The mission building was originally a property building in the villa area. Later, Song Chen divided it up specifically for members to receive missions and exchange supplies.

Wang Jinlong suddenly arrived and there was no other place to receive him, so Cheng Siyuan simply brought him here.

"Is Brother Song not here yet? I really have something important to tell him!"

As soon as Song Chen walked into the mission building, he heard Wang Jinlong's urgent and serious tone.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝙨𝙝𝙪.𝙣𝙚𝙩

"What serious matter could make Boss Wang come to me in such a hurry?"

Seeing Song Chen finally show up, Wang Jinlong immediately greeted him.

"Brother Song! Why are you here? Big trouble is coming for you. You should take the people away and go somewhere else to avoid the limelight!"

Song Chen frowned when he heard this, "What do you mean? What big trouble?"

Wang Jinlong explained: "Cui Sheng, do you remember? He is actually a subordinate of Grace, a foreign arms dealer. The fact that you killed Cui Sheng's entire team has somehow reached Grace's ears. He is now We’re gathering manpower to come find you!”

Foreign arms dealer Grace?

"How could Cui Sheng associate with such a person?" Song Chen asked doubtfully.

Judging from Wang Jinlong's posture, this arms dealer named Grace should be quite capable. He can get on the line with such a person. Cui Sheng will definitely not be an unknown person before the apocalypse breaks out, but he has never heard of it. Pass the name of Cui Sheng or Grace.

In this regard, Wang Jinlong patiently explained: "Grace came to the country not long before the apocalypse broke out, as if to find someone. Later, the apocalypse broke out and the world fell into chaos, and Grace was also trapped in the country. That’s when Choi Sung met Grace and joined his team.”

Song Chen suddenly realized, "Is that Grace very powerful?"

"Of course he's awesome!" Wang Jinlong nodded heavily, "Grace is not only very skilled, but he has also awakened extremely domineering thunder powers. I heard that his power level has reached level three and will soon break through to level four. "

Are you about to break through to level 4 as a lightning power user?

The power level alone is enough to crush a large number of survivors, not to mention that the actual combat ability and experience are much higher than ordinary people. No wonder Wang Jinlong is so frightened.

But Song Chen didn't care about it.

Even if Grace's power level reaches level four, she will not be their opponent.

Don't forget that in addition to the fact that his power level has reached level four, Lan Ya is now also a Deha dog with level four wind power.

It's just one Grace. As long as he and Lan Ya cooperate, ten Graces can beat him.

But Wang Jinlong didn't know Song Chen's trump card.

Seeing that Song Chen didn't take his advice to heart at all, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

"Brother Song, don't take Grace seriously!"

"That guy is ruthless and ruthless. He kills people without batting an eyelid. Many survivors have been killed by him. Moreover, he has also recruited a group of desperadoes as his subordinates. I heard that those guys are taking advantage of the chaos when the apocalypse breaks out. The murderers who escaped from prison are not at the same level as us when it comes to killing people.”

Wang Jinlong admitted that Song Chen had some abilities and strength, but in his eyes, no matter how strong Song Chen was, he could not be stronger than Grace.

What's more, none of Grace's men are vegetarians.

Although Song Chen and his gang could easily destroy Qin Sen's team, compared with Grace's men, the difference between Qin Sen's men and Grace's men was just bullets and missiles, so how could they have the same strength?

Song Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard this.


Murderer is good!

Now that I know that the other person is not a good person, there is no psychological burden when killing him.

"Thank you for coming to tell me the news, but I have decided to establish a base here, and I will definitely not abandon the base and leave."

Unexpectedly, he had said all kinds of good things, but Song Chen still insisted on staying here and refused to take anyone away. Wang Jinlong no longer forced him, and said goodbye to Song Chen and left.

Unlike Song Chen, Wang Jinlong knew that they did not have the strength to confront Grace head-on.

Even if he wanted to help Song Chen, he couldn't risk the lives of his brothers.

What's more, his relationship with Song Chen is not bound to the extent of sharing difficulties, so there is no need to stand up against Grace at this time.

Song Chen also understood this and did not try to keep Wang Jinlong, but just watched him leave.

After Wang Jinlong left, Cheng Siyuan walked to Song Chen with some worry.

"Brother Chen, the Grace Wang Jinlong mentioned seems to be quite capable. Should we make some other preparations in advance?"

"No need." Song Chen shook his head, "As usual, take the members to the high-end villa area to continue killing zombies and searching for supplies, and clear the high-end villa area as soon as possible. Don't worry about Grace, but tell the members to be careful when going out. Be more careful."

Cheng Siyuan nodded.

In addition to Cheng Siyuan, Chang Minghao and Yang Qian also trusted Song Chen very much.

Although they were more worried about Grace, since Song Chen said not to worry, it meant that Song Chen had his own plans and they didn't need to worry too much.

After handling this matter, Song Chen took a look around the mission building.

Since there are relatively few people in the base at present, Song Chen did not issue too many tasks. The main task was to go to the high-end residential area with the large team to clean up the task, and the second was to collect materials in some small shopping malls and supermarkets in the surrounding area.

Most members chose the cleaning task. Although the task points were less, it was safer to follow the large team.

To Song Chen's surprise, Li Haichuan actually chose the task of collecting materials alone.

Thinking of Li Haichuan's previous threat to reserve the third team leader, Song Chen shook his head helplessly. It seems that this kid is going to do it for real.

This is good.

It should be said that Song Chen still trusts Chang Minghao, Yang Qian, Li Haichuan and others.

If Li Haichuan can really grow up, he can also share a lot of pressure on the management team in the future.

Seeing that all the work in the task building was progressing steadily, Song Chen turned and left, heading to the villa area where the members lived not far away, ready to find Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan.

Because of the incident that indirectly caused Ji Yumo's injury yesterday, Song Chen urgently modified the task's points reward method.

Only by bringing back materials or crystal cores of corresponding value can different points be rewarded.

In this way, Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan can no longer follow the big team to get points as before.

In addition, the two's actions have long been disliked by the members, and yesterday's incident has become the fuse that ignited all this. Now no one is willing to team up with them. The two are afraid of zombies and dare not act alone, so they simply hide in the villa and don't go anywhere.

Song Chen will not let such a termite exist in the base.

Dong Dong Dong!

Song Chen knocked on the door out of courtesy, and waited for a long time before an extremely impatient female voice came from inside.

"Who is it!"

Then the door of the villa opened from the inside, and Sun Qian, who was wearing pajamas, was stunned for a moment after seeing Song Chen. After coming to her senses, she quickly invited him into the house.

Compared with the enthusiastic Sun Qianqian, Song Chen waved his hand very indifferently.

"I won't go in. I'm here to inform you and Zhu Dandan that you're being expelled."

"If you want to leave in a dignified manner, leave before this evening. Maybe you can find a new place to stay."

"If I find you still here after dark, I will throw you out without mercy."

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