Chapter 603: Facing Indifferently

“Convenience?” Qiang Wu coldly snorted again, “I gave you convenience, but who gave me convenience? No need to talk nonsense? I think you should know my temper.” His eyes shot a terrible light. .

Lu Changqing is not afraid of him, “Even if you have the strength, you can’t bully others, right? Besides, we caught the black spirit first.

“It looks like you are trying to force me to do it?”

“So what?” Chen Ling couldn’t suppress the fire anymore, and he thought he was crowded with people.

“Master Lingzhi is waiting for the black spirit fox’s blood to save his life. You won’t die without saving, are you?” Lu Changqing questioned him.

“Master Lingzhi?” Qiang Wu smiled coldly, “Does it have anything to do with me?”

Lu Changqing was also a little annoyed when he saw that this man was not importing oil and salt.

Qiang Wu stared at the cage in Chen Su’s hand. The Black Spirit Fox was lying helplessly in it, but his eyes flashed with hope.

It is waiting for people on both sides to fight, and it may find a chance to escape.

Lu Changqing has not fought against Qiang, the strength is indeed good, even if he copes with it, he may not have the chance to win, therefore, it is decided that Xiao Yi is righteous.

“People often say that saving one’s life is better than building a seventh-level Buddha.” Lu Changqing patiently does his ideological work.

Qiang Wu waved his hand, “You don’t come to this set, I must get the black spirit fox, what does the life and death of the spiritual master have to do with me?”

“Why don’t you speak any truth?”

Shao Jun, who hadn’t spoken much, couldn’t hold back the fire, after all, they were both young and energetic.

Qiang Wuxiang looked at Shao Jun, with contemptuous eyes, as if in his eyes, these people were just unknown juniors.

Chen Su wanted to solve it by force, but was stopped by Lu Changqing and pulled him aside.

“As far as I know, this Qiang Wu is superb. Although we are crowded, we may not be able to take advantage of it. We should discuss it with him so as not to fight and get out of control.”

Chen Su thinks what he said is reasonable, and now he only wants to save the spiritual master.

Lu Changqing said to Qiang Wu again, “As the master of Jingxin Jade Mine, you can be considered a good senior, so you won’t have the same knowledge as Juniors like us.”

Qiang Wu did not speak, but looked at him coldly.

Lu Changqing was already thinking about how to put a high hat on him.

0….seeking flowers…

“Even if the black spirit fox belongs to you, we borrowed to help, why should seniors make things difficult?” Lu Changqing tried to communicate with him.

“I have already said that the life and death of Master Lingzhi has nothing to do with me.” Qiang Wu said very coldly.

He looked very cold and ruthless, so impersonal.

Chen Su looked at Lu Changqing, as if saying: If this guy doesn’t eat hard or soft, he should solve it directly by force.

He was already a little impatient.

Lu Changqing sighed, “Why do you bother with seniors? We don’t want to be your enemy in meditation.”

“Then hand over the Black Spirit Fox.

“You are too unreasonable, right?” Chen Spiritual Qi said, “The black spirit fox was originally in the Lingxian Cave. When did you become your meditation jade mine?”

“I said yes.” Qiang Wu said domineeringly.

Facing his domineering and full-faced face, Chen Ling really wanted to punch him.

Lu Changqing didn’t want to fight him. He played against this kind of master. Not to mention his victory or defeat, he couldn’t afford to lose his time alone.

“Well, let’s take the black spirit fox to save people first, and then how about returning it to you?”

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