Early morning.

Song Chen gathered all the members together after breakfast.

"Today, a new outing mission is issued, and the target is the high-end residential area not far to the north."

There are still many open spaces around the villa area, but Song Chen does not want to limit the scope of the base to the villa area.

When the number of people in the base increases in the future, the areas of various departments will be divided one after another. The villa area alone will definitely not be enough, and it happens that there is a high-end residential area to the north of the villa area, which can be used as the living area for the base members.

It may be too early to talk about these now, but Song Chen prefers to do things in advance to avoid complications later.

Especially there are many residents in the high-end residential area.

More residents means more zombies.

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Judging from their current strength, it is definitely impossible to clean up the entire high-end residential area in a short time. The sooner they act, the better.

This was not the first time for the group to go out for action. They had no resistance to Song Chen's orders, but were eager to try.

Every action was accompanied by a reward of points, and the crystal cores obtained by killing zombies could be exchanged for points, which could be exchanged for food and daily necessities.

It was much safer than going out to kill zombies alone and relying on crystal cores to exchange for points, and they could also get more points.

After these days of observation, they had realized that as long as they had enough points, they could exchange what they wanted in the base.

The quantity and variety of materials in Song Chen's hands were far richer than they had imagined.

Not only that, points could also improve the level of members.

As long as they paid the corresponding points, they might even become core members, and they could get free meat every month, and even fresh seafood.

This was a fatal attraction for members who focused on food.

Seeing that all the members were eager to try, Song Chen did not continue to talk too much and directly handed over the right to speak to Cheng Siyuan.

Cheng Siyuan stood in front of everyone and began to group the members and make action plans according to his own judgment.

Song Chen will not accompany them on this outing.

The reason is that the destination of this operation is not far from the villa area, and there is no large amount of materials to be transported, so it is not meaningful for him to go with them.

The most important thing is that Song Chen wants to take this opportunity to train Cheng Siyuan.

Although Cheng Siyuan can do everything in an orderly manner when managing the group company, fighting is different from managing a company. Intuition, decision-making, on-site judgment and reaction to the battle are all very important.

Song Chen cannot always follow the team. When necessary, someone needs to stand up and take over the role of command. The responsibility will naturally fall on Cheng Siyuan, the deputy base commander.

So while the current zombie level has not caught up and the risk factor is not high, Song Chen wants to increase Cheng Siyuan's training.

Cheng Siyuan also understands Song Chen's good intentions and is seriously preparing to take on this burden.

Since it was an outing mission directly issued by Song Chen, the reward points were considerable, so most members chose to carry out the mission together, with only a few exceptions choosing to act on their own.

Song Chen did not force them to participate.

Anyway, if you want to live comfortably, you need points, and it is impossible to be lazy.

Instead, as long as they can bring back enough crystal cores, Song Chen encourages them to take positive actions.

After all, there are so many people in the base, he can't always be all-round, and the members have their own ideas, which saves him a lot of worry.

As for this operation without Song Chen, can safety be guaranteed?

The difference between the second-level zombies and the first-level zombies is not that big, but the defense, strength, speed and other aspects have increased a little.

It may be more difficult for the first-level and second-level psychics to deal with, but it is not a threat to Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo, whose psychic level has reached the third level.

What's more, there are members such as Chang Minghao and Yang Qian who are about to break through to the third-level psychic.

In short, there is no need to worry too much about personnel safety.

And the flowers in the greenhouse cannot survive in the cruel end of the world.

If the members need the protection of Song Chen and other high-level psychics at all times, how can the goal of becoming the strongest base be achieved?

Only after experiencing the wind and rain can you see the rainbow.

The survivors can only survive longer by fighting continuously.

Cheng Siyuan led the members to set off.

Although the high-end residential area is not far from the villa area, Cheng Siyuan still decided to drive there. Even if he encountered an emergency that he could not deal with, he could drive the vehicle to leave quickly, which is better than running around outside on his own two legs.

After the group set off in a mighty manner, only Liu Fang, Ji Lu and Song Chen were left in the huge Dawn Base.

Even Lan Ya was sent out by Song Chen to serve as a bodyguard for Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo.

Liu Fang was busy with her work in the cafeteria, while Ji Lu was taking care of the grape vines as usual.

I don’t know if it was Song Chen’s illusion, he always felt that the grape vines seemed to have grown a little bigger than when he first brought them back, especially the vines were much thicker, which was probably related to Ji Lu feeding it crystal cores every day.

After all, the grapevines had not encountered many zombies in the picking garden, let alone absorbing crystal cores.

Song Chen even guessed that this guy might soon be able to break through to the third level of supernatural power.

We should be able to figure out what kind of superpower this guy has awakened.


A total of 20 members participated in this outing.

For combat power considerations, Cheng Siyuan and Ji Yumo, who have the highest superpower levels, each brought two members, and the remaining 14 members were led by Chang Minghao and Yang Qian respectively.

Collective action is not efficient, and the training that can be obtained is limited, so after arriving at the high-end residential area, Cheng Siyuan asked each team to explore separately.

Lan Ya, who was independent of the formation, wanted to follow Cheng Siyuan, but was rejected by Cheng Siyuan, so she could only choose to follow Ji Yumo.

Ji Yumo led two members to explore the east side of the high-end residential area.

Coincidentally, these two members happened to be Ji Lu’s roommates at North City University, Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan.

After leaving North City University with Song Chen, the two had no other place to go, so they stayed with the others.

Fortunately, both of them awakened superpowers.

Sun Qianqian has wind superpowers, and Zhu Dandan has earth superpowers.

However, the two were not very proficient in using their special powers, especially Zhu Dandan, who could only make a small earth mound with all her strength, which was not very useful in actual combat.

In the past, they were always fishing in troubled waters in the large army. On weekdays, they would never step out of the room if they could stay at home. Even in the previous agricultural greenhouse operation, the two of them failed to kill a zombie, and only relied on the points of the task reward to get to where they are now.

If the points were not almost used up, the two would not choose to participate in this operation.

Ji Yumo did not participate in the previous operation, so he naturally did not know about this kind of thing, and only treated the two as ordinary members.

Pushing open the half-closed door, Ji Yumo waved to Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan.

"You two go to the second bedroom next door and be careful of zombies suddenly appearing."

After speaking, Ji Yumo took the lead in walking towards the master bedroom, and Lan Ya followed her closely.

A highly decomposed corpse was lying on the bed in the master bedroom. Judging from the bloodstains left around it, it is very likely that on the day of the apocalypse, the family members living together turned into zombies and bit them to death on the bed.

However, there was no sign of zombies in the master bedroom. It is very likely that they are in other rooms or have run away.

Thinking of this, Ji Yumo hurriedly left the master bedroom and prepared to check on Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan. However, he found that they were sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking around with disgust.

"Have you checked the situation in the second bedroom?"

Ji Yumo was a little surprised.

Sun Qian and Zhu Dandan answered in unison without thinking: "We have checked it, and there is nothing unusual."

Although it felt a little strange, it is also common for houses to be vacant. Ji Yumo did not take it to heart and continued to search other houses with the two of them.

Until the third house was searched.

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