Chapter 605 The Helplessness of the Black Spirit Fox

Before he finished speaking, Chen Ling had already raised the cage containing the black spirit fox.

Overjoyed, Qianji said hurriedly, “Follow me, these people have worked hard with me, and I am grateful for them.

One of the disciples wanted to take the cage from Chen Ling, but was rejected.

As long as the Black Spirit Fox gets it, it doesn’t matter who takes it.

Under the leadership of Qianji, they came to the place where the Lingzhi Master lived.

Master Lingzhi lives in the three main rooms, lying on his back on the bed, looking like he is asleep, his face is pale and bloodless.

Qianji said hurriedly. “Disciple Chen, come and take a look. Since you left, you have been like this.” The anxiety of 07 was beyond words.

Chen Yu went to see, and whispered, “Uncle Master, I’m back.”

Slowly, Master Lingzhi opened his eyes, and when Shun saw Chen Su, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but couldn’t say it.

Chen Su hurriedly said, “Uncle Master, don’t worry, we have found the Black Spirit Fox, and we will heal you immediately.”

He turned and looked at Lu Changqing and the others.

In order to find the black spirit fox, they worked hard all the time, but it was important to save people and there was no time for them to rest.

Lu Changqing said he looked at Shao Jun and Chen Ling.

Shao Jun said, “What we have to do now is to exchange his blood. This is not too difficult for our Spirit Medicine Association, but it requires a quiet environment and does not allow anyone to disturb. Otherwise, once If there is a problem, it is irreversible.”

Qian Ji nodded quickly, “Just talk about what you need.

Shao Jun said to Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue, “Trouble you two to protect the law.”

Lu Changqing nodded, and looked at Xiao Muxue.

This fully demonstrates Shao Jun’s trust in Lu Changqing.

Shao Jun walked to the black spirit who was placed on the table again.

The black spirit fox’s eyes were full of fear.

Shao Jun sighed, “It is not easy for you to have such a Cultivation Base, but in order to save people, you can only be sacrificed, and I will save your life as much as possible.”

Even if he said that, the black spirit fox still looked at him resentfully.

Why doesn’t Shao Jun know its resentment?

“Okay, let’s start.” Shao Jun said to Chen Ling.

Chen Ling nodded his head and signaled Qian Ji and the others to go out.

Qian Ji was not relieved, so he looked at Chen Su.

Chen Su nodded and motioned for him to go out, Qian Ji took the others out, and did not go far, but waited for news outside the door.

Lu Changqing and Xiao Muxue also went out one after another, and they waited outside the door to prevent being disturbed. Chen Su stayed at the scene to help at any time.

Shao Jun and Chen Ling took out the seven of their own and put them on the table. First, they were disinfected with wine, and then they made a hole in the palm of the master of Lingzhi, and then made a hole in the palm of the black spirit fox. , Let the two 897 gaps face each other.

In order to prevent the black spirit fox from not cooperating, Shao Jun gave him a pill in advance to make him half-awake.

After doing all this, Shao Jun sat behind the master Lingzhi, and Chen Ling sat behind the black spirit fox. They worked at the same time, urging their blood to flow quickly.

Chen Su could clearly see from the side that as the black spirit fox’s blood flowed into the spiritual master’s body, his expression had gradually improved, while the black spirit fox had begun to weaken. This was working.

Shao Jun and Chen Ling breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time. When they both got up, a layer of sweat oozes on their foreheads.

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