survivors pass by, someone might see the GG and choose to join.

Song Chen thought for a moment and decided to use this method.

Now most of the survivors have been organized together into teams, and then scattered in every corner. It is not practical to fool more than twenty new members back at Beicheng University like before.

And if there is little GG, he doesn't have to go out to look for it anymore. He just needs to wait in the base for the new members to come to him.

As for the conditions for joining.

Just continue to follow the rules Song Chen set before.

If you want to join the base, you need to pay thirty low-level crystal cores or five second-level crystal cores. Those with special abilities will be given priority, and others will depend on the situation.

Near the end of the meeting, Cheng Siyuan suddenly brought up a strange thing that had happened recently.

In recent days, the number of zombies around Chenxi Base has begun to increase significantly.

Since there are patrol teams cleaning up zombies around the base every day, the number of zombies around Chenxi Base is actually not large, but in recent days, more and more zombies have wandered in from other places.

Today alone, the patrol team cleaned up nearly a hundred zombies, and all the team members were extremely tired.

This situation has never happened before.

Song Chen frowned slightly.

There are not many possibilities for the sudden increase of zombies around the base. After thinking about it, there are only a few possibilities.

If we calculate according to the timeline of the previous life, Song Chen has a bad guess in his mind.

Before Song Chen can think carefully, the voice of the guard at the gate of the base can be heard from the intercom.

"Brother Chen, Wang Jinlong has brought people to see you again."

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