Grace's disdainful look completely angered Lan Ya.

Lan Ya growled, and the air around him seemed to become tense.

Grace felt the strange breath and was a little surprised.

He thought the dog was just a little faster, but he didn't expect it to be really capable.

Judging from the surrounding supernatural power fluctuations, the dog's supernatural power level has reached level four at the lowest. On the other hand, although he has reached the bottleneck of breaking through the level four supernatural power, he is still only a level three supernatural power user.

Thinking of this, Grace narrowed his eyes slightly.

A dog he raised has this ability. Could it be that Song Chen is stronger than this dog?

Before Grace could think about it, Lan Ya suddenly jumped up and rushed towards him quickly.

Lan Ya was surrounded by strong wind blades, and the sound of sharp blades cutting continued to sound in the air.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉

Grace didn't dare to neglect it, and quickly took out the pistol on his waist, and without saying a word, he fired two shots at Lan Ya.

However, Lan Ya was extremely fast, and the two shots only left bullet holes on the ground, and didn't even touch Lan Ya's hair.

However, Grace didn't expect these two shots to have any effect. After firing the gun, his left hand immediately condensed lightning, as if he had known the direction of Lan Ya's attack, and attacked Lan Ya directly.

Lan Ya was forced back by lightning and fell not far from Grace.

"Humph! A beast is a beast!"

Grace snorted disdainfully.

As he expected, although Lan Ya showed actions that were not in line with a dog, he was just a dog after all, and he was definitely not as good as him, a veteran in combat experience and strategy.

The two shots before were just to force Lan Ya's position, and Lan Ya, as he guessed, dodged the bullets on the right and attacked directly from the left.

So what if his ability level is higher than his?

A dog is a dog.

As long as he uses his brain a little, he can play with it.

Unexpectedly, he was forced back by Grace, especially after seeing Grace's disdainful look, Lan Ya was so angry that his hair stood up.

"Lan Ya." Song Chen's voice suddenly came from not far away, "Your new skills have not been tested in actual combat, right?"

Hearing this, Lan Ya's eyes lit up.

Then he arched his body, and the whole dog was tense like an arrow string, and then suddenly rushed towards Grace.

"What a stupid dog."

Grace didn't take Lan Ya's attack seriously at all. No matter how fast Lan Ya was, this meaningless rush was no threat to him at all.

But he underestimated Lan Ya too much, and overestimated himself too much.

Lan Ya did not rush directly at him as Grace had thought, but circled around him quickly.

Lan Ya was extremely fast, like a whirlwind, rolling up the sand and stones on the ground.

Grace was blocked by the sand and stones, and couldn't even open her eyes completely, but Lan Ya's speed was getting faster and faster, and she actually produced a series of afterimages out of thin air.

Not only Grace, but everyone present was stunned.

What the hell? !

Is this really a dog?

It's too awesome!

Seeing this, Song Chen raised his mouth with relief.

This is a new skill he developed after training with Lan Ya for a whole week, called Wind Shadow.

The principle is to increase one's own speed to the fastest, and use the visual influence and speed blessing of the creature to derive afterimages, so as to confuse the enemy.

This skill requires extremely high speed, so Song Chen didn't decide to train it to learn Wind Shadow until Lan Ya's ability level was upgraded to level four.

Although the completion of Wind Shadow is not enough at present, it is more than enough to deal with Grace.

Just as Song Chen thought, Grace was completely confused by the wind shadow used by Lan Ya, and could not tell which one was the real Lan Ya.

But Grace was not a guy who would surrender.

Since he could not find the real body, he would attack all the images.

Grace roared, and there was a faint crackling sound like thunder in the air. Then a purple lightning shot out from his hand like a dragon, sweeping from left to right, instantly destroying all the Lan Ya on the field.


This attack consumed a lot of superpowers. Grace felt that there was not much energy left in his body, but he had broken all the images, and Lan Ya's real body hidden in the afterimage must have suffered a lot of injuries.


When Grace looked up, he found nothing in front of him.

Except for the flying dust, there was no scene of Lan Ya falling to the ground as he expected.


Before Grace could react to what was going on, a sound of breaking air suddenly came from behind him.

Then Grace saw a black shadow flashing before his eyes, and the world began to reverse. He saw Lan Ya, who should have been seriously injured, standing on top of his head, looking down at him with contempt.

It seemed to be saying: Trash, are you still going crazy with your dog master?

It was really strange.

He could actually read such rich emotions from a dog's eyes.

Grace didn't have time to think about it. He felt his consciousness gradually blurred, and the last picture was fixed on Lan Ya's disdainful dog face.

Lan Ya scratched Grace's head twice, then cut open his skull and picked out a purple crystal core that was nearly the size of a quail egg.

He held it in his mouth and walked back to Song Chen with a step that didn't recognize any relatives.

It raised its head towards Song Chen and handed the crystal core over.


Why don’t you collect the spoils that this dog brought back?

Song Chen chuckled and took the crystal core from its mouth, washed it and put it in the space.

Only then did the others come to their senses.


“Lan Ya is awesome!”

“He actually killed their boss directly, so awesome!”

The members of the Dawn Base exclaimed in surprise, and some middle school students even threatened to let Lan Ya be their big brother.

On the other hand, the survivors on Grace’s side were all dejected.

The boss who was so cruel and murderous in their eyes was killed by a dog?

Even his head was chopped off!

The head fell to the ground, and he has not been able to close his eyes until now.

How can this be a dog?

It’s just a monster!

The scene of Grace being killed was so shocking that they didn’t even have the idea of ​​resisting and immediately fled.

But how could Song Chen give them a chance to escape?

He immediately ordered the members to kill them all.

The guys who were running away heard the sound behind them, and when they looked back, they saw Lan Ya and his dog rushing towards them quickly, and they were immediately scared and screamed.

They might have a chance to fight back if they united, but they were so scared that they didn't even dare to fight back, and finally they could only be killed one by one by the members.


Grace came with nearly fifty men, but they were all wiped out.

In this regard.

Song Chen could only say that he had brought it upon himself.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and Song Chen called on the members to hurry up and pile up all the bodies, and then the fire-type mutants set fire to them and burned them to ashes.

When there were few bodies, Song Chen would just throw them away from the base.

But as the number of bodies increased, it would easily cause infectious diseases or plagues and other troubles if they were not dealt with, so he simply set them all on fire.

After finishing the finishing work of the battle, Song Chen counted the crystal cores he had harvested.

Although Grace came to find trouble, he left him a lot of good things in the end.

In addition to the third-level thunder crystal core dug out from Grace's head, there are two third-level crystal cores, twelve second-level crystal cores, and thirty-three first-level crystal cores.

There are all kinds of superpowers.

No wonder Grace dared to come to the door so hard. Even if the crystal cores show that the two third-level superpowers should have just broken through, but with this team configuration, if it were someone else, they would probably just let them slaughter them.

But it's a pity.

They ran into Song Chen and his gang of cheaters.

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