Chapter Two Hundred and Forty-Five

“In this case, I will accept it.” Lu Changqing said, “Thank you two.

“You don’t have to send it, we’re leaving.” Wu Feng waved to him, and then left with Little Sister, which was also free and easy.

Lu Changqing stood there, watching their disappearance, then lowered his head and put the stone in the box.

“Can I see it?” Xiao Muxue was very curious about it.

Lu Changqing handed the box to her without even thinking about it.

Xiao Muxue walked into the house holding the box.

Lu Changqing didn’t care either. Instead, he thought that the Wu family brothers and sisters went back to reorganize the development of the family, but it was justified.

Suddenly he became upset. When he was given the heirlooms to himself, he had to return the gift anyway, but he forgot about it, and he could only look forward to seeing you again in the future.

Lu Changqing thought about something alone, and wanted to study the stone with Xiao Muxue.

Since there is a spirit beast bred inside, he is curious about what it is and how it can be hatched.

When I opened the door, I saw that the stone was placed on the table, while Xiao Muxue was lying on the table, squinting her eyes slightly, as if looking at the stone.

He didn’t take it seriously at first, but he immediately felt something was wrong, and quickly walked over and found that Xiao Muxue’s energy was being absorbed, and it was something in the stone that absorbed her energy.

“Get out of the way”||” Lu Changqing quickly wanted to wake her up.

Xiao Muxue was still there, as if she hadn’t heard it, as if she was half asleep.

Lu Changqing was anxious, and quickly reached out to push her away.

As soon as her hand touched Xiao Muxue’s shoulder, she felt her own energy being sucked away, and she quickly let go.

Xiao Muxue let out a late sound and moved.

Lu Changqing asked hurriedly, “How do you feel?”

Man Muxue lowered her eyes slightly, as if she had no energy at all, like a serious illness.

Lu Changqing didn’t have time to take care of anything else, so she got her pulse first.

“I’m so tired.” Xiao Muxue is now anxious to lie down and rest for a while.

Lu Changqing took her pulse and found that she had been sucked away from the body’s energy, causing weakness, which was not a major problem.

“Come on, I will help you to lie down on the bed for a while.” Lu Changqing helped her up and put her on the bed.

“How can I be so tired?

Xiao Muxue was also surprised.

Lu Changqing didn’t know what to say about her, so she had to comfort her, “It’s nothing, just rest for a while, I will pour you a glass of water.”

Xiao Muxue just hummed, and closed her eyes.

Lu Changqing took a glass of water and went to the table beside the bed. Then he turned his head and looked at the stone on the table.

At that moment, a small, cracking sound was heard.

Lu Changqing was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly walked over to look, and he saw a crack in the stone.

He took a breath and looked at Xiao Muxue again.

Pu Muxue seemed to be asleep.

Lu Changqing sat down on the chair by the table, staring at the stone.

No wonder the stone has a shape, like an egg, will it be hatched after absorbing Xiao Muxue’s energy? (Zhao Lihao)

It was the first time he faced this situation. He didn’t know how long it would take to incubate, so he waited silently.

Another crack broke, and Lu Changqing stood up, trying to see what his brother was inside.

I don’t know how long it took, it broke open like an eggshell, revealing a small head, and stretched his neck to look out.

When he saw Lu Changqing, he blinked his eyes.

Is this spirit beast?

Lu Changqing said in his heart.

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