The End of the World: Get a Billion in Arms for Free

Chapter 116 It’s all misunderstanding!

Song Chen's words were merciless.

Sun Qian's face turned pale instantly after hearing this.

"No! You can't expel us!" Sun Qian grabbed the corner of Song Chen's clothes, "Brother Chen, Ji Yumo's injury yesterday has nothing to do with us. We are innocent too. You can't expel us from the base just because of this!"

Song Chen glanced at her indifferently, "The base doesn't keep useless people. You are superpowers but you can't even kill zombies. Even if there was no incident yesterday, you can't stay in the base."

According to the regulations of the base, everyone must pay enough points every month to continue to stay in the base.

Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan didn't even dare to kill zombies. They would only follow the team to fish in troubled waters. Even if Song Chen didn't take the initiative to expel them, they would be forced to leave the base because they couldn't get enough points when they paid points next month.

In short, it was only a matter of time for the two to leave the base.


It was just because what happened yesterday happened a little earlier.

Zhu Dandan, who was resting, heard the noise and came out of the room. After hearing what Song Chen said, she was also unable to accept it.

What Song Chen didn't expect was that Zhu Dandan actually knelt down, crawled in front of him, tears in her eyes, and pulled Song Chen's pants up.

"Don't chase me away, I'm willing to do anything."

Song Chen quickly pulled his pants up, with a strange expression.

Why did he seem to have experienced this scene?

Are girls nowadays so open that they will pull other people's pants when they don't agree with each other?

Just as Song Chen was about to say something, Ji Yumo hurried over from a distance.

"Song Chen..."

As soon as he entered the villa, Ji Yumo saw Zhu Dandan pulling Song Chen's pants, and Sun Qian standing next to him also had an eager expression on her face. Such a shocking scene made her hold back the words that were already on the tip of her tongue.

Song Chen did not expect Ji Yumo to come at this time, and he quickly explained, "No, this is not what you saw."

"How can it be false if you saw it with your own eyes?"

Ji Yumo spoke in a shady tone. She smiled at Song Chen with a bit of self-mockery, and then talked about the main business of her visit to Song Chen.

"A group of uninvited guests came to the gate of the base. The foreigner in the lead said that his name was Grace and he asked to see you."

After that, Ji Yumo walked out of the villa without looking back.


Song Chen was stunned.

Wang Jinlong had just come to report the news, and this guy came to the door, faster than he expected. It seems that he really can't wait to seek revenge on him.

Without hesitation, Song Chen kicked Zhu Dandan, who was still pulling his pants, away, and hurriedly chased after Ji Yumo's back.

"Yumo, wait for me! Things are not what you see, this is all misunderstanding!"

Looking at Song Chen's back, Zhu Dandan and Sun Qian looked resentful and gritted their teeth unwillingly.

They were just afraid of zombies, what's wrong?

Why expel them from the base!

"What should we do now?" Sun Qian asked with tears in her eyes.

"Let's go to the gate of the base and take a look."

Zhu Dandan wiped the tears from her eyes and pulled Sun Qian out of the villa.

Since there is no place for them in the Chenxi base, they must seize the opportunity to find new support.

No matter what the price, they don't want to face the terrible zombies.


Song Chen explained the cause and effect of the incident in detail, and Ji Yumo's expression eased a little.

"What are you going to do? Two beauties offer themselves to you, and you are not moved?"

Ji Yumo hugged his shoulders and looked at Song Chen leisurely.

Although she knew that Song Chen was the head of the Dawn Base, and no matter what kind of punishment Song Chen issued to Zhu Dandan and Sun Qian, it was not her turn to point fingers, but she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable when she thought about the scene she had just seen.

Not only was she angry, but she also felt an inexplicable sourness.

Her explanation to herself was that her brother-in-law was flirted with by other women in front of her, and she would naturally feel indignant for her sister. As for other obscure thoughts, she suppressed them in her heart and turned a blind eye.

Song Chen didn't know Ji Yumo's complicated thoughts, but he really had no idea about Zhu Dandan and Sun Qian.

He was now with Ji Lu every day. Compared with Ji Lu, who was at the school beauty level, Zhu Dandan and Sun Qian really didn't catch his eye.

"There are no useless people in the Dawn Base. What they did was not worthy of staying in the base. I would not keep them anyway."

The two of them almost caused her to be misunderstood by her sister-in-law. If she reported this to Ji Lu, wouldn't he have to stay alone in the empty room at night?

It's a heinous crime!

Just for this reason, Song Chen couldn't forgive them.

Hearing Song Chen's resolute tone, Ji Yumo finally showed a satisfied expression, but refused to admit it.

"Anyway, you are the base commander, and you have the final say on how to deal with it."

Song Chen smiled, "Then don't tell Xiaolu what happened just now, it's all misunderstanding!"

Ji Yumo snorted proudly, "It depends on your performance."

The two talked and walked, and soon came to the entrance of Chenxi Base.

At this time, the entrance of the base was surrounded by Grace's people. Cheng Siyuan and other members such as Chang Minghao and Yang Qian blocked them in front of them, with serious expressions, and both sides seemed to be ready to go to war at any time.

Seeing this, Song Chen also put away his playful expression and walked quickly to the front of the team with Ji Yumo.

"What's going on?"

Seeing Song Chen finally come out, the members finally let go of their worries.

Cheng Siyuan approached Song Chen and explained, "These guys are the group of Grace that Wang Jinlong mentioned before."

He pointed to a bearded foreigner standing at the front of the team opposite, "He is Grace, and the others around are his men."

Song Chen looked in the direction of Cheng Siyuan's finger and happened to meet Grace's eyes.

Then he heard Grace ask in awkward Chinese, "Are you Song Chen?"

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