Chapter 604 Exchange Conditions

“Who are you kidding me?” Ruowu’s eyes showed dissatisfaction, “You use the black spirit fox to save people, thinking I don’t know that this is a life for another life? Can the black spirit fox still have a life? Even if you are lucky enough to survive, it will no longer be the current Cultivation Base.”

Lu Changqing confided, “Either let us take the black spirit fox away, I can do something for you, or a battle, we don’t talk about gentlemen’s battles, as long as we can win, we will go together.” “Eight Nine Seven

He obviously wants the other party to see the reality clearly.

Shao Jun and others are also ready to face off.

Qiang Wu Zailu thought about it and said, “Can you really do something for me?”

Lu Changqing nodded solemnly, “But I have to explain one thing first, I will not do the murder and arson.”

Qiang Wu nodded, “Well, there is no such thing as murder and arson, but my condition is that you help me find the Lingxiang Pill. .”

“Okay, I promise you.” Lu Changqing thinks that as long as it is not doing bad things.

It was too late for Shao Jun to stop him.

“If I can’t get the Lingxiang Pill, I will enter the school of Master Lingzhi.” Qiang Wu dropped these words, turned around and walked away swaggeringly.

“What is this?” Chen Ling muttered as he watched his leaving back.

Lu Changqing said, “Don’t say so much for now, it’s important to go back and heal the spiritual master.”

Everyone walked back without stopping.

On the way, Shao Jun also asked Lu Changqing about Wuwu.

“People who are afraid of even Brother Lu must be extraordinary, right?” When speaking. Shao Jun also watched his reaction carefully, and he would be annoyed when he was angry.

Lu Changqing smiled slightly, “Speaking of this Qiang Wu, I have dealt with him once, and only once. This person is not only extraordinary in strength, but also makes good use of formation. If there is a conflict between our two sides, I don’t know how much we will delay. Days.”

For this, Chen Su recognized and was grateful to Lu Changqing.

“Brother Lu’s great kindness to me is unforgettable. When my uncle’s illness recovers, we will look for Lingxiang Pill.”

Lu Changqing nodded.

Shao Jun and Chen Ling also admired Lu Changqing’s actions very much and expressed their willingness to look for them with him.

They took the black spirit fox to Lingzhi Palace 0…

Lingzhi Palace is located on Lingzhi Mountain. It looks like a mountain villa. The scale of the mountain villa is not large, and it does not seem to have many disciples.

Although Lu Changqing had never met with the Master of Lingzhi, he is the younger brother of Lingyangzi, and he must be strong enough. Compared with Lingyangzi’s Lingyang Gate, he is nothing short of a big crow.

Chen Suxiang saw his thoughts and explained, “My uncle’s disciples are not many, there are only a dozen people. Since I brought some people here, this Lingzhi Palace is considered to be a bit of smoke.”

“Yes, it is nothing compared to Lingyang Gate.” Shao Jun said.

“My uncle is indifferent to fame and fortune, and only pays attention to personal Cultivation Base.”

Lu Changqing nodded, it is not difficult to understand why Chen Su would let go of his hatred, 2.9 the respect for the spiritual master added a bit.

Before they reached the Lingzhi Palace, someone greeted them from a distance.

“Junior Brother Chen.” The person headed is the great apprentice Qianji of Master Lingzhi, who seems to be in his thirties.

Chen Su also quickened his pace.

After arriving at the front, the phone looked at Lu Changqing and the others and asked Chen Su. “How about it, did you find it?”

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