Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Three

Wu Fengxiang Lu Changqing looked at it, as if asking him if he could do it now?

Lu Changqing said in a low voice, “It looks like they are still waiting for someone.”

Wu Feng was a little uncomfortable, “Hurry up and close the Internet cafes, let them run away and they will lose everything.”

As soon as he finished speaking, another demon appeared.

The three demons are together, they should be leaving.

Lu Changqing immediately signaled everyone to split up, and “July Two Three” surrounded the three demon men.

When the devil saw it, he was shocked. They would never have thought that Lu Changqing and others would be lying in ambush here.

The devil was naturally not their opponent, so he was wiped out.

“Bring them back.” Lu Changqing ordered.

Wu Feng said, “Why are you going back under custody? Just kill it directly.

Lu Changqing grinned bitterly at him, “Killing them, how do you know about the situation of the waste?”

Wu Feng didn’t say anything, and the group escorted the demon back to the city.

The city lord was furious for not catching the devil. He heard that Lu Changqing had caught the devil, so he hurried over to look at it.

“Yes, it’s them.” The city lord pointed at the demon with his fingers, ecstatic, and turned to face Lu Changqing, “I am annoyed for letting them run away, so you caught them back.”

Lu Changqing said, “Interrogate them first, don’t you really want to know who killed your son?”

The city lord immediately conducted an interrogation, and learned from the devil’s mouth that it was they who killed the young city lord.

When the city owner heard this, he immediately wanted to cramp them and skin them, and wanted to step forward and beat them.

“You damn devil, killed my son, and I will swear against you.” The city lord roared, “Come here.”

Someone immediately responded.

Lu Changqing asked hurriedly, “What are you going to do?”

“I will kill them and avenge my son.”

“You calm down first.”

“How can I calm down?” The city lord gritted his teeth and said, “My son died so miserably. If he can’t avenge him, he will be a father.

Lu Changqing was really afraid that he would kill these demon in a moment of anger, so he quickly motioned to someone to take the demon away and take good care of it.

The city lord glared at Changqing, “Why don’t you let me kill them?”

“What use is it for you to kill them now? Although you are avenging your son, can you guarantee that the tragedy of Young City Lord will never happen again?”

“Don’t forget it?” The city lord said angrily, with his hands tightly clenched into fists, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out 0………..

“Of course you can’t just leave it like that.” Lu Changqing said, “It’s still useful to keep them.”

The city lord did not believe, “What use can they do? Do you still expect them to reform?”

Lu Changqing was so angry at his words Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

The city lord said impatiently, “If you want me to say, just execute them in public, let the people see that the devil has been caught, so as to calm people’s hearts.”

“Do you think there are only a few demon men? The people’s heart is calm, but what’s next? If there is another demon murder incident, how can you explain it to the people?”

“There will still be useless people?” The city lord changed his words, “Then come and kill one with a 2.9 until they dare not step into our place anymore.”

Lu Changqing could understand his feelings, but still tried his best to persuade him not to kill the demon.

“Let me tell you this, I want to use these demons to attract more demons. Think about it, their companions have been arrested, will they come to rescue them? Then we will be able to catch more demons. NS.”

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