"It's okay. I will investigate this matter myself. Take us to the hotel first."

"Yes!" Fan Guang secretly wiped a cold sweat and quickly invited Xiao Jiang and others to get into the car.

Just as he sat in the car, Yuan Yichun couldn't help but ask:"I remember that the most powerful person in your Ningjing City should be Meng Chao. I am quite familiar with him."

"Take me to meet him, maybe he can help me find the vendor."

He came to Ningjing City three years ago to help a wealthy businessman modify Feng Shui. This wealthy businessman was none other than Meng Chao.

When Fan Guang heard the name"Meng Chao", his heart instantly rose to his throat!

He subconsciously looked at Xiao Jiang.

Seeing that Xiao Jiang did not express anything, he pulled the corner of his mouth and explained:"Meng Chao was killed some time ago."

"Now, the entire Ningjing City is under the coordination of me!"

"Meng Chao is dead?"

Yuan Yichun couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He has been staying in Hong Kong Province for these years and rarely cares about things in other provinces.

However, in his impression, Meng Chao is equivalent to a local emperor in Ningjing City. Who would have the courage to kill him?

Thinking of this, when he was about to ask, his sister Yuan Jiyao beside him suddenly poked his waist with her left hand, signaling him not to speak.

Yuan Yichun is not a fool, and he reacted suddenly.

Could it be that the person who killed Meng Chao was Xiao Shao?!

Thinking about it carefully, there is indeed this possibility. After all, as the current ruler of Ningjing City, everyone must be respectful to Xiao Jiang.

Basically, it can be concluded that Meng Chao was definitely killed by Xiao Jiang.

Xiao Jiang is the behind-the-scenes ruler of Ningjing City, and Fan Guang is just helping him manage this area.

Yuan Yichun couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. Ningjing City, which is so far away, is actually under the control of Xiao Jiang.

He simply couldn't imagine what level Xiao Jiang's achievements would reach in the future.

Ten minutes later.

Fan Guang took them to the arranged hotel for admission. accommodation.

Because of Xiao Jiang's arrival, Fan Guang specially arranged the highest standard presidential suite. It costs about 50,000 or 60,000 yuan a night, which is quite expensive.

Moreover, he heard that Xiao Jiang brought two people with him, so he opened three rooms at once.

More than 100,000 yuan a night is only a small amount of money for Fan Guang now.

After he took over all of Meng Chao's industries, his net profit alone reached tens of millions every month. If you add the business behind the scenes, it is estimated that it is close to the edge of over 100 million.

For this reason, he even felt that the room he opened for Xiao Jiang was too cheap, but this hotel is already the best hotel in Ningjing City.

After staying in this hotel for one night, the next day, Yuan Yichun took Xiao Jiang and Yuan Jiyao to the commercial street where they met the vendor.

The scale of this commercial street is the largest in the entire Ningjing City, which makes it difficult to find a small vendor.

Yuan Yichun had to rely on his memory to search bit by bit.

Finally, they came to an ordinary small supermarket.

Looking at this supermarket, Yuan Yichun frowned:"Did I remember it wrong? It shouldn't be..."

"There is no change around, why did the original stall become a supermarket?"

At this point, he planned to go in and ask.

"Boss, I remember this was not a place for vendors before, how come a supermarket was suddenly built here?"

The supermarket owner saw the three of them and thought they were not simple people, so he said,"You are all from other places, right ?"

"Half a year ago, this was indeed the location designated for vendors, but due to planning reasons, the vendors here had already moved away!"

"Do you know a guy who specializes in selling all kinds of antique toys and rare medicinal herbs?"

"You mean Wang Weicheng, that guy? He stopped being a vendor a year ago.

The supermarket owner used to buy things from Wang Weicheng's stall, so he naturally had some impression of him.

Yuan Yichun saw that the supermarket owner knew him, so he hurriedly asked,"Where does he live now? I have something to talk to him about."

"He? He should live in a small village called Yinlin Village"

"Thank you!"

After leaving the supermarket, Yuan Yichun quickly came to Xiao Jiang and said respectfully:"Mr. Xiao, I have heard that the man seems to live in a place called Yinlin Village."

"Well, let's go and have a look!"

After Xiao Jiang finished speaking, he hailed a taxi.

The three of them left the city and drove towards the so-called Yinlin Village.

I don't know if it's because Yinlin Village is too remote, or because of something else, the road is getting muddier as you go there.

As a result, when they were less than a kilometer away from Yinlin Village, the taxi couldn't get in, so Xiao Jiang and the other two had to walk there.

If it weren't for Yuan Yichun and Yuan Jiyao, Xiao Jiang could reach Yinlin Village in less than a minute.

However, because of the two of them, Xiao Jiang put his hands behind his back and slowly accompanied them to Yinlin Village.

It took about half an hour.

Yinlin Village is really as the name suggests. It really looks gloomy. There are many old houses around, but almost no one lives in them, which makes it dilapidated.

As a Feng Shui master, Yuan Yichun quickly noticed that something was wrong and frowned:"Someone has destroyed the Feng Shui here, causing this place to become a place where yin gathers."

"No wonder there are no villagers living around, probably they all moved out of the village"

"By the way, are there really people living in this kind of village?"

A golden light flashed in Xiao Jiang's eyes, and his spiritual sense quickly covered the area. He quickly retracted his spiritual sense and walked inside.

"There are people living inside."

Yuan Yichun and Yuan Jiyao looked at each other. How could they know that there were people in the village standing at the entrance of the village?

Could it be that Young Master Xiao had the ability to see through things?

The two siblings had this thought almost at the same time.

In their eyes, spiritual consciousness might be considered as the ability to see through things. However, strictly speaking, spiritual consciousness is much more powerful than the ability to see through things. The ability to see through things can only be used for simple perspective, but spiritual consciousness can also capture tiny traces, which is convenient for tracking.

After the three entered the village, they slowly walked in. It was broad daylight, the sun was shining brightly, but there was a biting cold wind inside.

Yuan Jiyao's body was relatively delicate, and she couldn't help shivering in such a cold wind.

As they went deeper, Yuan Jiyao was surprised to see a little girl who looked about eleven or twelve years old, squatting by the clear stream washing clothes.

"There are no adults in the village, but I didn't expect there would be a little girl!"Yuan Jiyao said subconsciously.

The little girl seemed to have heard Yuan Jiyao's words, and subconsciously stood up quickly and turned her head to look at them.

"You… who are you?" The little girl looked at Xiao Jiang and the other two with great vigilance, and subconsciously tightened her grip on the mallet that she was using to hit clothes!

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