At this time,

Xiao Jiang was sitting cross-legged in the castle's garden by the sea.

A few minutes later, he slowly opened his eyes and gently exhaled.

"Now, his cultivation has barely entered the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm. As expected, without natural resources and treasures, his cultivation speed is still too slow."

While speaking, Butler Xu slowly walked in and stood respectfully behind Xiao Jiang:"Mr. Xiao, Master Yuan is here to visit you again. Do you want to invite him in?"

Xiao Jiang was a little confused when he heard Yuan Yichun coming.

Why did he come here suddenly? Could it be that Yuan Jiyao had another problem?

Thinking of this, he asked Butler Xu to let Yuan Yichun in.

A moment later.

Yuan Yichun pushed a wheelchair in, and Yuan Jiyao was sitting in the wheelchair.

Yuan Jiyao had not walked for many years, which led to some degeneration and her legs could not walk normally.

Therefore, she needed a period of rehabilitation training.

""Mr. Xiao!" Yuan Yichun shouted respectfully.

Xiao Jiang sat on the rattan chair, nodded slightly, looked at Yuan Jiyao in the wheelchair, and chuckled,"It seems that you have recovered well."

"Hello, thank you for saving me!" Yuan Jiyao replied hurriedly. When she saw Xiao Jiang, she was actually a little surprised. She didn't expect that the young master Xiao, whom her elder brother admired so much , was actually a young man who was not even her age.

"It's okay."

Xiao Jiang waved his hand, looked at Yuan Yichun, and asked:"Master Yuan, what's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"I came here mainly to thank Xiao Shao for saving my sister's life and helping her return to a normal life!"

Yuan Yichun's face gradually became serious, and he asked carefully,"Secondly, a good friend of mine in Thailand suddenly told me yesterday that the Jiangtou Sect has recently listed you as a must-kill person!"

"How did you offend the Jiangtou Sect?"

Yuan Yichun himself was also very puzzled. The Jiangtou Sect was far away in Thailand, and Xiao Jiang was in Yanxia, so they had nothing to do with each other.

Why did this Jiangtou Sect list Xiao Jiang as a target to be killed?

After hearing Yuan Yichun's words, Xiao Jiang slowly picked up the teacup in front of him:"I killed two Jiangtou masters some time ago. Maybe they were from that so-called Jiangtou Sect."

"So that's how it is." Seeing that Xiao Jiang didn't seem to care, Yuan Yichun couldn't help but remind him,"Young Master Xiao, this Jiangtou Sect is a major sect in a series of Southeast countries such as Thailand and northern Myanmar."

"However, this sect of magic tricks specifically recruits black-clad magic trick masters. The so-called black-clad magic trick masters are a group of guys who like to kill. If you are targeted by them, there will be no good end."

""Mr. Xiao, you should be more careful."

Yuan Yichun had dealt with this sect several times and knew how powerful it was.

"They are just a group of rats hiding in the dark. If they dare to set foot in Yanxia, I will make sure they never return!"

Xiao Jiang said calmly, but he was full of domineering aura, which made people feel awe.

Yuan Jiyao looked at Xiao Jiang in surprise. He looked only in his twenties, but he had such a terrifying aura and strong self-confidence.

After hearing these words, Yuan Yichun did not say anything more. He suddenly took out a wooden box from the storage bag of the wheelchair.

"Mr. Xiao, I know you like medicinal herbs. This herb may not be of a very good age, but its medicinal properties are definitely very strong. Please accept it!"

"Otherwise, I would feel really bad!"

Xiao Jiang helped him cure his sister and gave her a chance to live like a normal person.

He really didn't know how to repay such a great favor, so he planned to give this herb that he had collected for three years to Xiao Jiang.

When Xiao Jiang saw the wooden box, he felt a strong yin energy.

He took the wooden box and opened it. A herb that exuded a minty fragrance and looked like a red spider lily lay quietly inside.

"Where did you get this wooden box and this medicinal herb?"

"Three years ago, I went to Ningjing City, Baoqi Province, to help a wealthy businessman deal with Feng Shui. I bought the Yin-Yang fish jade pendant from a vendor."

Speaking of which, Yuan Yichun couldn't help but recall that the vendor had a lot of strange and good things in his hands.

Unfortunately, at that time, he was in a hurry to leave, so he bought the herbs and the Yin-Yang fish jade pendant and left in a hurry. When

Xiao Jiang heard that it was bought from a vendor, he became a little interested.

Whether it is the Yin-Yang fish jade pendant, this herb, or the wooden box containing the herb.

They all have Yin energy, which means that these things were all dug out from the ancient tomb, and it seems that it is not an ordinary tomb.

"I will accept this wooden box. Can you take me to Ningjing City, Baoqi Province, to find the vendor?"

Faced with Xiao Jiang's invitation, Yuan Yichun was extremely excited. This meant that he had a chance to get close to Xiao Jiang.

However, he thought of his sister who had not yet fully recovered, so he decided to refuse.

"Xiao Shao, I'm sorry, I may not have time to accompany you, but I can give you the address!"

Yuan Yichun may not remember the exact location, but he still has a vague memory of the approximate location.

"Is it because of Yuan Jiyao? If I restore her ability to walk now, will I have time?"

Xiao Jiang asked calmly.

Upon hearing the news, Yuan Yichun hurriedly asked,"Mr. Xiao, do you really have a solution?"


Xiao Jiang said as he came to Yuan Jiyao, slowly squatted down, and reminded her:"Next, it may be a little painful, don't move!"

""Hmm!" Yuan Jiyao nodded seriously, and clenched her teeth subconsciously.

The next second, several silver needles appeared in Xiao Jiang's hand. These silver needles quickly pierced into the acupuncture points, constantly stimulating Yuan Jiyao.

The pain was like ant bites. It was not painful, but very uncomfortable.

This situation lasted for about ten minutes.

Xiao Jiang quickly pulled out the silver needles and slowly stood up:"Try to stand up from the wheelchair."

""Huh?" Yuan Jiyao still felt that she had no feeling in her legs.

But after hearing Xiao Jiang's words, she had to do as he said and tried to stand up.

The moment she moved, her body seemed to regain control of her legs.

Slowly, she began to stand up, from the original staggering gait to the normal walking.

The rehabilitation training that originally required about a month, now only took less than ten minutes, and she was fully recovered.

"Well, I can continue to walk on the ground!"Yuan Jiyao laughed happily.

After lying in bed in a coma for so many years, she finally woke up and ended up sitting in a wheelchair.

She naturally longed to be able to walk normally.

""Mr. Xiao, thank you!" Yuan Jiyao blushed slightly and thanked him with great gratitude.

As a result, when she was walking towards Xiao Jiang, she stumbled and fell into Xiao Jiang's arms.

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