Suddenly being hugged by someone, Ji Yumo couldn't help but scream.

"Song Chen? What are you doing?"

Song Chen said with a gloomy face, "If you didn't hurry up and go to Tang Yunke's place for treatment when you were injured, why would you ask me?"

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Ji Yumo didn't expect Song Chen to know the news of his injury so quickly and rush over immediately, feeling a little complicated.

"It's just that the palm of my hand was pricked by glass. It's nothing. It's up to you to let me down first."


Song Chen said lightly, still holding Ji Yumo and walking quickly towards the infirmary.

"Eh? Put me down quickly. I just hurt my hand, but it's not like I can't walk. Besides, there are so many people watching around me!"

Ji Yumo struggled in Song Chen's arms, his cheeks turning slightly red.

But she never imagined that Song Chen would turn a deaf ear to her words.


With such a soft and fragrant jade in my arms, how could there be any reason to just let it go?

No man will be obedient at this time!

Seeing that Song Chen didn't want to let go of himself, Ji Yumo could only bury his head tightly in Song Chen's arms to cover his blushing face.

After Tang Yunke returned to the base with the team, he went directly back to the infirmary. As soon as he packed his things, he saw Song Chen hurried in with Ji Yumo in his arms.


"What are you doing?" Tang Yunke asked sincerely.

Song Chen directly put Ji Yumo on the chair and said to her: "Yu Mo is injured, please help her quickly."


Tang Yunke was silent for a moment, and then said with a complicated expression: "I had already treated her wounds when we were outside. I guess the wounds would have scabbed if you had come a little later, and the hand she injured was not a leg. Why are you running around with her in your arms?"

As soon as these words came out, the infirmary fell into silence.

Ji Yumo held his cheek tightly, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in there.

Even the extremely thick-skinned Song Chen couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.


Tang Yunke went out with the team. After Ji Yumo was injured, he would definitely deal with it immediately. Why did he need to wait until he returned to the base?

"Hahaha..." Song Chen laughed dryly, "It seems that I was confused because I was concerned. How about you check her out again?"

Tang Yunke:?

Didn’t you say that the wound is almost scabbing? Is there any need to check?

After looking at Ji Yumo, who was looking shy, and then at Song Chen, who was blinking at him desperately, Tang Yunke suddenly realized.

Am I also a part of your paly?

Under Song Chen's pressure, Tang Yunke had no choice but to help Ji Yumo re-bandage the wound, and then talked about some follow-up care that needed attention. Only then did Song Chen leave the infirmary with Ji Yumo satisfied.

After leaving the infirmary, Song Chen asked about the reason for Ji Yumo's injury.

Ji Yumo told what happened in detail.

After hearing this, Song Chen felt angry.

Judging from the performance of Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan, they never checked the situation in the room from beginning to end, otherwise it would be impossible not to find anything, even a rag.

"Don't worry, I will give you an explanation for this matter." Song Chen said seriously.

Having such a cunning and cunning person in the team is tantamount to a hidden time bomb.

Even if it was not Ji Yumo who was injured in the trap, Song Chen would not be able to keep such a member in the team and must be eliminated immediately!

Ji Yumo nodded without saying anything. He just thought about it and said, "They are Xiaolu's friends and roommates. You'd better tell Xiaolu first before you punish them."

"Don't worry, I know."

The two returned to the villa together. Ji Lu was extremely worried when he heard that his sister was injured. Fortunately, the wound was no longer serious after treatment. As Tang Yunke said, it would scab soon.

Seeing this, Ji Lu relaxed slightly, then rolled up his sleeves and prepared to cook a sumptuous dinner to reward Ji Yumo.

late at night.

After eating and drinking, Song Chen hugged Ji Lu and talked about the reason for Ji Yumo's injury. He told her exactly what Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan had done, and expressed his intention to expel the two from the base. decision.

Ji Lu was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "I have no objection. Brother Chen, just do what you think you should do with them."

Not to mention the injuries they caused to Ji Yumo, if Lan Ya hadn't been present, Ji Yumo would have probably been injured more seriously. The most important thing is that there is no way for such a person to become a teammate worthy of being entrusted with his back.

According to Song Chen's character, not killing them directly was considered to be extra merciful for her own sake. How could she have the nerve to ask Song Chen for anything more?

Moreover, Ji Yumo was her very important sister. Even if Ji Yumo's injury was not directly related to Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan, she could not forgive them both.

Seeing that Ji Lu understood the general situation so well, Song Chen nodded with great satisfaction.

"In that case, when I get up tomorrow morning, I will expel the two of them from the base."

Song Chen narrowed his eyes slightly.

If Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan left honestly, he would not embarrass them, but if they refused to leave or felt resentful because of it, then don't blame him for being ruthless.


the next morning.

Song Chen had a simple breakfast and was about to go out to find Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan when Cheng Siyuan hurried back from outside.

"Brother Chen, Wang Jinlong came over again and said he had something important to tell you and he had to see you."

Song Chen raised his eyebrows.

What important thing could Wang Jinlong have to talk to him about?

"Where is he now?"

"I took him to the mission building and asked Chang Minghao and Yang Qian to watch him there."

Song Chen nodded, "Let's go and take a look."

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