When faced with suddenly mutated relatives and friends, most people's first reaction is to flee.

Therefore, many houses in high-end residential areas have their doors open.

This makes it convenient for everyone to explore.

Ji Yumo took Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan to explore two houses in succession. There was a female zombie in the master bedroom of the second house. Before she could open her mouth, Ji Yumo cut her neck with a knife.

Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan still did not find any problems in the second bedroom they explored.

Until the third house was explored.

A family portrait of Zhang's family of three was hung on the wall of the living room. The child looked at least in his teens. Obviously, the owner here has been married for many years, and there are likely to be multiple zombies in the house.

Ji Yumo asked Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan to check the situation in the second bedroom as usual, and he walked towards the master bedroom.

As soon as he opened the door of the master bedroom, a zombie with a bloody face rushed towards Ji Yumo.

Fortunately, Ji Yumo's reaction was fast enough. She dodged and stabbed the zombie's head with an ice cone.

But what she didn't expect was that the zombie actually awakened the gold power, and the body was partially hardened a second before the ice cone stabbed into the head, and the ice cone was bounced off.

Before Ji Yumo could show her surprise, another zombie rushed over in the room.

Ji Yumo was instantly attacked from both sides.

The gold power restrained her ice power very much, and the small room restricted her movements, resulting in her inability to exert her full strength.

Even if her power level had reached level three, she couldn't kill the two zombies in a short time.

Just as Ji Yumo was about to move the battlefield to the more spacious living room, Lan Ya, who had always been following her, took action.

Instantly rushed towards the gold zombie that Ji Yumo found difficult like a cannonball, jumped directly onto its back, and bit off its neck from behind.

Before the gold zombie could even react, Lan Ya had already stretched out his claws and cut open its skull.

Seeing Lan Ya taking action, Ji Yumo did not just stand there and watched, turning around and attacking another zombie.

This zombie seemed to have awakened a body-strengthening ability, and did not use elemental attacks.

As long as it did not have the gold ability, this kind of zombie would be a big fool for Ji Yumo.

Ice cones quickly condensed in his hands and stabbed the zombie's temple fiercely.

With a painful roar, the zombie fell to the ground and died completely.

"Thank you!"

Ji Yumo rubbed Lan Ya's head, picked out all the crystal cores of the two zombies and installed them, and then hurried to check on Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan, but found that they were sitting on the sofa waiting for her as before.

"You guys have finished searching the second bedroom so quickly?"

"We have, and we didn't find anything unusual."

Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan answered as before, and there was no sign of lying from their expressions.

Ji Yumo naturally had no doubts, nodded and prepared to continue walking towards the next room.

Just as the three were about to leave, a sudden low roar sounded.


Ji Yumo looked back suddenly and found that the sound came from the direction of the second bedroom.

Didn't Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan say that they didn't find anything unusual in the second bedroom?

How could there be a sudden sound of zombies?

Ji Yumo didn't have time to think about it, because the zombies in the second bedroom had already broken through the door and attacked her quickly.

This zombie was extremely fast, and it was very likely that it had awakened a speed-related ability. Ji Yumo was completely defenseless and couldn't react at all, and was directly knocked to the ground by the zombie.

The palm was instantly pierced by the glass fragments on the ground. Ji Yumo endured the pain and quickly got up from the ground.

Lan Ya saw Ji Yumo injured, and his head suddenly went cold.


Ji Yumo was injured. Will the master kill him and put him in the hot pot when he returns?

Lan Ya looked at the zombie with a fierce look.

The brainless zombie was unaware and still pounced on Ji Yumo. Lan Ya jumped into the air and cut its head with one claw.

Die for the dog!

In front of Lan Ya, whose supernatural power level has reached level four, no matter how fast the zombie is, it is like a slow motion in a movie. It will fall to the ground in the blink of an eye.

Lan Ya still felt that it was not enough, so he dug open its head and searched for the crystal core roughly.

Because of this guy, I, the dog, may not even be able to chew bones today.

Woo woo woo.

Lan Ya became more and more angry as he thought about it, and finally crushed the zombie's skull with one claw.

Ji Yumo covered his bleeding palm, "It's okay, it's not your fault, don't worry about my injury."

Lan Ya whimpered and rubbed her calf with her head.

Ji Yumo gently rubbed Lan Ya's head to comfort her, then turned to look at Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan who had already been scared silly.

"Didn't you two say that you didn't find anything unusual in the second bedroom? Why would a zombie suddenly rush out!"

Ji Yumo's eyes were sharp.

She believed what the two said and didn't take precautions at all. If it weren't for Lan Ya following her, she didn't know how things would develop. She might even die here, or be infected and mutated and eventually become a zombie.

In short, the situation must be much worse than it is now.

Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan stammered and couldn't speak.

Lan Ya stepped forward with his teeth bared, staring at them fiercely, and immediately scared the two girls to sit on the ground.

The terrifying scene of Lan Ya crushing the zombie's head with his claws just now still lingers in their minds, and they are afraid that Lan Ya will trample on them with his claws.

Ji Yumo didn't say anything more when he saw them like this, he just turned around and left indifferently.

Although she wanted to leave the two of them here right now, after all, this was also a member that Song Chen brought back, and he was also her sister's friend and former roommate. In the end, she chose to bring them back to make Song Chen feel regretful.

Searching in the high-end residential area until evening, the group drove back to Dawn Base.

Song Chen was exchanging feelings with Grape Vine in the yard when he heard the sound of the vehicle's engine and walked out.

"Welcome back, was the operation going well?"

Cheng Siyuan nodded.

They searched for a lot of supplies in high-end residential areas and returned after loading four vehicles with no casualties.

This is already a good result for the first operation without Song Chen.


Cheng Siyuan turned to look behind him, "Brother Chen, Ji Yumo is injured."

Hearing this, Song Chen suddenly became nervous.

My aunt is actually injured?

Song Chen quickly asked: "What's going on?"

Cheng Siyuan shook his head, "I'm not sure, but it seems to be related to her two team members. Their names seem to be Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan."

Ji Yumo didn't explain to him in detail, he just vaguely told him what happened. He didn't know the specific situation.

Song Chen frowned.

I have some impressions of the names Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan.

If I remember correctly, these two people should be Ji Lu's roommates at Beicheng University. After the apocalypse broke out, they joined the team at the gymnasium. Later, after Song Chen killed Chen Yanting, the two of them followed the team and joined the base.

Song Chen didn't like them very much at that time.

Judging from his intuition after reading countless women, these two people did not look like good people.

But no matter what, they are Ji Lu's friends. As long as they don't cause trouble and work hard, Song Chen doesn't mind letting them live in the base.

But now that Ji Yumo was injured, he had to settle the score.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Song Chen patted Cheng Siyuan on the shoulder and asked him to handle the follow-up matters. He quickly walked to the end of the team and found Ji Yumo who was asking people to move supplies from the car.

Seeing Ji Yumo, Song Chen hugged her and walked toward the infirmary without saying a word.

"Song Chen?"

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