Xiao Jiang looked at Yuan Jiyao who was rushing towards him, and with a flick of his body, he came behind her, hugged her around the waist, and after steadying her, he quickly let go.

"Although my legs have recovered, I still need to be more careful when walking."

After hearing Xiao Jiang's words, Yuan Jiyao nodded, recalling the scene just now, feeling shy and embarrassed, her heart pounding!

Yuan Yichun smiled and didn't say anything more.

"Mr. Xiao, when would you like to go to Ningjing City, Baoqi Province?"

"Tomorrow, given the current situation in Hong Kong, there is no need for me to intervene."

"Well, I'll go back and prepare first."

After saying that, Yuan Yichun was about to leave, but he saw that his sister seemed to be still standing there motionless.

He couldn't help but tease,"Ji Yao, are you planning to live here with Xiao Shao?" When

Yuan Jiyao heard what her elder brother said, her whole face instantly turned red with shame. After glaring at her elder brother, she said goodbye to Xiao Jiang and hurriedly left with Yuan Yichun. After watching the two siblings leave, Xiao Jiang was about to take a rest when Butler Xu trotted over again.

"Mr. Xiao, Zhang Heyi, the head of the Zhang family, suddenly came over and said that he had something important to discuss with you!"

"Zhang Heyi? I remember that he is not from Fang Cong's side, why is he suddenly interested in talking to me?"

Xiao Jiang fell into a moment of contemplation, and then said:"Let him in, I want to see what he is up to!"


Almost, about five or six minutes.

Butler Xu brought Zhang Heyi to the garden.

At Xiao Jiang's signal, Zhang Heyi sat opposite him. It was the first time for him to see Xiao Jiang in person at such a close distance.

Last time at the auction, due to the dim light, he did not see Xiao Jiang's face clearly.

The photo was also blurry.

This time, seeing it with his own eyes, he felt that Xiao Jiang was too young, so young that it was scary. He could not imagine that the young man in front of him was the one who, by his own strength, became the behind-the-scenes ruler of Nanzhou Province and the big boss who was not inferior to the Xu family.

""How come you, the head of the Zhang family, suddenly come to see me?" Xiao Jiang asked leisurely while sitting on a rattan chair.

When Zhang Heyi heard Xiao Jiang's words, he did not hide anything and his face began to become very serious.

"Mr. Xiao, I want to leave those two idiots Fang Cong and Xiao Ruihan and come to you!"

"Come to me?" Xiao Jiang sat up straighter after hearing these words, and asked with a smile:"It's interesting, but you suddenly choose to come to me, how can I trust you?"

"As long as you can take me in, I am willing to give you 30% of my company's shares!"

Zhang Heyi thought about this condition for a long time along the way, and finally made up his mind to give 40% of the shares.

The reason why he said 30% was that he was worried that saying 40% all at once would make Xiao Jiang feel it was too little. Therefore, it is better to quote a lower price at the beginning, and then let Xiao Jiang bid.

Xiao Jiang didn't care about the shares, and asked:"I'm curious, why did you suddenly choose to betray Fang Cong and turn to me." When

Zhang Heyi heard Xiao Jiang's words and thought of Fang Cong, he began to feel angry.

"Fang Cong, that bastard, actually dared to plot against me. He clearly wanted to take this opportunity to swallow me and Xiao Ruihan together."

"Xiao Ruihan, that fool, actually believed Fang Cong and helped him get 10 million from me!"

"Since Fang Cong is unjust, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

When he investigated the exact profit situation of Fang Cong's company, he had already begun to have doubts.

Some of Fang Cong's actions during this period made his doubts gradually turn into certainty!

And, asking him to give Xiao Ruihan 10 million became a fuse.

Xiao Jiang also roughly understood the situation from Zhang Heyi's words, and said:"So, you choose to join me?"

"Well, I hope that Young Master Xiao will forgive me. I promise to help you defeat those two guys. I have some bad evidence against them!"

Zhang Heyi smiled sinisterly.

Since he chose to join Xiao Jiang, he must hand in a satisfactory letter of surrender, and these evidences are the best letter of surrender.

"You go to see Patriarch Zhao and explain your intentions directly. I will notify you in advance. As for your company's shares, I am not interested."

"Yes, I promise to serve you wholeheartedly, Young Master Xiao!"

Hearing that Xiao Jiang didn't want his shares, he was very moved. In such a comparison, Xiao Jiang is much better than Fang Cong, Xu Can and those guys. He only regretted that he didn't come over earlier.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have lost so much during this period.

After a few simple negotiations, Zhang Heyi immediately got up and left, and quickly asked his driver to drive to the Zhao family.

Xiao Jiang tapped the table with his right hand again, muttering:"With the nature of those guys in the Xu family, I estimate that even if they can use Zhang Heyi to bring down Fang Cong and Xiao Ruihan,"

"It is estimated that Xu Can will take control of Fang Cong's assets in an instant."

"However, as long as Fang Cong and Xiao Ruihan disappear, the Xu family will have no roots in Hong Kong Province, and even if they control the assets of Fang Cong and Xiao Ruihan, they will not be able to hold on for long."

After saying this, he continued to drink the cup of hot tea leisurely.


The next day, at noon, when Xiao Jiang arrived at the airport, he saw Yuan Yichun and his sister still arguing.

When he got closer, he heard what they were arguing about.

It turned out that Yuan Jiyao wanted to go with them, but Yuan Yichun was worried about her sister's health, so she didn't want her to go with them.

"It's okay to let Yuan Jiyao go, this trip may be beneficial to her!"

Xiao Jiang said lightly.

The Yin Yu Immortal Body relies on absorbing Yin Qi to replenish its own strength. This trip may really be beneficial to Yuan Jiyao.

Seeing that Xiao Jiang had already spoken, Yuan Yichun could only agree reluctantly, but still warned:"However, you must listen to what Xiao Shao says honestly."

""Yes!" Yuan Jiyao nodded seriously.

She was obedient and gentle by nature, and she was also very smart. She would obey Xiao Jiang's orders without her elder brother's reminder.


Xiao Jiang took the two of them into the airport hall, and the plane happened to arrive at this time.

At about six o'clock that evening, they successfully arrived in Baoqi Province.

When leaving the airport hall, Fan Guang had already been waiting for his opponent, and the younger brother following behind him immediately stepped forward to take their luggage.

"Mr. Xiao, I have already arranged the hotel for you to stay!"

"As for the vendor you want to investigate, I haven't been there yet because the target is too large."

Fan Guang said helplessly. Ningjing City is very large after all, and three years have passed. It is really difficult to investigate a vendor with incomplete information.

After saying this, he looked at Xiao Jiang with some worry. After all, he did not hand in a satisfactory answer, and he was afraid that Xiao Jiang would be angry. He still remembered the fate of Meng Chao and others!

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