Chapter 244 Farewell to Go Home

The city owner was dubious, and finally nodded in agreement.

After dealing with this, Lu Changqing just returned to the residence and saw that Wu Jing was talking to Xiao Muxue.

Wu Feng, who was sitting on the steps in front of the door, saw Lu Changqing come back and quickly got up to meet him, as if there was something to tell him.

Lu Changqing asked, “What’s wrong?”

Wu Feng said, “I have discussed with Little Sister, we are going home, family life has changed, and I don’t know what it is like now.”

Now that they have decided, Lu Changqing is not easy to stay, so he nodded.

“Then when are you going to leave?”

“I said goodbye to you and left.”

“Say 07 you are here to wait for me specially?”

“That’s it.”

Pu Muxue and Wu Jing walked towards them.

“Then I will give it to you.” Lu Changqing said.

Wu Feng’s sunny smile was mixed with reluctance, “No need to give it away, anyway, it’s inevitable to say goodbye, let’s say goodbye here.”

Lu Changqing nodded, “Well, then I wish you all the best.”

“Thank you.” Wu Feng said to his cupped hands, suddenly remembering something, “I have something here, which is considered a family heirloom. I will leave it to you as a memorial?”

Lu Changqing quickly declined, “No, no, since it is your heirloom, how can I ask for it?”

“It’s not too late for you to see what it is before you refuse.” As Wu Feng said, he took out a small box and opened it to him, and saw that there was a stone inside.

Lu Changqing was curious, a stone is actually a family heirloom, is there any difference in it?

Wu Feng motioned him to take out the stone with his eyes.

Lu Changqing stretched out his hand and took it out and looked at it repeatedly. Apart from the smooth surface of the stone itself, there seemed to be nothing special.

Wu Feng seemed to see his thoughts, “You must be thinking, this is at best a piece of jade with better texture, right?”

Lu Changqing smiled bitterly and shook his head, “I really don’t see anything special.”

Wu Feng nodded, “Under normal circumstances, he would treat it as a piece of jade, in fact, there is a spirit beast in it.”

As soon as this statement came out, Lu Changqing placed the stone in front of him again and looked left and right.

Xiao Muxue also felt curious and watched it together.

Wu Jing on the side said, “It is said that this spirit beast is very capable, as long as it can be hatched.”

Lu Changqing held the stone in his hand and could feel the energy fluctuations in the stone.

Although Lu Changqing is very curious about this, it is a family heirloom after all, and it is too expensive, how can it be collected?


Wu Feng said, “I know what you want to say. To be honest, I am a little reluctant. It took a long time to make such a decision.”

Lu Changqing would like to know why he made such a decision.

Wu Jing said, “I have discussed with Big Brother 723, you have helped us so much, and I have no intention of retributing it. Although this thing sounds tall, it is useless in our hands. It is a waste.”

Lu Changqing asked curiously, “Then how can this thing be hatched?

Wu Feng grinned at him, “If I know, do you think it will be given to you?”

Lu Changqing also wryly smiled, “Is this co-authoring?”

Wu Feng said seriously, “We all know that it is a treasure. Since it is a treasure, we need to make the best use of it. Put it in our hands. It is an ordinary stone. If it is in your hands, it might be very different.”

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